Jacob Wetterling's disappearance, Jacob's law

Jacob Wetterling's disappearance, Jacob's law

Jacob Wetterling was kidnapped in 1994, when he walked with his bicycle, in the state of Minnesota (EE.UU.). His disappearance was a case that made history, because Congress approved a law to protect childhood that ordered each State to create a record of sexual criminals and that bears the name of Jacob Wetterling.


  • Jacob Wetterling's kidnapping
  • A case that made history: the Jacob Wetterling law
  • 27 years later
    • What did I do wrong?
    • A deal to find Jacob
    • Resources

Jacob Wetterling's kidnapping

The fateful October 22, 1989, Jacob, 11, was a bicycle with his brother, his sister, and his friend while his parents were away from home. Patty and Jerry Wetterling had only been absent from their home 20 minutes.

During those minutes, A masked man carried a gun, He threatened the group of children with a shot if they did not run away while he took Jacob. That would be the last time Jacob would be seen alive. 

Jacob was kidnapped by a masked and armed man in the people of ST. Joseph, in the state of Minnesota (EE.UU.)

The three children, who ran, They gave their testimony, but it was not enough to find a culprit of the kidnapping. Although after its disappearance an intensive search for the participation of the Police, 200 national guards and numerous volunteers developed, No arrest took place as a result of these facts.

Jacob Wetterling's face continued to appear on public posters, And one day a year the neighbors of ST. Joseph left the lights of the entrance of their houses on to ask for Jacob's return alive. And so the years passed, without news from Jacob.

A case that made history: the Jacob Wetterling law

In 1994, Congress approved a law to protect childhood that ordered each State to create a record of sexual criminals.

This law was named after Jacob Wetterling.

Behind this legal norm, it was The impulse of Jacob's parents who created a foundation that is responsible for fighting for childhood protection.

Jacob Wetterling's disappearance marked the childhood of many children in the rural minnesota, and also changed and changed the way parents left their children freely play.

An emptiness push: who murdered Helena Jubany?

27 years later

Finally, Danny James Heinrich, 53, whom the police had pointed out as a person of interest in the Jacob Wetterling case, confessed to having kidnapped and murdered Jacob. This happened during the course of a trial against him for possession of child pornography, in 2016.

What did I do wrong?

His testimony was chilling. Before an auditorium full of attendees, among which were Jacob's parents, Jerry and Patty Wetterling, he reported how using a mask and armed with a revolver, he approached the children when they were bicycle. Next, He took Jacob, placed some wives and uploaded him to his vehicle. Then he ordered the other children to run without looking back. 

"What did I do wrong?"It was Jacob's question while taking him to a section, where he would sexually abuse him.

Heinrich said he panicked due to the lights and sirens of a police patrol that passed nearby, so He decided to shoot Jacob and finish his life.

A deal to find Jacob

The truth is that since Jacob's disappearance, Heinrich had been at the researchers's radar, Those who had questioned him shortly after kidnapping, but never found evidence to relate it to the case. Finally, the child's parents accepted a deal: the man who killed his son would not be accused of murder in exchange for telling them what happened to his son and where he was.

In this way, in 2016, Jacob Wetterling's remains were discovered. 27 years had passed since the fateful afternoon of kidnapping.

"For us, Jacob was alive until we found him. We need to heal, "said his mother Patty Wetterling.

Maximum, Heinrich will be able to meet a sentence of 20 years in prison For positions related to child pornography.


  • JWRC - Jacob Wetterling Resource Center. (2021, April 5). Zero Abuse Project.
  • The Hunt with John Walsh: 25 Year Abduction (True Crime) | Crime documentary | Reel Truth Crime. (2019, November 16). [Video]. Youtube.
  • The Hunt with John Walsh (TV Series 2014-). (2014, July 13). IMDB.