The Bayley III scale, what evaluates and what is used for

The Bayley III scale, what evaluates and what is used for

The Bayley scale is an evaluation instrument designed to measure motor, cognitive, language, socio -emotional and adaptive behavior in babies and children.

To apply this scale, the interaction between the child and the examiner is required, who will make a series of observations on various tasks that the little ones perform.

Such as other evaluations, the tasks of the Bayley III scale include basic and complex responses. For example, A basic response could be the introduction of an attractive object for the child to follow him with his gaze. In the case of the most complex tasks, one of them could be that the infant finds objects that are hidden.

The Bayley III scale

Even in cases where children cannot speak, they can convey what they feel, what they think and let their interaction with the world that surrounds them. That is why instruments that allow the compression of these events are required.

The Bayley III scale is one of these evaluations that is more complete, not only to identify, but also to make measurements and evaluate the development of children. It allows the identification of possible delays in the child's development and thus lessen the long -term affections, thus providing an opportunity to progress and succeed in life.

The Bayley III scale enjoys prestige and recognition worldwide, thanks to its scoring system and its psychometric properties, which are allowing to monitor the child's performance throughout the intervention.

This scale, also, facilitates the identification of skills, as well as the areas to improve, which makes it an ideal instrument that can be administered by different disciplinary teams. It incorporates certain novelties, such as an inventory of behavioral observation, in order to evaluate the child's behavior and novel items that merit an active role by the caregiver during the intervention.

Likewise, it includes a caregiver report; Scores, development tables, tasks and recreational materials so that the child feels greater motivation, in addition to scales that provide a better level of precision.

According to the author Antonio Llorente García, in his work on the child physiotherapeutic assessment: translation and application of the Bayley III scale, this evaluation is very relevant in the area of ​​physiotherapy, as in others, since its purpose is to identify, describe and quantify cognitive deficits and behavioral, motor and emotional alterations.

Said method It is applied for the valuation of children born between 0 and 42 months, In five areas: socio -emotional, motor, cognitive, adaptive capacity and language.

The elements of the Bayley scale

The application of the test can take an hour. Having completed a series of development tasks, the evaluator can produce a development ratio, which is different from the intelligence ratio or CI.

In turn, the Bayley scale contains three subtest:

  1. The cognitive scales: that measure the child's ability to, for example, participate in a simulation game, look for an object that has fallen, pay attention to objects, among others.
  2. The language scale: with which the child's ability to understand and make use of language is measured, recognize objects and follow instructions.
  3. The motor scale: that evaluates thick and fine motor skills.

Additionally, two tests that include:

  1. The socio -emotional scale: that measures the child's ability to socially relate to others, participate in adequate games for his age and calm himself.
  2. The adaptive behavior scale: to measure the level of development of the child with respect to the skills of everyday life, such as cooperating, following instructions and adapting to situations.

The evaluator makes a child's qualification in each of the tasks and adds the scores, which must be compared with children's score tables with the same age of the child who has been evaluated. This generates a standard score that allows the evaluator to make an estimate of the child's development. In this way, the evaluator identifies if the child has delay in development and, if so, how important it is, to proceed to develop an early intervention program.

The Bayley scale can be useful for pediatricians, especially to identify disabilities in neurological development.

This scale also provides information on the indications that a child can have some learning or autism disorder.

However, it should be noted that, In many cases, development delays are temporary, So this could suppose a limitation of the tests to identify delays, then, the children are growing and are developing differently in early childhood, so any test must be considered a method that provides results of the current operation.

However, the results of the tests do not indicate that a child will necessarily have learning disabilities later in your life.

The effect of premature birth on the development of intelligence and executive functions


  • Góes, f. V. D., Mexico, m. D. B., Mello, r. R. D., & Morsch, D. (2015). EVALUATION OF NEURODEVELOPMENT OF PRETERM INFATINS USING BAYLEY III SCALE. Brasileira Magazine of Saúde Maternal Infantfifteen, 47-55.
  • Llorente García, to. (2015). Child Physiotherapeutic Assessment: Translation and application of the Bayley III scale.
  • Madaschi, v., MECCA, t. P., Macedo, e. C., & Paula, C. S. (2016). Bayley-III Scales of Infant and Toddler Development: Transcultural Adaptation and Psychometric Properties. Paidéia (Ribeirão Preto)26, 189-197.
  • Torras-Mañá, m., Guillamón-Valenzuela, m., Ramírez-Mallafré, a., Brun-Gasca, c., & Fornieles-deu, to. (2014). Usefulness of the Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development, in The Early Diagnosis of Language Disorder. Psychothema, 349-356.