There are people who do not grow in adversity, and nothing happens!

There are people who do not grow in adversity, and nothing happens!

There are people who do not grow in adversity and nothing happens because everyone has a right time to act, or stop doing a certain matter.

Lately, the belief has expanded that difficult times must be done great feats, however, what about people who do not grow in adversity?, Are they less valuable than the rest? The answer is a definit no!

Each individual has a precise moment to grow and display the best of their potentialities. On the other hand, not all the time the human being must be in constant action; On the contrary, there are situations in which man needs to work with himself, from within.


  • People who do not grow in adversity
  • It should not grow following others
  • Other ways of growing
    • There is always time to grow
    • Bibliography

People who do not grow in adversity

Today there is quite a lot of resilience, or to overcome difficult circumstances; It is expected that in the midst of economic crises, novel businesses will be opened, Incredible ventures begin or earn more money. This could be interpreted as a sample that the human being can overcome before any obstacle. However, time is not indicated for everyone equally. That is, as in nature there are plants that bloom in winter, summer or autumn, there are others that only do so in spring. And similarly occurs with man.

Each person requires certain conditions and of a specific time To show the world the best they have to offer. Does not work equally for everyone. This indicates that, if a friend is consolidating a big business, people around them do not necessarily have to do the same, since everyone requires an exact moment and previous preparation.

It should not grow following others

Another idea that is not ideal is not to grow when others are doing it, for the mere fact of meeting third parties expectations.

In his book Less expectations more happiness, The author Bea Sánchez, emphasizes the need to live without expecting things from others, which does not imply that he must live without hope.

In the aforementioned text, the author also notes that All beings live in a limited action space, This means that, on some occasions, no matter how much try to change a situation, it will simply not happen because everything cannot be controlled in life, or the facts, or other people.

Bringing life as others expect it to also can trigger feelings of frustration, sadness, anxiety or low self -esteem. But, the most important thing to accept is that There are people who do not grow in adversity and nothing happens because they have a specific way to grow, In addition to a precise conditions and time.

Other ways of growing

It is possible that when observing certain people to go through difficult times they are not seen opening business or doing some type of business feat. And again, nothing happens! This either means that this person is not growing. In fact, It is likely to be doing it, but in its own way.

Well, when social or economic conditions are not the best, there are people who are dedicated to growing internally, analyze their ideas, reflect on what they truly want, as well as rearrange some issues in their lives and this requires time.

Meditate, connect with the interior space, analyze one's own life, get away from certain people, close a business that caused tiredness, among others, They are also ways of growing, only that are not part of those that are considered usual.

Growing in adversities does not imply only monetary gains; Well, there are also other ways to self -realize.

For example, meditation, the practice of mindful, Internal dialogue, among others, are also forms to self -knowledge and grow. Ideally, in the face of complex situations, business is not undertaken just because other people of the near environment consider that this is a type of adversity "growth". Well, before starting to undertake it is necessary to know each other, discover the unknown skills, the talents that are had and all the options available.

There are many exercises for self -knowledge, which can be done alone or in the company of a professional. All of them are also part of the growth process in life.

There is always time to grow

The most important thing is that there is always time to grow, it will never be too late to start fulfilling a dream. So nothing happens with people who do not grow in adversity; Maybe, they are waiting for the best time to do it, or They can already be growing in their own way.

The concept of growing in adversity also responds to intimate beliefs and particular ways of seeing life. Not everyone should grow equally, nor do it at the same time. Before concluding that there are people who do not grow in adversity, it is worth observing if they are no longer doing it, at their own way, in their own way. In the end, all forms are valid.


  • Fore in, & Grané, J. (2008). The resilience. Grow from adversity.
  • Gutiérrez-Rodríguez, J. (2009). The positive response to adversity: resilience. Criminology Quaderos: Magazine of Criminology and Forensic Sciences.
  • Ii Socratic and Logotherapy Highters, a proposal. (2001). PSYCHOLOGY-A from the Caribbean.
  • Sánchez, b. (2018). Less expectations, more happiness: how to be happy without expecting anything.