The aversion to sex what it consists of

The aversion to sex what it consists of


  • The normal loss of desire
  • Difference between normal loss of desire and sex aversion
  • Causes of sex aversion disorder
  • Main symptoms
  • Prevalence of sex aversion disorder
  • Diagnosis
  • Treatment
  • Forecast

The normal loss of desire

To understand sexual aversion, we must take into account that There are circumstances in which it is normal for people to lose interest in sexual activity.

There are a whole series of reasons why a person can lose interest in sexual relations. It is normal to experience a loss of desire, for example, during menopause, after the birth of a child, before or during menstruation, during the recovery of a disease or surgery, and during important changes of life or stressful such as the death of a Being loved, loss of employment, retirement or divorce. These are considered normal causes in fluctuations in sexual desire and are generally temporary. Not having enough time for oneself or to be alone with the couple can also contribute to the normal and naturally reversible loss of desire. The loss of privacy due to the transfer to the home of a dependent old father, is also a common cause of loss of desire in medium -sized couples. Depression, fatigue or stress also contribute to the decrease in sexual interest.

Difference between normal loss of desire and sex aversion

But all these external and temporal situations do not represent a real Sex Aversion Disorder, An aversion is something much stronger, which is presented as an active avoidance of sexual activity, regardless of normal ups and downs in the desire described above.

He Sex aversion disorder is characterized not only by the lack of desire, but also by fear, repulsion, disgusting and similar emotions when the person comes into contact with the genitals of a couple. Aversion can occur in different ways, it can be related to specific aspects of sexual relations, such as see. In some cases, the person with sexual aversion disorder avoids any type of sexual contact; Others, however, are not upset by kisses and caresses, and are able to reach normally until genital contact occurs.

Sex aversion can be caused by psychological factors or a combination of physical and psychological factors.

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Causes of sex aversion disorder

There are a number of causes described for sexual aversion disorder. The most common are interpersonal problems and traumatic experiences.

Interpersonal problems generally cause a specific type of aversion disorder of a situation, in which the symptoms occur only with a specific couple or under certain circumstances. In such cases, the Underlying trigger is the tension or discontent with the relationship. The reasons for unhappiness with the relationship can be due to the discovery of marital infidelity, disagreements about the education of children, money and family roles, domestic violence, etc. Interpersonal problems are often the cause of the sexual relationship with which it was previously enjoyed, it is no longer desired.

It has also been found that traumatic experiences are often the cause of sex aversion disorder, in this case of the generalized variety. Some of the possible traumas include rape, incest, sexual abuse or other forms of sexual violence. After the traumatic experience, the patient Associate intercourse with the painful memory, something that is actually trying to forget.

Finally, sex aversion disorder can also be caused by strict religious or cultural teachings, in which sexual activity is associated with excessive feelings of guilt.

Main symptoms

The symptoms of sex aversion disorder can vary from mild to severe.

Mild symptoms include lack of mild interest and disgust.

Serious symptoms can include panic attacks, with all the symptoms that an attack of that type entails, including dizziness, difficulty breathing, intense fear and tachycardia. People who suffer from this disorder often avoid situations that could end in sex Sexually attractive.

Prevalence of sex aversion disorder

Both men and women can experience sexual aversion disorder. It is believed that it is more common in women than in men, Possibly because women are more likely than men to be victims of rape and other forms of sexual assault. There are relatively few statistics on the number of people with sex aversion disorder, since it is often confused with other disorders, or with normal fluctuations in desire associated with stress. In addition, many people find sex a difficult topic to discuss even with a doctor, so the number of people looking for help is probably less than the number of people suffering from this disorder.

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To meet the criteria for a diagnosis of sex aversion disorder, the patient should not only Avoid almost all genital contact with your partner, but must present strong negative feelings about such contacts or their possibility. In addition, the problem must be the cause of serious conjugal difficulties and unhappiness, either for the patient or for your partner. Besides, There should be no underlying physical cause, As certain disorders of the circulatory system, skin diseases, side effects of medication, or similar problems that could cause a loss of desire. To be diagnosed with sexual aversion disorder, the affected person does not have to avoid all sexual contact, but he must indicate that he or she is Actively avoid genital contact.

Many other sexual disorders have similar signs and symptoms to those of sex aversion disorder, which complicates the diagnosis. This disorder for example, is very similar in many aspects to the disorder of hearing desire. Many of the signs, such as avoiding sexual contact in a variety of forms, are similar. The main difference between the two disorders is that a hearing desire disorder is not interested in sex at all and has no sexual fantasies of any kind. On the other hand, a patient with sexual aversion disorder may have normal sexual fantasies, and even normally operate with some people, although not with a specific couple. In addition, a patient with a hearing desire disorder will not enjoy any type of sexual activity, including kisses and caresses. Some, although not all, those who suffer from sex aversion disorder can enjoy previous games, but not the genital contact.


The usual treatment is psychosexual therapy, where the psychological will seek what the problem is causing. Couple therapy is often appropriate if the disorder refers to a spouse. Medications can be used to treat some symptoms that may be associated with sexual aversion disorder, such as panic attacks, if they are serious enough to cause additional anguish.


When sexual aversion disorder is addressed as a psychological disorder, treatment can be very successful. Psychotherapy for the treatment of underlying psychological problems may succeed as long as the patient is willing to attend the advice sessions regularly. For situational or acquired sexual aversion disorder, it is important that both the patient and his partner come to therapy, to be able to Help resolve interpersonal conflicts that can be contributing to the disease.

If sex aversion disorder is not diagnosed and treated, the result may be infidelity, divorce or chronic unhappiness in the relationship or marriage.