Jack The Ripper the shadow of the most media serial killer in history

Jack The Ripper the shadow of the most media serial killer in history

The precarious means available to the authorities two centuries. Perhaps we never get to know the identity of Jack The Ripper, known as Jack the Ripper, but the murders he committed, made this serial killer become a legend.

Continue reading to learn more about the horrible crimes committed in the Whitechapel neighborhood that horrified all of Europe!


  • Murders in Whitechapel
  • The recognized murders of Jack The Ripper
  • Jack's identity the stripper
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Murders in Whitechapel

During the months of August and November 1888, The Whitechapel London neighborhood lived an authentic avalanche of murders, as they were registered in the area until 11 deaths with similar parameters.

Of all of them, only five of those death were attributed to Jack The Ripper.

For four months, he sowed terror in Whitechapel, to end the life of five women with the same modus operandi: their victims were women who exercised prostitution, whom he cheated to take them to remote places, where he finally ended their life causing serious cuts in the throat, abdominal and genital mutilations and the face of the face.

The recognized murders of Jack The Ripper

It all started on the night of August 31, 1888, when in Buck's Row the lifeless body of Mary Ann Nichols appeared, with more than eight deep and precise cuts in different parts of his body.

The truth is that this case joined two other murders that had taken place in the previous days in Whitechapel.

Only a few days later, on September 8, they found Annie Chapman's mutilated body in Hanbury Street. This murder was practically a copy of the previous one, but In this case more violence had been used, With extracted organs and a scenario of the crime turned into an orgy of blood.

The police suspicions were fulfilled when only a couple of days later began to arrive letters to the newspapers of London, signed with the name of Jack The Ripper.

The truth is that never No one heard a single shout or a relief request, In a neighborhood where people lived literally packaged. None of the bodies had defensive wounds that result from opposing resistance to an attack.

On Sunday, September 30, Elizabeth Stride was discovered in Dutfield, in this case only with a cut in her throat; But only half an hour later, in an area located only ten minutes walk from the first murder, Catherine Eddowes's body appeared seriously mutilated.

In this case it is suspected that Jack fled the first stage to avoid being discovered.

In the early morning of November 9, 1888, Mary Jean Kelly, A young woman of Irish origin of only 25 years, who dedicated himself to prostitution, went to the Pub Ten Bells every day. It was a cold night in the London of the nineteenth century and misfortune was going to cross on its way, becoming the last victim of Jack the Ripper. According to the neighbors, he could see her entering her house with some clients That night, activity that witnesses say that it ceased around 4 in the morning. The next morning, one of the assistants of the landlord of the room where he lived went to charge the rent that the young woman owed him, but did not find an answer and when he appeared to the window to see what was happening, He met the body of the young brutally mutilated.

Finally, and although some similar murders took place, experts say they were Imitators Burdos. The options that are considered about the reason why Jack the stripper stopped killing are: He got tired of his macabre game, died or was arrested.


The only alleged sighting of the criminal has only served to throw more dread on his way of killing, but compensates to remember it.

Let's go back to the night of September 8, 1888, when a woman met Annie Chapman (second recognized victim) accompanied by a brunette and medium -taught leather foreigner, dressed in a dark layer and a cap. The match had produced just half past five in the morning; Well, at sixteen, Annie Chapman was already dead and just like the other victims, nor could he resist or shout.

The disappearance of Etan Patz, the milk cardboard child

Jack's identity the stripper

Thanks to the characteristics of Jack's five canonical murders, it was possible to extract a small criminal profile of the author: He was left -handed, with a skillful hand to make precise cuts, presumably upper class and with a good physical presence.

But you could never reach a conclusion or find an exact name.

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Many experts are convinced that if the technology with which we are currently applied, with almost total security we could be able to discover the culprit. But it happens that, so long later, What we know about him is, in essence, the same thing they knew in his time: nothing.

Therefore, no one must surprise that, as many mysteries as they surround this case, Every few months new hypotheses appear on their identity.

The only certain thing is that the identity of the author of the Brutal of Murder of five East End Prostitutes of London in 1888 remains a mystery that feeds all kinds of theories more than a century later. In fact, despite having spent more than a century, Researchers keep trying to discover the murderer with the most advanced criminal science techniques that exist.


  • Jack the Ripper: The scientists who claim to have discovered the true identity of the famous murderer thanks to an DNA analysis
  • Is the psychopath a mentally ill? The differences between a psychopathic murderer and a psychotic murderer
  • The origins of criminal profile: Mindhunter
  • Jack the Ripper: Letters from the Infierneither. Stewart p. Evans, k. Skinner. Jaguar, Madrid, 2003.