Hypnophilia, what is it

Hypnophilia, what is it

Hypnophilia, also called somnophilia -although they are different -it is a paraphilia in which sexual excitement predominates, or orgasm is obtained, when interacting sexually with a person who sleeps.

The characteristic that predominates in Paraphilias is the presence of fantasies, as well as sexual behaviors, whose source of pleasure is not found in the exercise of sexual function, but in another activity that accompanies it. That is, gratification depends on sexual behavior that is atypical.


  • Paraphilias and hypnophilia or somnophilia
  • Somnophilia paraphilia
  • Treatment
    • Bibliography

Paraphilias and hypnophilia or somnophilia

As the author Rafael Jiménez Díaz indicates, in his study on the genesis of sexual paraphilias, following the DSM-IV, so that a subject receives a diagnosis of paraphilia must present, for a period of at least six months, sexual fantasies recurring and highly exciting and sexual impulses or behaviors related to the paraffilical object in question.

Fantasies, impulses or behaviors must cause clinically significant discomfort or social, labor or other important areas in the subject's life. However, although the definition is consistent, it is full of controversies, especially because There are behaviors that generate individual or social discomfort in some cultures, but not in others.

In any case, the origin of the word somnophilia comes from the Latin root "Somnus ", that translates as 'dream', equivalent to the Greek God of sleep hipnos. As for the term "FILIA ", that derives from the Greek and means 'love'. Therefore, the word hypnophilia or somnophilia applies to refer to paraphilia that involves sleep. In these cases, Hypnophilia refers to the person who masturbates while observing another person sleeping, while with the term somnophilia reference is made to people who go a little further And they caress or have physical sexual practices with the person who is in the state of sleep.

Likewise, this paraphilia is called from the Sleeping Beauty Syndrome, Due to the relationship with the narration of Charles Perrault, in which he tells about a young woman who falls asleep for a century, but who is awakened by a prince who admires her beauty. Thus, the name of the syndrome refers to the attraction in which the prince is involved by the young woman who sleeps, compared to the person who is excited sexually with a sleeping person.

Somnophilia paraphilia

As Svein Overland indicates, in his study on somnophilia and sleeping beauty, clinically paraphilias are usually divided into two groups: those that refer to specific objects, such as fetishes, and those that refer to behavior, as Voyerism or exhibitionism.

In the case of somnophilia this would be classified by definition within behavior paraphilias, however, an action on fantasy is required. In this sense, some people describe the sleeping situation as sexually exciting, which includes carefully removing the comforting the person who sleeps.

Based on this, the excitation pattern could be classified based on objects. In other cases, there are those who admit that sexual excitement for sleeping women is due to their defenseless status, which makes it an 'easy victim'. But, In these cases, fantasies are closer to those of violations that to somnophilia as it has been classically cataloged.

Regarding specific sexual excite victim, terror prey to a stranger.

However, according to Svein, Somnophilia is mainly sexual arousal regarding sleeping people who are not couples, Although the limits are vague, since both somnophilia and sleeping beauty syndrome have described very little in literature.

It was in 1986 when the psychologist and sexologist John Money made a description of domnophilia as a type of predator type, merodeter, in which erotic excite Through erotic caresses, including oral sex, without implying violence or struggle.

Therefore, the practice of this paraphilia includes several ranges that range from sexual excitement, masturbation and the practice of sexual relations with the subject that is unconscious due to sleep.

The person suffering from somnophilia is exciting for fear of being discovered if the other person awakens. Well, the somnophile can masturbate when seeing the person sleep or get to intercourse with that person, to the point of committing sexual abuse.

This is because in the state of sleep of rapid ocular movement (REM), the body experiences the erection of the clitoris, in the case of women, and the night penis tumes, in the case of man, so that processes would be given sexual that could foster a penetration.

Thus, while the subject is in the state of sleep, the practice of fellatio or masturbation could occur.

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In general, it is difficult for the subject who suffers from somnophilia, reaches the intercourse, because the body tends to stay alert, in addition to the sound and movement that could make the individual awaken.

But, it is a practice whose main symptoms are the attraction for the people who are in a state of unconsciousness due to the dream, as well as for the fantasies recurring with people who sleep.

The most common treatments are psychotherapy, especially those in which cognitive behavioral techniques are used. In some cases, hormones or psychotropic medications could be necessary.

What are paraphilias?


  • Colombino, a. F. (1999). Update: paraphilias ©. Doctor13(1), 7-35.
  • Díaz, r. J. (2012). The genesis of sexual paraphilias and egodistonic homosexuality: the model of tension mechanisms. Advances in Latin American Psychology30(1), 146-158.
  • Muse, m., & Frigola, G. (2003). The evaluation and treatment of paraphilic disorders. Psychosomatic Medicine Notebooks and Liaison Psychiatry65(1), 55-65.
  • Overland, Svein. (2018). Somnophilia and The Sleeping Beauty Syndrome - The Unknown Patterns of Aroual. Journal of Psychology & Clinical Psychiatry. 9. 10.15406/JPCPY.2018.09.00560.