Vaginal hyperlaxity 8 effects on women's sexual life

Vaginal hyperlaxity 8 effects on women's sexual life

Vaginal hyperlaxity is characterized by the loss of tension in vaginal walls. The woman with vaginal hyperlaxity or vaginal relaxation, experience the feeling of having a wide vagina, which ends by reducing sensitivity during sexual encounter.

Although many times vaginal hyperlaxity can be related to the prolapse of the uterus or to urinary incontinence, the truth is that it can be presented isolated.


  • What is vaginal hyperlaxity
  • How does vaginal hyperlaxity syndrome affect?
  • How vaginal laxity occurs?
    • At greater births, more risk ..
    • In the case of women who give birth for caesarean section and in those non -pregnant women ..
  • How to prevent?
  • Treatment
    • In conclusion…
      • Bibliography

What is vaginal hyperlaxity

Throughout the woman's life, she experiences different changes in her body; Thus, when crossing several stages, its intimate anatomy is also affected, especially with births, the arrival of menopause or with the passing of the years, since these events impact both the vagina and the pelvic floor.

After pregnancy and childbirth, due to the distension of the vagina, vaginal laxity can occur, which can be minimal or maximum, in the latter case it is that Vagina hyperlaxityl.

According to the author Ana María Gómez Abero, in her study on the restoration of pelvic soil in the postpartum, the vaginal laxity is listed within the dysfunctions of the female pelvic soil (DSP), since this is characterized by a series of a series of clinical pictures that occur as a result of an alteration in the pelvic musculature and in the surrounding tissues. So, vaginal hyperlaxity is considered a pathology in which the shape of the vagina is altered, as well as atrophy of the vaginal mucosa.

It is a common disorder in which the walls of the vagina lose tone, elasticity and firmness. That is, muscles lose strength, relax and, therefore, do not have enough tension; In addition, the internal and external diameter of the vagina also usually increases.

In addition to this, the vaginal walls become thinner, which can lead to mild urinary incontinence, when coughing, running or sneezing, and even loss in the quality of sex When the vaginal tissue yields, pleasure is reduced, not only for women, but also for their partner.

Although it is not in all cases, in the majority, vaginal laxity occurs due to pregnancies and deliveries, although obesity can also be a triggering factor.

With the arrival of menopause, atrophy and dryness they also change the vaginal mucosa, bringing with it a decrease in the elasticity of the vagina, which, in many cases, makes it sexual relations are accompanied by pain. In addition, when giving a progressive weakening of the pelvic floor, it is very likely that the woman suffers from urinary incontinence.

For all this, depending on the circumstances, It is possible to find cases in which the vaginal walls have yielded and are without tombing, bulging and soft. It is then when talking about vaginal hyperlaxity.

How does vaginal hyperlaxity syndrome affect?

Those who suffer from this syndrome usually express how their sex life worsens, since the following signs are presented:

  1. A feeling of having "broad vagina" arises, for which it is not easy to hug the penis. This affects the woman and her companion.
  2. In addition, having less friction of the penis in the vagina, There is also a lower difficulty in reaching orgasm And, in case of reaching it, its intensity is usually minimal.
  3. In addition, Vaginal noises occur They are annoying, as if they were 'pedorretas'. These vaginal windings can cause physical or psychological discomfort to women.
  4. There is More vaginal flow.
  5. The entrance of the vagina or introito, presents more irritation and dryness.
  6. When playing sports, many women feel open vagina; It also occurs when they do daily life tasks or crouch.
  7. In more extreme cases, women perceive how Water is introduced into the vagina when bathing In the sea or in a pool.
  8. It can be associated with urinary incontinence, Due to the loss of tone in the pelvic floor.

These are some of the ways in which vaginal hyperlaxity affects the quality of women's life, especially in the sexual area.

Psychoneuroimmunendocrinology (Pnie)

How vaginal laxity occurs?

At greater births, more risk ..

Most cases of vaginal hyperlaxity are presented in women who have had several births in natural forms. In fact, the more births, the greater the risks of suffering from this syndrome, since, when the fetus passes through the vagina during childbirth, if a great distension has been caused, the vagina is not recovered during the postpartum period.

However, this phenomenon is multifactorial, since it depends on the evolution of delivery, the size of babies, the duration of delivery, the vaginal tear, as well as its suture.

Anyway, although at the time of childbirth the vagina stretches so that the fetus can pass, later and progressively, in the weeks that follow, the vagina is recovering its anatomy as much as possible.

In the case of women who give birth for caesarean section and in those non -pregnant women ..

The effect of pregnancy itself can cause distension on the walls of the vagina. However, it is less common, as is the diagnosis in women who have not been pregnant.

But they exist Other factors that also affect vaginal laxity such as obesity, constipation, chronic cough or the practice of certain sports activities in which vaginal walls can be affected. This is taken for association in the properties of women's fabrics. It is in these special cases when a woman without children could present tissue hyperlaxity.

In this process, other internal factors such as collagen, proteins and elastin should also be considered, since not all people synthesize proteins in the same way.

How to prevent?

Prevention is the key, so good obstetrics quality should be implemented, so that the route of childbirth is well calibrated and prolonged expuls or vaginal tears are avoided.

It is also important to avoid overweight and chronic constipation during women's life.


The treatment for vaginal hyperlaxity can be addressed in different ways, either through Rehabilitation or laser. In those more serious cases, surgery is an option to value, although the application of techniques that are not invasive is currently sought.

In the case of physiotherapy and rehabilitation, this is indicated in mild cases. It is recommended during postpartum as prevention to ensure that the syndrome does not appear. The most effective are Kegel exercises, which tone the pelvic floor muscles.

Similarly, you can resort to laser, which consists of the application of technical energy, through a device that is introduced into the vagina. This Promotes collagen generation so that the vaginal walls are tested again and increases their thickness and hydration. This process is outpatient and usually lasts about twenty minutes per session.

In conclusion…

Vaginal hyperlaxity occurs more frequently when the woman has had one or more vaginal births. The greater the number of births, the higher the risk.

Physiotherapy or rehabilitation is indicated in mild cases. In the most serious cases, surgery is valued, although The trend is the application of non -invasive techniques, such as laser.  

What happens in our brain during orgasm?


  • ABERO, a. M. G., Serrano, m., Díaz, d., Machicado, m., Ballesta, a., & de Campos, to. H. (2020). Pelvic soil restoration in the postpartum. Teaching Nursing, 83-89.
  • Espitia de la Hoz, F. J., & Orozco Gallego, H. (2017). Evaluation of the improvement of sexuality in women intervened by urinary incontinence. Peruvian Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics63(4), 537-546.
  • Sosa, c. G., Boutmy, m., Sotero, g., Rodríguez, f., & Tellechea, J. TO. (2019). Laser-Co. Gynecology and Obstetrics Archives57(3), 161-173.
  • Tauscher, d. P., Wiltelli, c., & Castro, G. Role of the laser for the new indications proposed in the vulvovaginal and urological pathology of women: "Consensus document of the Argentine Society of Pathology of the lower genital tract and colposcopy".