Ambiguous or reversible image, is the secret in sight?

Ambiguous or reversible image, is the secret in sight?

The ambiguous, or reversible image, It is a trend that arises in all those perceptual experiences in which the image presents two faces.

The perception, those cases, can jump forward or backwards, but, does not maintain stability, but two interpretations of the same image can be made.

There are great examples of ambiguous image, such as Rubin's vase or Necker's cube, the latter is one of the most cited examples when it comes to these images also called reversible.

Gestalt psychology has made efforts to try to understand this phenomenon, however, it only stays until it is a multi -state image, that is, it presents the description, it does not reveal what happens behind it.

Rubin vase


  • Ambiguous image: a wonderful event
  • The ambiguous image, does the secret hide in our view?
  • The ambiguous images
    • Bibliography

Ambiguous image: a wonderful event

Author Rodríguez Camacho, in his research on visual stimulation and multiestable perception, comments that when stimuli have ambiguous characteristics, the visual system is alternating those two or more interpretations that may be feasible.

Even when the physical stimulus does not change, our visual system is doing it, Well, this is the multi -state perception, which is the explanation for this type of ambiguous image.

Therefore, a stimulus does not change, but the subject can alternate his perceptions in time and these perceptual changes are spontaneous.

To begin, it is worth mentioning that perceive an ambiguous image hides a wonderful world, Well, our brain intervenes in it.

It is for this reason that both physiologists, optometrists, designers, psychologists and neuroscientists converge to study these incredible phenomena.

Notably Advertising has managed to use this ability to generate ambiguities very well, Although it is something that should be done carefully so as not to lead to politically incorrect, or controversial interpretations.

In any case, when we observe an ambiguous image what is in operation is much more than we think, because, in addition to the brain and our perception, our view also intervenes.

Necker cube

The ambiguous image, does the secret hide in our view?

A possible explanation of what happens when we observe an ambiguous image, could be in view or, rather, in the vision, then, It is known that in the visual process the average vision plays a fundamental role.

First, what prevails is the so -called early vision, which tries to identify which are the most essential characteristics of an image. Then, the average vision intervenes, in which all these characteristics combine and give rise to groups of objects.

Then it is possible to recognize images. When this occurs and predominates the upper level of vision, the classification of the object is no longer necessary, that is, to make use of that intermediate level in the vision, but things are perceived in itself.

For example, With the average level of vision we notice a face, but with the high level we already know if it is a family face.

That is why, both the average and the high level are fundamental to understand our reality, in which there are many perceptions that can be ambiguous. Anyway, even more amazing is knowing how much real there is in our reality.


The ambiguous images

There are several ambiguous images that have taken the attention of the majority; Among them, the most famous is perhaps the necker's cube, as mentioned, since In this image the orientation can take two interpretations, or to the left or right, which are alternating in time.

One of the most striking aspects with this optical illusion is that every four seconds you can give a change regarding the perception of the cube orientation.

In addition to this, The so -called "boring figure" is also interesting, which can be perceived as an old woman or as a young woman And, of course, the classic figure of the duck or rabbit.

All these images are attractive because, in addition to being entertaining, they also allow it to be studied more about the phenomenon of multiestable perception, which leads to investigating other processes inherent to the individual, such as attention and memory.

However, not all answers are given or everything can be given. There is still much to investigate, including the brain electrical activity that takes place when perceptual changes occur before these ambiguous figures. Without a doubt, this represents a wonderful world.

Know the most incredible optical illusions


  • Cruz-Author, e. AND. EITHER., & External, F. TO. G. T. (2018, September). Electroencephaphraphic oscillations of multiestable perception. In XII Postgraduate Congress in Psychology UNAM | 2018.
  • Garcia, i. D. TO. M. EITHER., & Ategui, D. R. J. R. Multiestable visual perception study with stochastic and harmonic modulation applied to the standard synergy model for patterns recognition.
  • Ortiz-Cruz, e. AND., Rodríguez-Camacho, h., Rodríguez-Camacho, m. TO., & Bernal-Hernández, J. (2018). Percepfiguras: Computerized visual stimulation program to evaluate behavioral and electrophysiologically multiestible perception. Mexican Biomedical Engineering Magazine39(2), 190-204.
  • Pérez, m. TO. G. (1988). Anisoplanatic visual processing (Doctoral Dissertation, Complutense University of Madrid).