Imipramina, a drug for neuropathic pain 23 side effects

Imipramina, a drug for neuropathic pain 23 side effects

Imipramine is a non -selective drug of moniamine reuptake, whose mechanism of action is the inhibition of noreon and serotonin neuronal reuptake. How can this help?, for what do you use it?


  • What is imipramina?
  • Presentation and use of imipramine
  • What should be taken into account before taking imipramina?
  • Side effects of imipramine
    • Bibliography

What is imipramina?

Imipramine belongs to the family of drugs in which amitriptyline is also found, which is recommended in the same way for Relieve neuropathic pains.

These pains can be derived from nerves that have suffered some type of damage and to which other drugs do not respond, such as ibuprofen or paracetamol.

In these cases, When there is neuropathic pain the medications that work to treat patients with depression or epilepsy can be effective For these pains; It is then when Imipramina is recommended.

Generally, imipramine is used to improve depressive pictures, or prevent enuresis in small. Imipramine is also known as a tricyclic antidepressant, since it works so that certain brain substances are segregated to a greater extent and there can be a mental balance.

Although it is not known precisely how Imipramine acts to prevent children from urinating in bed, the Spanish Pediatrics Association indicates that this drug works for:

  • Night enuresis, in children over 5 years old
  • Depression and dysthymia in children, or in adolescents
  • Hyperactivity
  • Behavioral disorders and,
  • As support treatment in Oncology

Presentation and use of imipramine

Imipramine It is sold in the form of capsules or tablets To be taken orally. If these are depressive paintings, the recommendation is usually the consumption of 1 or 2 times a day.

If these are children with enuresis, then the suggestion is to take a dose before going to bed.

In any case, the indications of the attending physician should always be accurate. The dose prescribed by the specialist should never be altered.

Generally, doctors could start with low doses that will then be increasing, gradually.

The duration of treatment with imipramina could also vary, since it could be one to three weeks, depending on how quickly the benefits are observed.

Neither should its consumption be suspended without the order of the doctor, who, surely, could be reducing the doses progressively.

On other occasions, Imipramina could also be indicated to treat panic attacks, or improve eating habits.


What should be taken into account before taking imipramina?

Before starting to take this drug, the doctor should be indicated if the person is allergic, both to this and another medicine. In addition, you should know if other medications are being taken.

Even if the person is making use of natural therapies, this should also be told to the doctor, so that he can make a complete assessment and determine whether or not the prescription of the imipramine is convenient.

The attending physician must also be aware of whether the patient suffers or has had heart attacks, since these cases, imipramine intake could be counterproductive.

Likewise, it should be considered whether the person is pregnant, breastfeeding, or if it will be subjected soon to surgeries.

It is recommended, while Imipramina is taken, Avoid driving any type of vehicle, Post, some patients may experience drowsiness.

A very important detail to consider, and that can be discussed with the doctor, is that the consumption of imipramina could make the skin more sensitive in heat or sunlight, so it may be necessary to use solar filter, glasses and glasses and appropriate clothing.

Side effects of imipramine

Some of the side effects of imipramine can be the following:

  1. Weakness
  2. Fatigue
  3. Nausea
  4. Drowsiness
  5. Anxiety
  6. Excitement
  7. Dry mouth
  8. Nightmares
  9. Sensitive skin
  10. Changes in weight or appetite
  11. Difficulty urinating
  12. Constipation
  13. Cloudy or blurred vision
  14. Changes in libido
  15. Perspiration
  16. Slowness when speaking
  17. Muscle spasms
  18. Tremors in the body
  19. Fever
  20. Respiratory difficulty
  21. Rash
  22. Abnormal heart rate
  23. Yellow in the skin

It is necessary to be attentive to the side effects to notify the doctor and that it considers whether it must continue with the treatment or not.

Diazepam: An anxiolytic, hypnotic and muscle relaxant


  • Guevara-López, u., Covarrubias-Gómez, a., García-Ramos, g., & Hernández-Jiménez, S. (2006). Practice parameters for neuropathic pain management. Clinical Research Magazine, 58 (2), 126-138.
  • García-Andreu, J. (2017). Basic management of acute and chronic pain. Anesthesia in Mexico, 29, 77-85.
  • Spanish Pediatrics Association.
  • Leon, c. TO., Victoria de Arango, M., Arevalo, w., Calvo, a., Montoya, a., & Leon, to. (1990). Comparison of the effect of alprazolam, imipramine and placebo in the treatment of panic transtorno in Cali, Colombia. Psychiatric act. PSYCHOL. A.M. Lat, 36 (1/2), 59-72.
  • López-Muñoz, f., ASSION, h. J., Alamo, c., García-García, p., & Fangmann, P. (2008). The clinical introduction of the iProniazide and the imipramine: half a century of antidepressant therapy. An. Psychiatry, 24 (2), 56-70.