Low tolerance and violent behaviors in adolescents

Low tolerance and violent behaviors in adolescents

Violent behaviors in adolescents have been growing considerably in recent years producing serious problems that are difficult to face for the educational system and society in general. Therefore, once the causes and consequences of these violent behaviors are seen in young high school students, it is convenient The biopsychosocial development of the adolescent such as: family, society and school.

Low tolerance to frustration

With respect to Low tolerance to frustration Ellis (1998) describes it as "A psychological syndrome" (Cited in Bisquerra, 2008, P.148), that is, when a subject experiences certain frustrating situations, perceived in an exaggerated and overwhelming way, product of irrational beliefs that everything in life must be easy and as pleasant as possible, but when colliding with reality, the anger, sadness, anxiety, depression and even anger. Now, if the gonna It is commonly known as that emotion that gives rise to behaviors that are the cause of interpersonal and social problems, then it could be affirmed that anger is an important factor in the activation of violent behaviors. Therefore, the violence associated with the individual's behavior is defined as "Violent behaviors", that is, those behaviors of the individuals who try, threaten or cause physical and other damage. As stated, Palomero and Fernández (2009), “Violence is propitiated by a social structure of power that subjects man from a repressive model of all existing life forms". Thus, in educational institutions, violent behaviors issued by young adolescents are increasing.

In other words, by Gómez (2005), “Violence is the process by which an individual or a group violates the physical, social and/or psychological integrity of another person or group. Violence inhibits the development of the students, annuls their potential, and can leave permanent sequelae in the personality, since the development of it is related not only to the attitudes that are accused, but with the realization of them, as well as of the frustrations suffered at school, and with their conditioning to favor or hinder its subsequent realization". In other words, when referring to violence, used through force, which is verified when Subjects trapped in the conflict are prevented from operating operationally as required by the power relationship, forces them to exercise the respective threats and contrast.

Adolescence is the stage of human development, which has a variable beginning and duration, which marks the end of childhood and creates the foundations for adulthood. In addition, it is marked by interdependent changes in the biological, psychological and social dimensions of the human being. In this order of ideas, adolescence is the stage in which the young man experiences great personality changes, which denote changes in their behavior and emotional instability, a lot of energy is evidenced that they have to learn to control, as well as form their own identity, it will depend largely as they fit these changes. It is noteworthy that, if The adolescent from the psychosocial point of view, It fails to integrate its convictions, ideals, norms and beliefs, on the one hand and the behaviors, on the other, the call would be triggered violent teenager, who threatens classmates and/or teachers, It is intolerant, impulsive, nonconformist causes fights or disturbances.

The frustration: what is it, how it affects us and how to face it

The causes of the violent behavior of adolescents

The causes of violent behavior in adolescents are diverse:

  • Violent family environment.
  • The absence of norms or limits.
  • Alcohol and drug use.
  • Psychological problems, when a goal could not be achieved, by cowardice, frustrations, complexes or for a feeling of inferiority.

It is noteworthy that, a family environment provided with good communication between its members, affection and support among parents, is the guarantor of a healthy and adequate psychosocial development in the adolescent, while, A family atmosphere with frequent conflicts and tensions tends to hinder the good psychosocial development of the adolescents increasing the probability that violent behaviors arise in it.

On the other hand, the mismatches that the adolescent has experienced in the development of his life cycle and that promote him to issue little tolerant and violent behaviors, brings him negative consequences, such as: aggressiveness, low academic performance, impulsivity, hostility, or problems or problems of personality, among others.  In that sense, the family as the main socializing agent fulfills a very important role, since it is in the family context where people begin their development incorporating all those beliefs, values, norms and attitudes that are acquired from childhood to old age and old age and Adolescence does not constitute the exception.  Similarly, within that socializing process of the adolescent, The school has an influence as important as the family, because in it a set of behavior guidelines are encouraged that will later define the personality of an autonomous adult. However, in today's society, the behaviors of teachers, teachers and authority figures, and the established relationships with adolescents often generate competition situations, where it is about demonstrating who is the strongest, getting to commit. actions that generate violent behaviors.

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How to prevent violence

Therefore, To prevent or modify violent behaviors in adolescents, it is necessary to educate parents mainly, So that through the example, constancy and coherence learn to resolve their conflicts dialogue and teach their children to act in the same way, within the framework of respect, the implementation of clear and precise norms, as well as the timely administration of positive reinforcements and punishments, not forgetting the proper communication and exchange between school and family, promoting the active participation of parents and school tutors.

Finally, there are many factors can trigger in the adolescent low tolerance to frustration, when their expectations, objectives or goals are not met, generating negative emotions, which then translate into violent behaviors, many of these causing physical, psychological damage or emotional to another or other subjects. But, we must not forget those personality changes that occur in adolescent who denote emotional and behavioral instability, making these aggressive, impulsive, hostile beings, among others. For this reason there are the various socializing agents (family, school and society) in charge of the timely intervention to educate in order to prevent such problems.

MSC. Noleida Torres