Kombucha what is, 10 benefits and their risks

Kombucha what is, 10 benefits and their risks

Kombucha is a fermented drink that is prepared based on tea. Today is consumed and appreciated by many people, becoming a fashionable drink, but how beneficial is it and what their risks are?

This non -alcoholic drink It is achieved through Scoby, a culture of bacteria, yeasts and kombucha fungus. The fermentation process is the one that makes it possible for the drink to have many essential vitamins, minerals and organic acids, however, it has certain risks.

Kombucha's origin

Kombucha consumption began in China, place where the properties were highly appreciated for their healing effects. From China, consumption extended to other places such as Japan, Russia and Europe. He was known as the fungus of immortality. Its sweet and acid taste has penetrated very well today.

According to Illana C. In his study on the Kombucha fungus, Kombucha is originally from China, where he is known as the Divine Tsche, due to his magical properties. The author emphasizes that It is consumed since 200 to.C., In Manchuria, during the Tsin dynasty.

Illana reviews that in 414 the dr. Kombu took him to Korea and Japan, to treat the gastrointestinal problems of the emperor. Different travelers would make him arrive in Russia and Europe.

As for the origin of the name, several hypotheses are handled. One of them argues that the Korean physicist who treated the emperor was called Kombu and from there would derive the name, but the most accepted version is that The word kombucha comes from the Japanese terms: Kombu, what does it mean 'alga', and cha, What does it mean 'tea'.

The tea fungus condenses a series of bacteria and yeasts that are described by Illana, and are the following: Bacteria: acetobacter xylinum, acetobacter aceti, acetobacter pasteurianus, gluconobacter. Yeasts: Bretanomyces, Bretanomyces bruxellensis, Bretanomyces intermedius, candida, candida famata, mycoderma mycotorula, pichia, pichia membranaefaciens, saccharomyces, saccharomyces cerevisiae subsp. Cerevisiae, Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Subp. Aceti, Schizosaccaromyces, Torula, Torulasora delbrueckii, Torulopsis, Zygosaccharomyces, Zygosaccharomyces Bailii, Zygosaccharomyces Rauzii.

Kombucha is composed of minerals such as iron, manganese, potassium, zinc, copper, calcium and magnesium, yeasts and polysaccharides. Also It may contain vitamins of group B, such as B1, B2, B3, B6 and B12, enzymes, folic acid, vitamin C, D, E and K.

Kombucha benefits

Among the best known benefits are the following:

  1. Antioxidant: Thanks to what contains abundant polyphenols, which have vasodilators and anti -inflammatory effects. It is believed that, if accompanied with a healthy diet, it is possible to clean the body.
  2. Moisturizing: Many people consume it for the amount of vitamins, minerals and water it contains, which helps the body hydrate.
  3. Antibacterial: Fermentation allows acetic acid formation, a substance that helps eliminate microorganisms. It is recommended to make the kombucha with black tea or green tea to repower this property.
  4. Digestive: promotes the formation of good bacteria in the intestinal microbiota. Also fight constipation.
  5. Decrease cholesterol: It can reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) and increase the good (HDL).
  6. Stimulates liver enzymes: helping to eliminate toxic compounds, which makes drink a good option for the health of the kidneys and the liver.
  7. Reinforces the immune system: Due to the presence of the bacteria and yeasts it contains.
  8. It is low in calories: This drink is one of the healthiest, since, for every 100 milliliters, it contains 30 calories.
  9. Produces Vasodilator and anti -inflammatory effect.
  10. Is diuretic and astringent.

Kombucha resembles the preparation of homemade yogurt, but milk is not used, but tea in the fermentation process. This makes it ideal for different benefits. In addition, this Drink is vegan, it has probiotic properties and does not contain gluten. Elaborated industrially, it is well sterilized, although it loses probiotic capacity.

When consumed for the first time, it is possible to experience its digestive benefits, since it promotes intestinal transit. Therefore, you should start taking small amounts.

This drink is not recommended for pregnant women or children. If it is not prepared properly, It can contain high concentrations of bacteria, which makes it dangerous, due to the possible presence of Salmonella, Staphylococcus and Helicobacter pylori.

Although it is not considered alcoholic, this drink, when sugar is fermented, can contain ethyl traces. Similarly, the presence of caffeine is not recommended in people suffering from insomnia.

In addition, It is contraindicated in an immunosuppressed person, women in breastfeeding or patients with infections.

Although lovers of this drink proclaim multiple benefits, the truth is that Medical studies in this regard are scarce. It is suggested to be careful of risks, which may include infections, stomach discomfort or allergic reactions. For example, If tea is prepared in ceramic pots, which have lead, poisoning can be produced by this compound.

Who wants to enjoy the drink for its flavor, could do it, but taking into account hygienic measures to avoid contact with harmful bacteria.

6 Benefits of Black Tea


  • Coelho, r. M. D., of Almeida, to. L., Do Amaral, R. Q. G., Da Mota, R. N., & De Sousa, P. H. M. (2020). International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science22, 100272.
  • Illana, c. (2007). The Kombucha fungus. BOL SOC MICOL MADRID31, 269-72.
  • Villarreal - Soto, s. TO., Beaufort, s., Bouajila, J., Souchard, J. P., & Taillandier, P. (2018). Understanding Kombucha Tea Fermentation: A Review. Journal of Food Science83(3), 580-588.