Fibromyalgia, diagnostic problems and treatment

Fibromyalgia, diagnostic problems and treatment

Fibromyalgia (FM) is a chronic and degenerative disease, which is characterized by the presence of generalized pain or significant rigidity which affects at least 3 different areas of the body for at least 3 months. Patients have pain and inflammation in fibrous tissues, such as the musculoskeletal system, they usually have hypersensitivity towards pain and weather changes. The etiology of the disease is still a mystery even for experts.

Other symptoms they present are: fatigue, anxiety, the feeling of numbness in some parts of the body, chronic headache, irritable colon syndrome, some auditory symptoms (tinnitus) and in the case of women, they usually suffer from menstrual disorders.


  • Challenges and challenges in fibromyalgia diagnosis
  • Diseases with which FM is usually incorrectly diagnosed
  • Fibromyalgia diagnosis and gender differences
  • A hope in treatment: ozone therapy vs. Fibromyalgia
    • Links

Challenges and challenges in fibromyalgia diagnosis

At present and usually the diagnosis of this disease is not objective as it can be with other conditions, Diagnosis is usually clinical. Today, there is the necessary technology to measure the reaction of painful stimuli, tests to assess performance and resistance to both physical and psychological tiredness, there are instruments to assess sleep quality. However, it is most frequent that doctors only resort to clinical diagnosis, sometimes by limitation of resources of all kinds, both of the patient and the doctor or even the unit itself where they perform their noble work, since many countries do not count With those services for the entire population.

It is taken into account for clinical diagnosis The absence of other causes. It is done through Exclusion of other diseases and other secondary causes such as: endocrine diseases, infections, tumors, trauma or other rheumatic conditions are discarded.

Diseases with which FM is usually incorrectly diagnosed

Some doctors do not have empathy, training, time or simply the will that are required to adequate and treat fibromyalgia. This is partly because there is only three decades investigating this condition and There is ignorance of the disease in general.

It happens frequently, that doctors confuse the diagnosis, since some symptoms referred to by the patient resemble other delicate diseases. Many patients with fibromyalgia are poorly classified, which has an impact on their health directly, because they are treated as if they had another disease.

The most common conditions with which fibromyalgia are usually confused are: Different types of arthritis, rheumatic polymyalgia, chronic fatigue, lupus, hypothyroidism, interstitial cystitis and Lyme disease.

The FM has an emotional factor, which is often not recognized, Therefore they come to associate it with psychological or psychiatric problems, such as somatization, hypochondría, anxiety disorders and mood, among others. You can do the somatization test if you have doubts.

Minor symptoms often affect what is believed in diagnostic failure, as there is modulation of physical activity symptoms, which means that when remaining inactive, they have difficulty in movement due to body stiffness, which improves With activity, whenever it is moderate.

For this reason, many times when the patient arrives with the doctor for his care, pain and some symptoms may have yielded. Patients usually attend the doctor to help them improve their health and understand what is happening to them ... with fibromyalgia this sometimes does not happen like this.

Remember that as an individual You have the right to health And in turn, patients also have rights:

PTSD: Origin, symptoms and treatment

Fibromyalgia diagnosis and gender differences

Fibromyalgia is more frequent among women and unfortunately The diagnosis for them can take a few more years that in the case of men, it even becomes ignored, with the damages that this implies for health.

This is a sad reality for many women suffering from diseases of this type, because apart from loading with their own pain and real symptoms of a True and great physical condition, They carry an extra dose of frustration, anguish, confusion, stress and changes in mood that could be derived from a greater depression, because it is a disconcerting disease, even for experts.

The Gender difference has proven to be a risk factor For patients with certain chronic diseases like this, they have serious and sometimes irreversible consequences for your health, This also due to Sociocultural factors, because in some cultures it is common for the basic needs of women to be overlooked, starting with themselves.

It is certainly a painful and disconcerting disease. Many generate guilt, frustration, shame and confusion because Pain can sometimes be disabling sometimes, But the doctor has already told them that: "They have nothing and take some pills to relax their nerves".

If she is a woman, many times doctors attribute the evils that the patient refers to premenstrual syndrome, menstruation, menopause or even accuse her of being apprehensive and suffering from hysteria; Many, they end up referring to the psychiatrist which reflects the lack of empathy and professionalism by the attending physician.

A hope in treatment: ozone therapy vs. Fibromyalgia

The traditional orthodox treatments are only palliative, It means that doctors generally treat it by suppressing the manifestation of symptoms and have not been satisfactory for patients' well -being.

When its classification is so complex, it is difficult for a general practitioner with little experience to be assertive in the diagnosis, it is best to go to an experience with experience and look for serious alternatives, with good results and research, such as the alternatives provided by the biological medicine, which although it does not give them a cure, grants Relief without harming the target organs.

Ozone therapy is an excellent option for the management of this disease, since it is a biological treatment in which the patient is infiltrated for their improvement. The ozone being a natural anti -inflammatory element reduces the symptoms, which translates into an improvement of the patient because it produces great health benefits and the protocols that the specialist indicates for long periods of time and how they do not have a side effect in The body as the typical medications that are generally used, is a very encouraging alternative for those who suffer a chronic-degenerative condition and have to take medications for life, since the consumption of them is reduced. Dr. Juan Salvador Veloz Pérez, specialist and ozonotherapist

The treatments offered to treat the FM are generally Palliative, They are not to cure the disease, they include a series of medications that affect the Central Nervous System and have side effects. You do not work with the cause of the disease because it is unknown, treatments are offered only for the relief of symptomatology, which do not stop the disease, letting it progress without so many manifestations.

Therefore, I consider that a good treatment includes a multidisciplinary attention with quality and human warmth. That includes biological medicine such as ozone therapy. It has also been observed that the Use of pulsating electromagnetic fields They can contribute to well -being in general, this is usually accompanied by conventional orthodox medical treatment. A key point is psychological attention, well The emotional component is a variable that affects increasing the subjective sensation of pain and other discomforts typical of the FM.

This disease teaches us that many people are able to continue fighting and smiling at the beautiful of life, even in the midst of great pain and confusion. There are many challenges that this disease with its unknown etiology and the mysteries around it impose on science and health professionals.


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