Here you can see the quilt of retales that made some old parishioners for the good pastor of the church of his people. Each parish contributed a retal consisting of one or more small square.

If a single of the Parish had not had its perfectly sewn and visible retalite in the quilt, the disgust would have been capitalized, so that fitting all retales of different sizes in the quota became a conscientious study.

By the way, I have to mention that as each member contributed with a square, You will know how many parishioners were when you discover as many squares as possible in which the image quilt can be divided.


The following figure shows how a 13 × 13 quilt can be divided into 11 squares, which is the least number of pieces in which it can be divided without breaking the checkered design. It is a complicated riddle and those who have found the answer is because they give a mathematical principle closely related to the square root.