I have left the job and regret, what can I do?

I have left the job and regret, what can I do?

Many times we can act by impulses. He stress and tension that we usually live within the work environment can make, sometimes, let's make decisions in a somewhat precipitous way and of which we later regret. It is important that, before exploding, think well what your next steps are and what plans you have at the work level. But this premeditation is not always possible and, therefore, it may be that you are in the situation of "I have left the job and I regret it". If this is your case, keep reading this Psychology-online article in which we are going to give you a series of tips so you can resolve this situation and recover job stability in your life.

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You regret leaving work but why?

If you have left the job and regret it, it is possible that, now, you are valuing the option to return. However, before taking this step, it is important that you analyze the reasons why you left the work and the reasons why you are now regretting.

We must take into account that, many times, the passage of time makes "wounds" and what we saw insufferable yesterday, today we do not see it so bad. However, if before it bothered us, it will surely bother us again if we return to the same point. Therefore, Before making a decision We recommend that you take into account the following:

Analyze the causes for which you left work

If you were bored, burned or felt stuck, most likely, when you return, after time you are at the same point. Fear cannot be the engine in our lives and, therefore, if you left the work fully reasoned, then return to it can be a mistake. However, it may be the case that you will act untimely and impulsively, that something happened in your life that made you leave a position where you felt realized and happy.

It is essential that you know why you made the decision. And, above all, what Do not self -tear, Well, it won't take you to anything. Practice sincerity and honesty with yourself and remember the reasons why you decided to cut that employment relationship. Only then, finding the truth face to face, you can make a decision.

Analyze your regret

Once you remember why you left employment, it is time to find out the reasons why, today, you feel repentant. This is where more feelings and emotions that can be contradictory can come together. For example, Fear is one of the main engines that can make us reculate in a decision we had made. You might leave your job because you wanted to try their luck in another sector or undertake a new business, however, if things have not gone quite well, you will surely want to return to your comfort zone to avoid having a bad drink.

In these cases you must take into account that The decision you make is only yours. No one can tell you what is the best you should do. But, yes, it is important that values ​​the possibility of starting in a new company because, what is clear, is that changes in life are always positive. Everything is learned and, the more we move, the more we enrich ourselves. However, the final decision is only yours and you must choose according to your real and personal needs.

Think about your future, not your present

And finally, if you regret having left the job, before calling back to the door we recommend that you think about a thing: ¿You imagine in the future working in that company? Think with your heart in your hand, being totally sincere with yourself. Many times, this feeling of regret It is moved by fear And, just as we make the decision to leave the job, we can come to mind the emotion of regret.

However, before continuing to give blind sticks, it is best to think if, really, you look working for some years in that company. If the answer is not, it is best to look for another job, in another company, to be able to start again. Back to origins only for "fear" is not, at all, recommended.

4 tips to return to the same job

If you have left the job and repent, after having done the reflection exercise that we just indicated, you may have taken The decision to return to the same job. In these cases, you have to take into account these tips that will help you resume your job and do it in the best possible way. It is never possible to return to the same point we went, life is changing and jobs too. Therefore, we recommend that you take it as a new job opportunity, as a "start to start" and, thus, you can live again the emotion of a new job.

Take advantage of your contacts

It is very likely that in the company there are still some former colleagues who continue working there. Therefore, a good way to try to return to the same job is that you contact them to see how the situation is. They can also "pave" the land talking with the person in charge or with human resources to take into account your candidacy. It is a direct way of being able to go back to the template since they know how you work.

It will not be easy

Although, at first glance, it may seem that returning to an old job can be something simple, it won't be. It is possible that both your superiors and your colleagues ask you about the causes you left for work. In addition, it may be that your decision to leave the position causes some suspicion among the bosses that can see that your profile is not entirely reliable. So prepare to give explanations and to defend your position.

Accept that there will be changes

When returning to the same job it may be that, all the benefits or tasks you had previously assigned, now they are different. In fact, it may be the case that you enter a lower position or that they have moved you from department. Instead of being proud in this aspect, what we recommend is that you take it as a new opportunity to grow and learn professionally. Try to leave your ego behind and prepare to live a new experience in a company that you already know.

Be patient

And finally, we also recommend that you are not impatient. Surely, when you have been in the position for a few weeks, you will see that there are some mistakes that are repeated or situations that you have already lived. Instead of accumulating that tension and boredom, learn from your past experience. Do not let "the ghosts of the past" can make a dent in the future. And, for this, you have to take this as if it were a new opportunity to grow and develop. You have to encourage a positive attitude at work to avoid falling into routine and boredom.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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