The raising with attachment of Sears 8 principles

The raising with attachment of Sears 8 principles

The parenting with attachment was a term coined by the Sears family, who dedicated their lives to the study of childhood.

This family was led by a pediatric father and a nurse mother. They had eight children, of which some also became pediatricians, following their father's legacy; Its nucleus continued to grow with the arrival of the grandchildren.

It was this family who coined the term Attachment parenting, or parenting with attachment, dedicating more than forty books on the subject of parenting and the area of ​​pediatrics.


  • Origin of the theory of parenting
    • Bowlby's attachment theory
  • The eight B of the parenting with the attachment of Sears
      • Bibliography

Origin of the theory of parenting

The theory of parenting with attachment, formulated by the sears, promotes eight b as a central axis. With these principles, they summarized a parenting style based on constant proximity and attention, because they were aware that an affective bond with parents at the time of childhood could lead to children towards happiness and well -being.

The Sears family started from the assumption that the needs of a baby and their wishes make up the same thing during the first months of life, so they formulated eight basic premises that are governed by care full of love, with which they can be covered The emotional and physiological needs of children.

According to the author Angela Cuervo Martínez, in her research on parenting and socio -affective development guidelines in childhood, The Sears family considered parenting as the attitudes and behaviors of the parents, identifying a subjective well -being and the child's attitudes. From there, the author concludes that changes in family interactions and parenting guidelines can affect socio -affective development in childhood, as well as parental styles. Therefore, the author states that the family network is reorganized and relationships are redefined, but When interactions are negative, they can give way to psychological mismatches in children.

Bowlby's attachment theory

According to attachment theory, Babies create a strong emotional bond with their parents, which functions as a precursor to empathy and security that they will have in their personal relationships during adult life. However, when the establishment of the bond in childhood does not occur safely, this can lead to the person having difficulties at the psychological level.

Attingitude of attachment was an initial proposal of John Bowlby, for whom the child had the tendency to seek closeness with another person, feeling safe when his caregiver was present and covered his physical and emotional needs.

In the prologue of one of Sears's texts, specifically in the titled Your child will sleep ... And you too, The author states the following:

“The time to have your baby in arms, next to the chest and in bed is very short in relation to the total life of your child. Even so, the memory of their love and availability lasts a lifetime ”.

The eight B of the parenting with the attachment of Sears

The B of the parenting are due to the fact that the words begin with this letter:

  1. BIRTH BANDING: affective ties. From this premise it is considered that contact with the baby's skin, from the moment of his birth, encourages an early link. This link begins from childbirth, a moment of maximum sensitivity. If for justified medical reasons, the union cannot be created, it is always possible to recover that time. Therefore, as soon as possible, contact between mother and child must be resumed.
  2. Breastfeeding: or breastfeeding. It is considered that it is the best food for the baby, not only from the nutritional point of view, but also works as a link between the mother and the child. It is given relevance when putting the baby in the mother's chest is hardly born. This contact is supposed to contribute to the production of oxytocin in women, which enters the blood flow of the mammary glands.
  3. Babywearing: bring the baby in the arms. This allows direct contact with the mother or father, making the baby feel more protected and with less stress.
  4. Beding Close To Baby: sleep near the baby. In the same bed or very close to the baby, in order to avoid the anguish that produces the separation that some children feel, especially during the nights, which prevents them from resting better. The Colecho, which derives from English co-sleeping, It is considered beneficial because, in addition, the baby has the chest at any time.
  5. Belief in the Language Value of Your Baby's Cry: trust the value of crying as a language. Well, crying is the way in which the baby communicates when he needs something. When it is understood that crying is its language, the importance of this form of communication begins to be trusted, better understanding the child's needs.
  6. Beware of Baby Trainers: Be careful with training, since one thing is advice and another training. From the upbring.
  7. Balance: Keep the balance. This must be healthy and must cover all aspects of life. In this sense, parents must understand the needs of their children to avoid unrealistic expectations about children's behaviors. Discipline is aimed at showing children consequences that derive from their actions, listening and modeling.
  8. Both: both parents. Referring to the participation of the father and mother in the care of the baby, both at night and in the day.

In addition to cooperation between dad and mom, in parenting with attachment, empathy and respect among all members of the family, with the purpose of promoting an environment in which children feel security.

What is attachment theory?


  • Martinez, Á. C. (2010). Socio -affective breeding and development guidelines. Diversitas6(1), 111-121.
  • Di Stefano, D. L. (2020). Upbringing with attachment. Journalism and Communication Minutes6(1).
  • Sears, m., Sears, j., Sears, w., & Sears, R. W. (2008). The Baby Sleep Book: The Complete Guide To A Good Night's Rest for The Whole Family. HAKE UK.