Children of narcissistic parents

Children of narcissistic parents

Those who suffer from a narcissistic personality disorder are selfish people and who are not able to empathize with the feelings of others. They need to always be main protagonists and be the center of attention, despising the needs and desires of others. They are manipulators to achieve what they want and cannot recognize other merits other than their own.

If who suffers from a narcissistic disorder is a father or mother, all these behaviors are usually focused on children, which will negatively influence their development, since it will be marked by the disorder suffered by their parents. Thus, exactly, ¿the children of narcissistic parents How are they affected?

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How children's narcissism affects children

The narcissistic father or mother is based on the fact that their children have to satisfy their desires and expectations and will be unable to put their children's needs to his own at some point. Quite the contrary, when the son or daughter expresses some desire or necessity, it will be severely disapproved. That is why the child, even when he is an adult, will have difficulties in identifying what their wishes are and needs and will feel that you have no right to express them and even less to satisfy them, because this will generate a great feeling of guilt.

Due to the characteristics of this disorder, parents will not be able to meet the child's emotional needs, but they expect at all times that the son satisfies his own and, since the child will not be able to do so, he will be labeled as bad, vague , selfish, etc. Making him feel a defective and guilty person.

Therefore, when you grow up, you will find great Difficulty in being assertive, will have an absolute need to like others and will need at all times that others approve what he does. Parents have not given the necessary instruments to objectively assess their behavior, and therefore It will depend on the valuation of others.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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