Kratom, benefits and side effects

Kratom, benefits and side effects

Have you ever heard about the Kratom? Is about a plant that is increasingly recognized by the properties it has. Its boom is proof that there are many people who have already noticed their effects, today we will explain in detail what their properties are.


  • What is the Kratom?
  • How do you take the kratom?
  • Kratom effects
  • Kratom varieties
    • Bibliographic references

What is the Kratom?

The Kratom is a plant whose scientific name is Mitragyna Speciosa. Its origin is in Southeast Asia, One of the most wealth areas as far as fauna is concerned. It requires specific humidity and temperature conditions that do not occur outside that area.

That makes, although many people in the West have tried to reproduce it here, their attempts have failed. The most common is to bring dry leaves directly from Asia, already directly suitable for consumption.

The best leaves are those that come from trees that already have more than 10 years old, since they contain a higher level of alkaloids (up to 0.5%). This makes its properties enhanced, for which they are the most wanted.

How do you take the kratom?

One of the points that most attracts attention to many people is how to ingest the kratom. There are several ways to do it, and the one you choose It will depend above all on whether you have fresh or not leaves, since that is decisive.

In the case of those who have these fresh leaves, the most normal is to chew them. In a way similar to what is still done in some areas of the world with tobacco, the premises of that area of ​​Asia are customary to chew them and take out all the juice.

Out of that area, it is practically impossible to find fresh leaves. The consequence is that we have to consume dry leaves, which changes. With this type of leaves it is recommended to make a rich kratom tea.

To prepare it, you just have to choose a dose of about 10 grams per person. Boil for about 10-15 minutes. After that, you just have to filter and sweeten according to your tastes. You will have a healthy, tasty and full of properties.

Antidepressants and abstinence syndrome

Kratom effects

This plant stands out for having many properties. Although the one that stands out is the most psychoactive, it can also have other effects such as sedation and stimulation at the same time. Yes, as you hear it, it is able to cause both effects.

Although at first stimulates you, it ends up having a sedation effect that can even cause sleep. Therefore, it is often shocking for some people the first time it is ingested.

At the physical level, it also has analgesic effects, mitigating or making certain pains disappear. It also acts as a muscle relaxant or as an antitustive. Of course, you must keep in mind that the first times you can give you dizziness and nausea.

With regard to the mental part, it supposes A kind of liberation accompanies euphoria. These effects are the most grateful for those who consume it. It also sometimes produces a somewhat particular sensation, which is to be levitating on the bed if you are lying in it.

You must keep in mind that it is an opioid, so you must be careful with its consumption and with its maximum doses. In no case do we recommend moving from 15 grams per person, since from there unwanted effects may appear.

Kratom varieties

Although we call Kratom to all the leaves that come from this type of plants, there are several different types, and some have very differentiated features from each other. Here we are going to describe them to know them all:

  • Kratom Maeng: One of the best varieties, very stimulating.
  • Kratom Bali: It has very sedative effects, similar to opium. It is what is taken to combat both pain and anxiety.
  • Kratom Indo: It has no large effects, but its taste is quite strong, which often generates some rejection, especially in beginners.
  • Kratom Sumatra: is one of the best in terms of flavor. It shows multiple effects, without anyone becoming significant. It serves to raise the mood and it is also cheap, so it is the best if you want to start consuming this plant.
  • Kratom Thai: It is very stimulating, especially at the beginning, but the sedation that comes later is also quite intense. A roller mountain of sensations.
  • Kratom PNG: It is similar to the previous one, but it brings less stimulation. In addition, it has a softer and more neutral flavor.

We are sure that with all this you have more than enough information about the Kratom. Surely you will hear speak many more times about this plant, since it is causing furor and does not to increase the number of people who consume it.

Bibliographic references

  • Singh, d., & Müller, C. P. (2015). Kratom and Other Mitragynines: The Chemistry and Pharmacology of Opioids from A Non-Opium source. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
  • Grundmann, or. (2017). Patterns of Kratom Use and Health Impact in the Us-Results from a National Survey. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 49 (1), 5-10.
  • Stolerman, i. P., & Price, L. H. (2018). Pharmacology and Abuse of Cocaine, Amphetamines, Ecstasy and Related Designer Drugs. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
  • Swogger, m. T., Hart, e., Erowid, e., Erowid, f., Trabold, n., Yee, k., & Parkhurst, K. TO. (2015). Experiences of Kratom Users: A Qualitative Analysis. Journal of Psychactive Drugs, 47 (5), 360-367.
  • Barnes, j., Anderson, l. TO., & Phillipsson, J. D. (2019). Herbal Medicines. London