Save grudges how it harms us

Save grudges how it harms us

That produce logically harm generates discomfort. Many times, after someone else hurts us, they arise in us negative and hostile feelings to whom he has harmed us (or has harmed a loved one). That's what the resentment is about.

It is human to feel resent, We all do it. In this article we will tell you why it is so harmful to save it. We will also mention, of course, how to manage it so that they can leave it behind along with the damage it generates.

If you want to know how to say goodbye to resentment and regain well -being, then keep reading! We will give you excellent tips.


  • What does the grudge imply?
  • Why do we feel resent?
    • Is it worth saving resentment?
  • How does our health influence?
  • Free: learn to manage resentment
    • 1. Recognize that we save grudge
    • 2. Focus on the present
    • 3. Evaluate what you want and what you lose
    • 4. They have hurt you, accept it
  • Saving grudge only hurts us
    • Bibliographic resources

What does the grudge imply?

According to the Royal Spanish Academy, the resent is defined as a feeling of hostility or resentment towards a person for an offense or damage that has generated us. Now, let's go in parts.

It is a feeling, that is, it is the evaluation of an emotion that we have about something, more what we subjectively conclude of an experience. In addition, it implies hostility or resentment. Therefore…

… The grudge is a negative feeling with respect to someone who has hurt us, and not necessarily physically.

We felt resentment later to an offense or damage they have done to us, but there is no indicated period of time in which it should appear. May arise instantly after receiving the damage, or up to months and years later. It implies a wound that has not healed, and that is why he awakens contempt for those who hurt us.

Why do we feel resent?

As you know, the resentment is the feeling resulting from an offense that we or someone loved receives. Implies anguish, anguish, hostility, bitterness, also desires for revenge. All these factors, of course, They decrease our possibility of enjoying our lives. Even, over time, the grudge could erase any trace of happiness in us.

It is such an intense emotion that it can bring us serious emotional problems as physical. However, the key is to understand that Avenge will not solve what happened, nor keep hatred inside us. This will only harm the grudding person. That is why it is crucial to understand the importance of leaving the resentment behind.

Is it worth saving resentment?

So, they already know what the resentment does: it keeps us distressed, thoughtful, it distracts us from our routine and the things we enjoy. It is human to feel it, everyone has happened to us on occasion. However, when they damage and awaken this kind of feelings, we recommend you take time to rethink if the situation is really worthy of it.

By feeling grudges, resentment and anger end up damaging our physical and mental health.

Is it really worth dedicating that kind of attention? We must understand that, keeping grudge feelings, we do nothing but hurt, and The damage they did to us can no longer be reversed. That is why learning to manage resentment is fundamental, to improve our quality of life.

Sadness, an emotion that invites us to reflection

How does our health influence?

Emotions and feelings have an impact on health. The resentment is no exception. Negative emotions, especially being poorly managed, will take us through a path of suffering and discomfort not only psychic, but also physical.

The grudge leads us to experience a pain already past. With him we relive anguish and other painful feelings with the same intensity (or even more than when they happened).

So, if we don't stop going around our minds to what happened. If we kept asking ourselves: “What would have happened if… ?". If we do not stop, recurrently, establish conversations with others where we report what happened, finally The resentment will end up absorbing our person In its whole. Only We will be giving more importance than it deserves to a hostile and harmful feeling.

Free: learn to manage resentment

It is evident: the resentment brings nothing more than pain and negativity. That is why we will now focus on giving them strategies to learn to manage resentment. If they can do so, they will improve their mood and, therefore, their quality of life.

1. Recognize that we save grudge

The first dial when feeling resent is, precisely, to recognize it. We must be honest with ourselves. Once we have recognized what happens to us, then we can do something about it And carry on.

2. Focus on the present

Stop looking at the past to concentrate on what is happening to us. In the end that is what will allow us to enjoy our lives again. Release what has happened, Think about the present and future projects, Only then will you regain well -being.

3. Evaluate what you want and what you lose

Take some time and think about what you want and what you lose when you save resentment. In the end you can see that more is the wear and disorder than the desire for revenge generates that what relieves. Librara your negative emotions to be better.

4. They have hurt you, accept it

Surely It will not be the first time in which they have damaged you and, unfortunately, it will not be the last. Accept that, once you do you can get ahead. Although you try to reverse the damage or the past offense, the reality is that nothing or anyone can change it. Accepting it is crucial to get ahead and leave hate behind.

Saving grudge only hurts us

We hope that, from this article, the following reflection can be taken: saving grudge does nothing but harm us. Sure many times more will hurt us, it is in us to evaluate how to manage what has happened to us.

We invite you to follow these tips for, little by little, stop focusing on the pain generated by the past. In the end, you will see how their lives will improve. The next time you feel resent, reflect. You will know that you should not follow that path.

Bibliographic resources

  • Ferrero, i. T., & Rico, t. P. (2010). Positive Psychology and Mental Health Promotion. Positive and negative emotions. Educational applications of positive psychology, 130.
  • KANCYPER, l. (2003). The memory of the grudge and the memory of pain. Exchanges, Psychoanalysis/Intercanvis papers, PSICOANàLISI PAPERS, (10), 84-94.
  • Murphy, J. G. (1982). Forgiveness and Resentment. Midwest Studies in Philosophy, 7, 503-516.
  • Rodríguez, J. TO. P., Linares, v. R., González, a. AND. M., & Guadalupe, L. TO. EITHER. (2009). Negative emotions and its impact on mental and physical health. Psychological sum, 16 (2), 85-112.