

Divide the board into regions so that each one contains a single number of those that appear on the board. The number indicates the perimeter of the region so that each side of a box has a unit. Complete instructions

Level: ▼ ▲

Complete instructions

The objective of the game is to divide the board into regions so that each one contains exactly a numbered box. The number indicates the perimeter of the region.

Touch or click on the side of a box to draw the rectangles. Touch or click again to delete the line.

The buttons bar From the top will allow you to perform the following actions:

  • Restart the current game: Eliminates the progress of the current game and starts it again with the same board.
  • Undo the last movement: Allows to go back in the movements made.
  • Redo the previous moving: If you got rid of the last movement you can rebuild it by clicking this button.
  • Repeat all movements: Repeat all movements.
  • Show the solution: The game will be automatically solved and the completed board will show you.
  • Detailed instructions of the game: Access to the instructions of the game you are reading.
  • ▼ ▲ Select level: Allows you to select the game level. Use the buttons to select the following or previous level, or write the level number.

Game developed by Otto Janko.