The Ice Law Why ignore a person is toxic behavior?

The Ice Law Why ignore a person is toxic behavior?

There are healthy ways to face disagreements in one relationship and other ways that are very destructive. One of those is The Ice Law, which consists in stop talking to a person or avoiding it at all costs.

An analysis of 74 studies published in the magazine Communication Monographs deepened the effects of a behavior called demand pattern-irrigated. "Marriage therapists and clinicians have dealt with this problem since 1930, but only since the end of the 1980s the scientists began to study it", The Professor of the Cristina de Texas University, Paul Schrodt, principal studio researcher indicated to the Business Insider portal.

Schrodt's study showed that the demand-demanding pattern, which includes the ice law, can lead to the dissatisfaction of the relationship and even be a divorce factor. "The more polarized the couple's members become, the more difficult it is for them to stop getting involved in those behaviors", Schrodt expressed to The Wall Street Journal.


  • What is the law of ice?
  • Signal of bad conflict and ostracism management
  • Why did anyone want to use the ice law?
  • The Ice Law and its consequences
    • 1. Emotional trauma
    • 2. Stress
    • 3. Behavioral changes
    • 4. Destroys relationships
  • What to do when the ice law applies?
    • 1. Keep calm
    • 2. Find out what the problem is
    • 3. Try to speak
    • 4. Understand the reason
      • Bibliographic references

What is the law of ice?

The ice law consists of a series of behaviors to ignore a person.

Some people perform this type of actions unconsciously and others can use it to damage others. This type of action It occurs in all kinds of relationships: couple, friends, parents and children, etc.

Implies the existence of a previous conflict. However, on some occasions, the victim of this type of behavior ignores this problem, precisely because the other has not openly expressed it.

The Ice Law corresponds to actions such as stop talking to someone, not taking into account what the other says or pretending that he is not heard, take distance and avoid the company of a certain person, as if they were infected with something; ignore the express requests or needs and lead to any behavior that aims to cancel or invisible someone.

This type of treatment is either used in couple relationships or other links can greatly harm the relationship. Studies have shown that this behavior decreases the satisfaction of the relationship as well as the feelings of intimacy and ends up reducing the ability to communicate in a healthy and significant way.

Signal of bad conflict and ostracism management

Elisabeth Shaw, CEO of the Couples Therapy Center Relationships Australia NSW, points out that this behavior can be described as emotional abuse, even if there is no intention of hurting, Ice law can have annoying consequences for the other person, becoming a real concern when it comes to repetitive behavior.

The surprise and the important potential of this emotion

Why did anyone want to use the ice law?

These types of behavior are quite harmful to the human being. Not only denote immaturity, meanness and lack of emotional intelligence, but they can also generate serious effects on the other person.

Besides, They constitute an attempt to control and vex others and do not represent anything positive for a relationship. Other times it consists of one way of punishing the other part. When anger and conflicts are not managed well, it tends to want to harm the other and to take revenge instead of using self -control and focus on solutions.

The Ice Law and its consequences

If you apply this type of behavior in your relationships, you should know that the Ice law or silent treatment They can cause damage to your link with others in the following ways:

1. Emotional trauma

By ignoring a person, it can experience many overwhelming emotions. It is then when it appears, the Ice Law doing that victims experience rejection, guilt, loneliness and despair.

2. Stress

When A person is ignored by someone Sometimes it makes a person feel that he has done something wrong and that he must act to resolve the conflict. So much so that it can harm the self -esteem of those who receive it causing stress to people in the face of this attitude.

3. Behavioral changes

People who receive treatment through the Ice Law, generally end up behaving so that it would not normally do, and this happens because They don't know how to approach the person who is ignoring them And therefore they end up behaving differently from how they normally do.

4. Destroys relationships

The problem of ice is communication. Treating someone through this type of attitude can harm the link in such a way that it ends up ending the relationship. And this happens since Ignore someone ends up destroying intimacy and trust that exists between two people.

What to do when the ice law applies?

If you are receiving this treatment from a relative, a friend, or the couple, you must keep in mind that this attitude can be harmful to your mental health, which implies that you must act to face this situation.

Therefore, if you see that the Ice Law is affecting you, quickly resorts to these tips:

1. Keep calm

Applying the Ice Law can irritate the person who receives it is important keep calm at all times

2. Find out what the problem is

If the indifferent attitude towards you is worrying you, it is best to investigate what happened and why that person is applying the ice law.

3. Try to speak

Try to approach that person and ask him because he is exercising the ice of ice with you, so you can make the other person end up explaining how he feels.

4. Understand the reason

If you think that the person who is ignoring you does to harm you, it is important detect that you are facing a relationship that is not healthy for you, It is best to end this type of emotional manipulations and blackmail.

You should know that you should not ignore a person if you are upset with him or her for all the consequences that this can generate in your relationship. If this is your way of acting or you are receiving the effects of the Ice Law and you do not know how to change this situation, we recommend you consult a professional psychologist to help you.

Remember, don't let anyone mistreat you through ignorance.

Bibliographic references

  • Silent Treatment. Good Therapy. https: // www.Goodtherapy.Org/Blog/Psychpedia/Silent-Tatment
  • Young, K (2019). The Surprising Truth About The Silent Treatment. Hey Sigmund. https: //
  • Klein, A (2020). Is the silent treatment a form of abuse? Medical News Today. https: //
  • Legg, T (2019). How to answer when sumone gives you the silent treatment. Healthline. https: //