The duality the wolf in community and the wolf in society

The duality the wolf in community and the wolf in society

The importance of accepting the difference as part of a whole allows the approach of terms that, without thinking, create disciplines in research and in the way in which some phenomena are understood that could well be defined as one and allow a better planning in social functioning.

The present aims, through some simple relationships, expose the classic dualism between the concepts of community and society And as technological, medical and capitalist changes have been framed, where in search of development a gap difficult to communicate between the "ideal", the "natural", the "artificial", which is "well" ¨ And what is "bad".


  • The Wolf and the Community
  • Society and community for human beings
  • Hierarchy in the pack of Lobos
  • The objective of our society


Recall what is understood by community according to Tönnies, related to "the sense", "the old", "the lasting", "the intimate" and "the authentic", and society understands it by "the public", "The World", Law and State. In this sense, since its most classic meaning, The community is understood as the natural and society as artificial And that is where concepts are separated as opposites and at least from the theorist they approach an asymptotic behavior, waiting for an eternal meeting reinforced by many theorists such as Durkheim and Tönnies from their conceptions of the community.

It is necessary to specify that the theoretical - scientific need of the separation between the concepts of society and community, however, the present intends from the experience and Observation Understand the community and society as one, for the fact of being part of the interaction, communication, linking, roots, organization, among others that are typical of human beings.

The Wolf and the Community

Through An allegory with animal behavior, of what we can call animal communities, bees, wolves, even fish; It will try to establish because the division of community and society concepts only has a purely categorical objective in terms of social sciences and not in their meanings per se, that in continuous practice separating the human being instead of conceiving it as a whole.

If we go to talk about the animal world what we relate more to the "natural", we approach to describe the reptilian brain that human beings retain after millions of years of evolution. You could use any animal species that behaves in groups if we are going to understand the community and society.

Let's think of an animal with particular characteristics of roles, hierarchies, communication, affiliation, etc., necessary for survival and is the case of the wolf.

Without being an expert in the natural and biological sciences of animals, wolves have always caught my attention due to the complexity of their relationships and interactions that have led him to survive successfully in nature and in the food chain, its main feature being the formation of herdas, recalling one of the most used appointments in literature and everyday language lone wolf does not survive, First important characteristic of analyzing from the perspective of the human, In order for the community to have not only, communication must be present, but there must be a degree of closeness, It could be consanguineous or distant from it, equally it happens with society, communication is not only necessary, it is the fundamental axis of any type of relationship.

There are communities that do not necessarily share a roots in space, their ideology (culture) unites them, for example, such as religious communities, then the characteristic of temporality and affiliation ceases to be relevant in the ontological dualism of the egg and the chicken, or society and community.

In the example we carry, we might think of A wolf who decides to go in search of a herd and travels long distances to achieve it because this will allow him to increase his survival possibilities.

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Society and community for human beings

The organization between different groups of people in an ecological model, understanding it as structures at various levels that communicate with each other that explain social functioning, could help us understand society and community as a, Each of us has different levels of interaction ranging from the microsystem, being the closest as the conceptions of the self and the family, to the macrosystem, being the furthest as the State and the institutions, but always generates an exchange in both directions, In other words, although we have a greater degree of relationship and communication with certain groups of people, family, friends, school, university, church, at the same time a relationship with structures and institutions is occurring, that is, although there are processes that are processes that are narrower because of their cognitive - emotional meaning for human beings does not necessarily imply that they are different, They are only at different levels of closeness.

Hierarchy in the pack of Lobos

Let's go back with the wolves, these They are organized in hierarchical roles that remain for generations and even subspecies and that are the guarantee or at least the best probability of conserving the species, where There is a female and an alpha male, And from there, they are organized according to their skills in those who contribute to the hunting and salad security, in this sense we could think of a social behavior of the wolves, with rules in the form of reproduction rituals, food and position, that is The organization of living beings has a natural character, if we talk about the human being the same thing happens, While the type of organization has evolved, that does not mean that it is artificial, rather it is another way of contribute to conservation and survival, More than being a merely technical and structural, it responds to collective needs for decrease mortality and contribute to well -being.

The objective of our society

According to the above then it is possible that the main characteristic of society as an institution and state is only the result of the primary need for survival of people, groups or communities. It is remarkable that this need is transforming according to advances, therefore, becoming more complex and perhaps utopian, but this does not take away the community character at its root, that objective of Collective well -being and community organization.

When talking about communities, it necessarily implies that there are many, that is, there are different characteristics that make a person identify or not with a community, an aspect that also occurs with society, for this reason we have abormed, associal or antisocial people, or even what we could call anarchy, Since they do not feel governed by the norms established for all according to their context, this implies that what happens in communities is the reflection of what happens in society, understanding them not as opposite, but as parts of a whole called humanity.

Let us go back to the pack of wolves, there are several possibilities for them that allows them to be or not with their pack, which depends on their contribution and the result of the rituals in which they behave, if a wolf loses in a ritual with another, Or it is very old, you can "decide" if you die alone, if you look for another pack or recover your position, that is, for them there are also possibilities, perhaps not identification as in human beings, but in survival.

Identity is then the main characteristic of society and community As far as I am concerned, it is the meeting point for this great duality that has divided the story and the way of investigating.

Belonging to a community implies belonging to a society, regardless of the community is minority ..

and belong to a society necessarily implies belonging to a community, thus implying only one community with filial ties such as the nuclear family or not. That is, in conclusion, all aspects that have been related so far occur in the community and society, but at different levels of interaction or impact on the person and groups.

Finally, The tension between the community and society generates division, generates distancing from what some defend as natural, separates these two parts from a whole, It necessarily implies seeing the segmented human being and not as a whole, where there is a greater understanding of behavior, than of the essence.