Intuitive food, what is 10 principles

Intuitive food, what is 10 principles

Intuitive food is an approach that is not only body weight, but also includes the mind.

The intuitive food approach has scientific support; In addition, it is also composed of ten principles and the important thing is not the weight. The principles of this approach are a guiding guideline and work by facilitating a connection between body and the mind; something that other approaches do not know.

In intuitive food the person listens to the messages that his body sends him, which are necessary to meet the needs not only physical, but also psychological.


  • Intuitive feeding
  • The benefits of intuitive food
  • The ten principles of intuitive food
    • Bibliography

Intuitive feeding

In the first place, it should be noted that intuitive feeding is not a food scheme, much less a rigid diet. Nor does it contemplate rules or guidelines to follow, nor is it a way to lose weight.

On the contrary, Intuitive food is a process in which the person reaches self -knowledge And connect your mind with your body.

Under this premise, the body itself is responsible for remaining healthy, with a chord weight, even if the ideal in terms of body mass index is not followed, since it is considered that this indicator is already obsolete, by ignoring relevant details such as habits , genetics, age, health status, among others.

Similarly, it is remarkable that, until now, there are no studies in which it is demonstrated that restricting food allows long -term sustainability to achieve weight loss.

On the contrary, existing studies indicate that Food restrictions to lose weight rather produce a rebound effect, In addition to bringing to other negative aspects, such as weight stigma, body dissatisfaction and discrimination.

The most outstanding thing about intuitive feeding is that the person is the one who guides their own body, through principles that help individuals make the most successful decisions regarding their diet.

The benefits of intuitive food

Intuitive food provides many benefits; some physicists and other psychological. Among them, the following stand out:

  • Pleasure when eating;
  • Less idealization on the body;
  • Greater appreciation of the body;
  • More trust with himself;
  • Consciousness of body messages;
  • Lower amount of risks to suffer from eating disorders;
  • Stability in weight;
  • Higher levels of HDL cholesterol (good);
  • Lower levels of triglycerides;
  • Greater glycemic control;
  • Variety in food consumption;
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The ten principles of intuitive food

The principles are not rigid steps or rules to follow, but rather a guide to successfully travel on the path of intuitive food. These are the following:

  1. Reject the diet mentality;
  2. Honor your hunger;
  3. Make peace with food;
  4. Challenge food surveillance;
  5. Feel the level of satiety;
  6. Discover satisfaction;
  7. Face with kindness emotions;
  8. Respect your body;
  9. Feel the difference in movements;
  10. Honor health with compassionate nutrition.

This process is not linear nor has to be perfect, as expected within rigid dietary schemes. The key in intuitive food is self -pity and patience.

According to Dr. Orbach, in her guide on intuitive feed You are hungry, taste every bite and stop eating when it feels satiety.

Before starting this process it is important to obtain information from reliable sources; In addition, it is necessary to obtain support through groups that also practice this approach.

It is recommended to eliminate accounts on social networks that promote restrictive diets. Likewise, all beliefs about food and health should be questioned.

Finally, the accompaniment of expert professionals in intuitive food should be sought, highlighting that the food based on punishment and guilt is not sustainable.

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  • Barbosa, m. R., Penaforte, f. R. D. EITHER., & Silva, to. F. D. S. (2020). Full attention, conscious food and intuitive food in the approach to obesity and eating disorders. SMAD. ELETIRÓNICA MENTER MENTAL MUSTA.
  • Barhumi Espinosa, M. Intuitive food, body appreciation and psychological well -being in university students.
  • Linardon, j., Tylka, t. L., & Fuller - Tyszkiewicz, M. (2021). Intuitive Eating and ITS Psychological correlates: a meta - International Journal of Eating Disorders.
  • Orbach, s. Guide for intuitive diet. https: //