Rubteurismo 6 Explanatory Models

Rubteurismo 6 Explanatory Models

The rubbing is A type of sexual excitation that is obtained by rubbing the genital organs against someone else's body. The peculiar of rubbing is that this rubbing occurs without the other person lending their consent.

That is, it is an aggression that threatens the intimacy and personal space of the other. It is also worth noting that it is not the prelude to an erotic encounter, but that, in general, The aggressor is excited by rubbing and then masturbating in private.

These behaviors usually occur more frequently in crowded sites, that is, Where there are agglomerations, such as in the meters of the big cities, the concerts, the buses, among other spaces full of people. Most victims are a womanIt is and, although it is usually manifested between fifteen and twenty -five years, the truth is that there is no age limit.


  • Froctteurism
  • What are the symptoms of this paraphilia?
  • What is the profile of a person with smear?
  • The explanatory models
  • Treatment
    • Bibliography


According to the author Nubia Esther Hernández Flórez, in her theoretical review around the discussion of sexual disorders, rubbing consists in obtaining pleasure, preferentially or exclusively, through the rubbing of the genital organs against the body of an unknown person, and without the consent of this. These activities are carried out in public places and is usually accompanied by masturbation to the memory of this situation.

In summary, Froctteurism is a paraphilia in which pleasure is obtained by rubbing the genitals against unknown people, But the most remarkable is that It is a behavior disorder and not a mental illness, As many refer to this, especially when the aggressor tries to justify his actions.

The victims, for the most part, often remain silent and not react to sexual aggression, because they are usually perplexed and also because they feel shame.

In some countries the practice of rubbing is more widespread than in others; For example, in Tokyo, it is estimated that two out of three women have been a victim of smear, at the age of 20 and 30, while in countries like Mexico practice is very frequent.

Another alarming aspect is that in many South American countries there are groups that, on social networks, guide in meters of meters to execute this practice.

What are the symptoms of this paraphilia?

In principle, there is the excitement of a practice that is prohibited, that is, to come into contact with a person who does not consent. One possibility is that the practice of this paraphilia also generates the person who executes it and that or does not like him, even if he enjoys it when performing it.

These impulses and desires can cause deterioration in other areas of the individual's life, so a psychological treatment is required.

A symptom that is also frequent when starting treatment is that the subject, on many occasions, has tried to control the impulse, but without success.

In the DSM-5, the defining criterion has not changed with respect to the DSM-IV-TR, so it is still considered “for a period of at least six months, recurring and highly exciting sexual fantasies, sexual impulses or behaviors that imply touching or rubbing a person who does not consent ".

Past, present and future of human sexuality

What is the profile of a person with smear?

In the greatest number of cases these are men. Although there is no specific age, it is more common in young people under 25 years old and in over 60. It is also considered that it occurs in men who have difficulty interacting with women.

As the large part of paraphilias, rubb.

This is because on many occasions the origin of paraphilia is found in a moment of sexual excitement that was produced by having been touched, so, to obtain such satisfaction again, the subject tends to repeat the action.

In addition, the person who practices rubb. These are people who in many cases undervalue.

The explanatory models

At present, it is not known exactly what the ethiopathogenesis of paraphilias is, since explanatory models are not entirely convincing, regarding the development and maintenance of such behaviors.

However, among the possible psychological models the following are considered:

  1. Learning: Many deduce that paraphilic behaviors are learned due to a classic conditioning process that occurs by the accidental association between an atypical stimulus and sexual excitement, which is reinforced in the repetition of situations.
  2. Behavioral termination: exposed by McConaghy, according to which the individual experiences an intense general activation in the face of exposure to certain stimular keys; Said intense activation induces him not to stop in the action of behavior.
  3. Herman's addictive character: which does not have empirical support.
  4. Courtship disorders, Freud: in which sexual behaviors are supposed to be biologically determined, describing four phases: that of location and evaluation in the couple, the pretactile interaction, the tactile interaction and, finally, the genital union. Each phase corresponds to a degree of activation that prepares him for the next, so that alterations in the activation pattern in the phases could be translated into a sex.
  5. Imitation of models: based on the relationship that exists in the family environment in which the individual has developed during childhood and if he has witnessed patterns of violence, little socialization, negative attitudes towards sex, among others.
  6. Skills deficit: It is a hypothesis that is based on the possibility that there are abnormal levels of androgens, as well as alterations in the temporal lobe. However, this theory has yielded results that contradict themselves.


To make the evaluation of this paraphilia, sexual impulse should be considered, as well as a complete analysis of the problem in context, which includes a study of the personality of the subject, its difficulties in the family and the couple with the couple.

In addition, there must be analyzed if there are difficulties in social and communicational skills, in addition to evaluating instrumental skills, that is, their ability to face stress and the environment in which it develops.

The psychological and sexological history of the subject must also be analyzed, as well as the beliefs that the individual has regarding the exercise of sexual function; The sequence of paraphilia, among others, because, at present, there are no questionnaires or scratched validated in Spain.

Past, present and future of human sexuality


The treatment for this paraphilia can vary and go from the pharmacological, through hormonal manipulation to reduce testosterone and estrogen levels, as well as tranquilizers, to the psychological.

Through psychological treatment they try to recognize other rewarding and adaptive forms of obtaining pleasure, without these committing the personal space of someone else or implying ethical problems. However, in some cases, the subject does not recognize his problem, so it is third parties who guide them to therapies and this is one of the difficulties when establishing a treatment, the initial resistance.

In many cases, the specialist will indicate to the patient a series of techniques and tools to know the origin of the excitation and will explain why, at the social level, this practice is a problem that should not incur.

The idea is the deviation of excitation, rather than its suppression, so that smear does not generate problems to the subject or other people.

What are paraphilias?


  • of white God, and. (2017). Paraphilic disorder: clinical characteristics of male patients treated by clinical sexology. Havana Psychiatric Hospital Magazine, 13 (3).
  • Flórez, n. AND. H., Villalobos, e. P. TO., & Maradei, M. AND. (2013). Theoretical review around the discussion about sexual disorders. Theoretical Review On The Discussion About Sex Disorders. PSYCHOPCIOS: Virtual Magazine of the University Institution of Envigado, 7 (10), 291-320.
  • Galbán, l. AND. P., Rodríguez, l. C., From the cross, m. P., López, o. L. B., & Álvarez, M. G. (2000). Multiple sexual inclination disorders. Presentation of a case. Camagüey Medical Archive, 4 (3).