Sincere communication

Sincere communication

Sincerity is a quality or virtue that implies telling the truth, as well as the congruence between the words and the behaviors with which we proceed, it has to do with honesty, which by etymology also entails being fair and reasonable.


  • Sincerity does not have to be at odds with respect
  • Sarcasm is not sincerity
  • Nobody has the absolute truth
  • Sincerity and respect in the family
  • Sincerity and assertiveness
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Sincerity does not have to be at odds with respect

Many people estimate it as a value, which put very high, even above other universal values, the latter are the set of valid coexistence norms to promote harmony within society.  So the hierarchy or position in which we have the values ​​that are important to us, often are not for solidarity coexistence because they conflict and in this way do not help promote tolerance and respect for what is different from we.

Criticism made with sincerity, They are positive when they are said within a conducive context and respect, especially when they are made with the intention that the person improves. So, when we make an observation or criticism, it is better to be in the appropriate spheres, It is convenient to take into account the feelings of the other person, If what you want is for the individual to become aware of his failures, if the objective of that observation is that with that criticism the person rectifies some aspect.  Criticism, under these parameters is then constructive and beneficial for the establishment of a better society, more harmonious and functional.

This is valid in the different areas ... both the staff, the couple, the work, the academic or the family, since an observation made with sincerity and in the appropriate contexts  It can make us improve or optimize some attitude, behavior or process.

Confucius proposed three levels of honesty:

  1. Li: It is the most superficial level and mainly seeks immediate gratification and own benefit.
  2. YI: It is a deeper level of honesty, implies goodness, justice and reciprocity, does not only pursue their own interests.
  3. REN: It is the deepest level of this value and includes both the "Li" and "Yi", seeking empathy, understanding and harmony with others.

Sarcasm is not sincerity

Although some people ufan from being very sincere, they fall into sarcasm, excessive cynicism and destructive criticism, many times they do even out of adequate contexts for this, making themselves from being highly honest people, but far from making the subject who They point out, make it feel bad, and when they feel attacked, they usually activate their defense mechanisms, thus avoiding positive changes. For what they are looking for is not to generate a change, most of the great cynics are indifferent to it because they have misanthropy as a philosophy of life, rather they seek to exalt their ego and their virtues through belittle others exalting the defects and errors of others.

All human beings have different capacities and virtues, in my way as a person and as a psychologist I have not been able to find anyone who cannot learn something, even those who society would point out harshly. I think we can find talent even in people that many people disqualifies for many tasks either by their own nature or biopsychosocial condition.

I have amazed to see so much beauty and true works of art in psychiatric hospitals and prisons, for example; I have observed that many of the inmates have great talents That sometimes they had not identified, some of them have developed them being in captivity, thanks to the fact that they adhere to programs where they learn some trade or develop some ability with which they can help to have an income, funging for them for them, as true social rehabilitation programs and not only how prisons, because in this way They manage to sublimize many emotions and focus their energy, time and concentration on building and not destroying. Unlike the inmates who prefer to focus on their shadow part, that so many problems have brought them and society.  

Each person is different, it is in their only genetic combination, in their cognitive processes, in their context, in their ways of conducting, dressing, expressing themselves; Each person has their political, religious, intellectual, philosophical and even erotic preferences. Human beings are of different colors and we have different cultures, but that does not mean that some have more reason than others or that some are superior, it only means that We have different preferences or realities.

When a person is free and if he does not have any physical or mental condition that prevents him from choosing, such as a disorder, each one has the right to think and opt for what he best deems appropriate for himself, as long as he does not run over the Rights of others. Assertive behaviors are based on respect.

Tolerate frustration

Nobody has the absolute truth

It also happens with reality, We can have a point of view from our context of how things should be, But that does not mean that it is necessarily the absolute truth, or that everyone has to adjust to what we believe is the best or the right thing. This type of reasoning has aimed bloody wars to humanity, only to impose a culture or religion, when sensory perception is unique in each individual and limited by different aspects, then then, it is better to treat people with respect if we do not matter if Our ideas, cultures, uses and customs are different.

What is more important for you? The one that others see that you are right to demonstrate the honest, wise, intelligent and prepared that you are, even at the expense of offending, run over the rights or feelings of others? Or you prefer to collaborate in the Construction of a more inclusive and global social fabric Where there is a friendly dialogue, in which we can appreciate the diversity and the treasures that reside in it, communicating in an honest but assertive way, not aggressive such as the resources that frequently resort to cynics to devalue opinions, ideas And even the same people, protecting themselves in the idea of ​​being truly honest people.
How many concepts appear to be true because of the persuasive way in which they raise them and yet?

Sincerity and respect in the family

If we want to build a more global, collaborative and harmonious society we have to take care of our words, because In addition to sincere, they must be respectful so that we will not generate more destruction. This is something that you should consider if you are a father or mother, because people who are in development, especially those found during childhood and adolescence are barely forming their concept of themselves, "correcting" children or students pointing out mistakes, and even mocking them does not generally contribute to the person to improve, On the contrary, especially when they are evidenced by others.

If it is our desire for the person to modify any behavior or an attitude We have to be very careful not to generate reactance, trying to objectively and lovingly pointing out behaviors and not people, instead of saying: “It seems that everything you touch destroys!", It is better to point out behavior in an adequate context and taking care of our words: “I see that again your backpack is broken, I only have one month that I bought it, I think you can be more careful, because you have shown me with other things you appreciate, how this time I buy you a backpack that you Like a lot and give him that care, I trust that you will do so. Otherwise, if this happens again, we will have to take the backpack to repair every time it breaks, paying with your own savings, because we will not be able to afford more than a backpack per school year."  

Sincerity and assertiveness

"The ideal assertive interaction is one in which participants end up feeling better than before."S.Neiger and e. Fullerton.

Sincerity is a virtue that can be expressed with assertiveness, which is a social skill that helps to live harmoniously and healthy individuals can develop it. What if instead of only protest constructive, at least with our comments. If we want to transform reality, we can start by making changes in our own being and immediate environment, if we want to generate changes to another level we can develop proposals and projects for the good of others, instead of only shouting and complaining about everything that is wrong around us.


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