Beck depression inventory what is and how to do it

Beck depression inventory what is and how to do it

Did you know that, with a form, a depressive patient can, by itself, calculate the intensity of their picture? Aaron Beck, the brilliant American psychiatrist made it possible. The developer of cognitive behavioral therapy was also the author of the currently known as Beck depression inventory. In this article we will tell you about this incredible tool that allowed great progress when diagnosing a depressive picture.


  • What is the Beck depression inventory and how to use it?
  • Depression, main symptoms
  • 4 tips to combat depression
  • In conclusion
    • References

What is the Beck depression inventory and how to use it?

This self -administered questionnaire, composed of twenty -one multiple choice questions is an extremely popular instrument to measure depression intensity in a psychiatric patient already diagnosed. It was created in 1961 by Aaron Beck, the psychiatrist father of cognitive-behavioral therapy. Has had its reviews and today a more up -to -date version of it is used.

As I commented, This questionnaire allows to measure the severity of depression in a person. It has great support and validation around the world as it has been constantly updated and proved to be accurate when identifying a depressive patient and even allowing the indicated treatment for each particular patient according to their symptoms according to their symptoms.

Beck depression inventory It can be self -administered, It is not necessary to do it with a professional as a guide. In each of their items, participants are questioned to score on a scale of zero to three various symptoms of depression in their intensity. For example, one of his questions implies establishing if the patient feels bad with himself being his scale from zero to three: I am not disappointed from myself, I am disappointed of myself, I feel shame of myself, I hate myself. They will notice how, item to item, the severity of the symptom worsens.

It is an important issue to highlight the fact that Each of the symptoms of the Beck depression inventory is according to the diagnostic criteria of the DSM-V manual. This, for those who do not know, is the fifth edition (and the most up -to -date) of a guide created to standardize psychological disorders, thus improving their diagnosis, research and treatment.

This easy -to -realization inventory consists of 21 questions and should not take more than ten minutes to be completed. It is definitely a tool more than useful for professionals for their reliability and effectiveness, in addition to allowing simplify the diagnostic task. However, it is necessary to know that, in case of seeking a diagnosis, The individually not enough questionnaire, but professionals must perform complementary evaluations. Although, we insist, Beck's inventory is more than useful for a first detection or check.

Finally, to determine the total questionnaire score, just add the scores obtained in each of the questions that range from zero to three, being able to finally be obtained a score between zero and sixty -three points. There is a guide that establishes the severity of the depression of a patient according to the points added at the end of the questionnaire and indicates that:

  • Scores from 0 to 10 are considered normal.
  • 11 to 16 scores indicate that the patient has disturbances.
  • Scores from 17 to 20 indicate that the patient is on the edge of a depressive diagnosis.
  • Scores from 21 to 30 indicate moderate depression.
  • Scores of 31 to 40 indicate severe depression.
  • 40 or more scores indicate extreme depression.
Beck Depression Inventory

Depression, main symptoms

Now, so far we tell you what Beck's depression inventory is and what it is for, but perhaps some of you are still wondering what depression is specifically. We will give you all the necessary information to identify it.

Can be defined to depression as an emotional disorder characterized by a constant feeling of sadness and discouragement. Those who suffer from it lose interest in carrying out any type of activity and it is common that they feel that life itself makes no sense.

The symptoms of this pathology include sleep alterations (sleep little or too much), presenting feelings of uselessness, tiredness and constant lack of energy, irritability, unease, deep anguish, among others.

Precisely, Beck's depression inventory evaluates in your questions the main characteristics of depression so that, who complete it, identify in the scale. Sadness, pessimism, feeling of failure, suicidal thoughts, are some of the points to be evaluated in the questionnaire. The higher the score obtained, the more severe the depression of the evaluated will be.

Major depressive disorder, causes, symptoms and treatment

4 tips to combat depression

There are tips to help someone overcome a depressive state that can be useful in case of depression or meet someone to do it. Here are some tips so that you can collaborate and put an end to this condition.

If high scores are obtained in the Beck inventory, it is advisable to perform this series of actions to achieve an improvement. And, in these cases, it is essential to resort to professional help.

  1. Eat well. Depression affects eating habits, being able to cause lack of appetite to binge. A moderate and rich food in different food groups is more than recommended.
  2. Perform physical exercise. Even in small quantities, every day, moving always helps fight states such as depression, characterized by discouragement. The company of a friend or someone we appreciate can work to motivate a depressive person, giving him encouragement.
  3. Perform creative activities. However difficult it may be, to make drawings, dance, paint, even play, activities that involve putting into practice the imagination are excellent to help patients with depression to experience positive emotions.
  4. Let it go. Express, open with others and encourage to say what happens. I let off steam and put our feelings in words allows us to feel relief. Maybe they will not be psychologists, but talking to someone, especially someone we trust, is always useful and will bring us well -being.

In conclusion

Beck depression inventory is definitely a revolutionary resource for psychology and psychiatry. Depression is a gravity picture and unfortunately, recurring.

To suffer from any of these symptoms or have the doubt of being or not going through a depressive picture, it resorts to a professional. Depression is not definitive, it has a way out and it is possible to find it.


  • Beck, a. T., Steer, r. TO., & Carbin, M. G. (1988). Psychometric Properties of the Beck Depression Inventory: Twenty-Five Years of Evaluation. Clinical Psychology Review8(1), 77-100.
  • González, m. (2021). Test: 21 questions to know if you suffer depression. ABC Welfare. Recovered from:
  • Beck, a., Ward, c.H., Mendelson, m., Mock, j.AND., & Erbaugh, J.K. (1961). An inventory for measuring depression.Archives of General Psychiatry, 4, 561-71.
  • Retamal, p. (1998). Depression. University Editorial.
  • Photo by Andrea Piacquadio in Pexels