Perls's law is worth living worried?

Perls's law is worth living worried?

Are you constantly stressed? Do you think you worry about thinking imaginary scenarios? If so, this article is for you.

We present one of the Gestalt Therapy products: Perls's Law, in which Fritz Perls proposes Do not spend unnecessary time to stressful thoughts that do not deserve it.

If you think you have spent too much time in situations that are worthy of it, keep reading, we will reflect on the benefits of focusing on the present to maintain well -being in our lives.


  • Fritz Perls
    • Gestalt therapy
  • So what is Perls's law?
  • Conclusion
    • References

Fritz Perls

Friederich (Fritz) Perls was a neuropsychiatrist and psychoanalyst. He is recognized for having been one of the creators of Gestalt therapy, who originally had the purpose of being an alternative to the traditional psychoanalysis, along with his wife Laura Perls and Paul Goodman in the 1940s.

Born in Berlin in 1893, Perls served the German army and at the end of the war he obtained his doctor's title. Coming La Paz, contributed to treating soldiers with serious brain sequelae and that was how it began to be interested in psychoanalysis.

Once established in Johannesburg with his wife, when leaving Germany because of the arrival of Nazism, they developed a therapy they called "revised psychoanalysis", although it would later be recognized as Gestalt therapy.

Gestalt therapy

As already advanced, psychotherapy created by Perls emerged as an alternative to popular psychoanalysis. Seeking to develop the personal growth and potential of each to the maximum, Its objective is to integrate thoughts with behaviors, so that the patient manages to acquire greater awareness of himself and his feelings.

This therapy pursues self -realization and aims to seek satisfaction from focusing on the present.

Leave the past behind to focus on the present. This could be a good summary of the main ideas that Gestalt therapy raises. Positioning themselves on the basis that certain relationships, behaviors, thoughts and feelings block the possibility of being rational and preventing thinking clearly generating discomfort, proposes to give importance to the here and now not to wear psychic energy in thoughts that do not deserve it.

For these reasons mentioned above, it is efficient to deal with problems related to self -esteem, depression, loss of control and anxiety. Your main objective consists of Bring the patient to know himself, identify his unconscious recurring mechanisms that generate discomfort and thus modify them. From this slogan, it is possible to integrate thoughts, feelings and behavior to increase well -being and avoid focusing on ideas that do not deserve and harm the patient's life.

This therapy can be performed in a group or individual, but its objective is always the same: focus on developing individual potential to achieve personal growth.

So what is Perls's law?

As the name implies, the German psychoanalyst creator of Gestalt therapy, Fritz Perls, is attributed by the creation of Perls law. This is that we should take care of what deserves it and not worrying about the rest.

Proposing not spending too much energy on imaginary thoughts or hypothetical situations, Perls's law proposes that we become aware of what happens to us in order to analyze which thoughts deserve concern and which do not. In addition, it proposes to review our concerns that we determine true to measure if they are really as serious as we believe or we are creating a dramatic scenario for others.

According to Perls, The stress and anxiety that generates to review events of the past or try to anticipate distressing situations that could occur in the future, only put obstacles to our productivity and well -being, affecting our daily life in all its aspects.

As Gestalt therapy proposes, to follow Perls's law, we must Take awareness of our thoughts to unify them with our actions. The key is not to worry about others with situations that are not deserving of it, statistically Perls found that:

  • 40% of the things that concern us will never happen.
  • 30% of the situations that worry us have happened, so being spending time and energy in thinking about them makes no sense.
  • 12% is about health problems that have not been confirmed.
  • 10% correspond to tiny concerns, minors for others.
  • Only the remaining 8% deserves that we place attention.

8% of a totality is a very small portion, don't you think?

24 famous phrases by Dan Ariely


Having read about the Perls, the Gestalt therapy that he created and the law that bears his name, we propose to apply tactics to rethink our concerns and thus not stress unnecessarily, moving away from well -being.

According to the SAR, the word worries implies "occupying something before or in advance". This definition clarifies: Concern is an unnecessary advance to events that we do not know yet if specifically will occur.

The next time you feel anxious or stressed to be worried we propose to think: “Is this situation worthy of my current state?". This will increase your productivity and achieve well -being, avoiding spending time to what does not deserve it.


  • Baumgardner, p., & Perls, F. (1975). Legacy from Fritz.
  • Becker, e. (1982). Growing Up Rugged: Fritz Perls and Gestalt Therapy. Revision.
  • Castanedo, c. (1993). Gestalt therapy: now and how. Six psychotherapeutic approaches. Mexico, DF: Modern Manual.
  • Murguía, w. J. EITHER. (2019). Fritz Perls: a psychosomatic biography.