Hydrotherapy as an antiestrés treatment

Hydrotherapy as an antiestrés treatment

Without realizing many times we run everywhere, with our tongue outside and seeing how the second clock forward advances dizzyingly, spreading the minuter and printing the feeling of not arriving. Do not get physically and not arrive mentally.

And it is that the body and mind are so connected that they are feedback. They rarely agree to say enough, but you have to try to get a moment of lucidity, give a relaxing shower, put the priorities in a folio and get them step by step, without so much urgency.

You cannot live urgently

The rush, it is already known, are not good counselors and on many occasions they cause space to the urgent instead of the important. To think in the short term instead of long and make a kind of kick and go ahead and see what happens.

Good. In that case, in which we have surely seen each other, it is time to stop, look a little inside, pamper and start taking care of body and soul. Start with small changes to build a routine Healthy habits, where, of course, good food has to be accommodated as well as daily exercise.

In addition to this, practices such as yoga, pilates, meditation or hydrotherapy help fight stress and relax and look at life from another point of view.

What is hydrotherapy?

Hydrotherapy has taken great relevance in recent years. While it had always existed as something therapeutic for health issues such as fibromyalgia, arthritis or muscle atrophy, more and more is used more to simply relax, since its benefits are always positive.

In this sense, you have to do anything other than take a look at how much the number of spas has increased and the average age has dropped to the spas, Something before associated almost alone to the elderly.

There are different hydrotherapy formulas: Thermal, by water temperature, mechanics, By type of pressure, or chemistry, Depending on the chemical that carries the water (chloruded, suffered, ferruginosa, etc.)

Whate, Water benefits are optimal to activate correct circulation, stimulate the immune system, improve breathing and contribute to stress.

In any case, it is not necessary to go to a spa daily to feel better. Giving at home a relaxing shower can also help reduce cortisol levels, the hormone that is secreted following stress and haste, or practicing swimming that is also a complete sport that also helps fight back pains.

This, late in the afternoon, also accompanied by other healthy habits during the day as simple as drinking at least a liter and a half of water a day, not being exposed to mobile screens before going to sleep or not dinner late can help To relax the rhythm, to make the head slowly, to be able to think more clearly.