Phrases about a person's future

Phrases about a person's future

Although the future is uncertain, you must prepare to make that moment one of the best stages of your life. The future depends on what you do today. Therefore, take advantage every minute of your time to make tomorrow a phenomenal moment.

If you need some inspiration to improve your future or that of your loved ones, in this Psychology-online article, we have collected the best phrases about a person's future. It is a series of inspiring appointments and full of motivation to fulfill your dreams and never give up. You will discover phrases about the uncertain future and other thoughts that will make you reflect on your goals, so you can persevere until reaching them.

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  1. Famous phrases about the future
  2. Phrases about the future uncertain
  3. Phrases about the future professional
  4. Motivating phrases about the future

Famous phrases about the future

Throughout history, many bright minds have reflected on the destiny that awaits humanity. In this section, we want to share with you some of the famous phrases about the future of the most inspiring. These words, from great thinkers, leaders and visionaries, invite you to contemplate with enthusiasm and wisdom what is to come.

  1. Education is the passport to the future, because tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for him today. Malcolm x.
  2. The best way to predict your future is to create it. Peter Drucker.
  3. What is coming is better than what left. Arab Proverb.
  4. Your future depends on those you make in the present. Mahatma Gandhi.
  5. You can't escape the responsibility of tomorrow by avoiding it today. Abraham Lincoln.
  6. The past is a memory, the future is uncertain and today is a gift. Anonymous.
  7. Study the past if you want to define the future. Confucius.
  8. If there is hope in the future, there is literally power in the present. Zig Ziglar.
  9. The future influences the present. Friedrich Nietzsche.
  10. There is nothing like a dream to create the future. Victor Hugo.
  11. The best thing about the future is that one day arrives at the same time. Abraham Lincoln.
  12. If we open a dispute between the past and the present, we will discover that we have lost the future. Winston Churchill.
  13. The direction in which the education of a man will determine will determine his future life. Plato.
  14. The future reward to those who continue. I don't have time to feel sorry for myself. I don't have time to complain. I will move on. Barack Obama.
  15. The future is there ... looking back. Trying to make sense of fiction in which we will have become. William Gibson.
  16. The future is not an inheritance. It is an opportunity and an obligation. Bill Clinton.
  17. In this brilliant future, you can't forget your past. Bob Marley.
  18. It always seems impossible until it is done. Nelson Mandela.
  19. Being fully present is the best guarantee for a brilliant future. Guy Finley.
  20. Do not stay in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind at the present time. Buddha.
  21. I never think about the future. It will arrive very soon. Albert Einstein.
  22. Our anxiety does not come from thinking about the future, but wanting to control it. Kahlil Gibran.
  23. You have to plan the future and anticipate it without fear. Robin Hobb.
  24. Do not dream of the future itself; You have to earn it. Carlos Ruiz Zafon.
  25. The only limit to our realization will be our doubts today. Let's move on with strong and active faith. Franklin d. Roosevelt.
  26. Change your life today. Therefore, do not play the future. Act now, without delay. Simone de Beauvoir.
  27. Without forgiveness there is no future. Desmond Tutu.
  28. Your current thoughts are creating your future life. Rhonda Byrne.
  29. If you do not try to create the future you want, you must endure the future you get. John c. Maxwell.

Phrases about the future uncertain

The future is a territory full of possibilities. In fact, it is a blank canvas where our dreams and hopes can materialize. In this section, we leave you a selection of phrases about the uncertain future, which They will make you think big and fill you with hope For a brilliant tomorrow.

  1. Leave behind what happened and go to the future.
  2. Although fear dominates you because you do not know what is going to happen, it continues that the future holds you many wonderful things.
  3. Do not let the shadows of your past obscure the door of your future.
  4. I know what awaits you in the future, not your past.
  5. No matter how dirty your past is, your future is still impeccable, you just have to start drawing it. Draco.
  6. The memory of our past does not make us wise, but the responsibility of our future. George Bernard Shaw.
  7. Happiness is not something that you postpone for the future; It is something you design for the present. Jim Rohn.
  8. Sometimes we have to soak up the tears and fears of the past to water our gardens of the future. Suzy Kassem.
  9. The future is so brilliant, in the same proportion that you keep your mind open.
  10. There is no advantage in knowing the future; On the contrary, it is painful to torment without profit. Cicero.
  11. Let everything follow its course. Do not carefully for the future and focus on the here and now.
  12. Let your past failures prepare you for future victories. Jim George.
  13. Plan your future, but do it in pencil. The way ahead is as long as you do. Get the trip worth it. Jon Bon Jovi.
  14. Never let the future disturb you. You will face it, if necessary, with the same weapons of reason that today arm you against the present. Marco Aurelio.
  15. I feel that God puts things in our lives to help us prepare for the future. Louie Gohmert.
  16. There are much better things ahead than those we left behind. Cs Lewis.
  17. Your future is what you do with him. The more work you dedicate, the more results you will get. Anonymous.
  18. The best possible way to prepare for tomorrow is to concentrate with all your intelligence, all your enthusiasm, in making today's work today. This is the only possible way to prepare for the future. Give Carnegie.
  19. Yesterday already happened. Tomorrow has not yet arrived. We only have today. Let us begin. Mother Teresa.
  20. The future belongs to those who give the next generation reasons of hope. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.
  21. That your fears are not the limitation for life to have a brilliant future.
  22. Our anxiety does not come from thinking about the future, but trying to control it. Kahlil Gibran.
  23. We must accept that in life the future is something that will come, even if we want to delay it.
  24. There are only two days in which you cannot do anything: yesterday and tomorrow.
  25. The past, like the future, is indefinite and exists only as a spectrum of possibilities. Stephen Hawking.
  26. ¿Why do you get distraught in the morning? If it is something that has not even arrived.
  27. The best God did was one day after another.
  28. Do not make decisions while you are full of emotions, because those decisions will affect your whole future.
  29. The best way to predict the future is creating it. Peter Drucker.
  30. You realize that our distrust in the future makes it difficult to abandon the past. Chuck Palahniuk.
  31. Knowing too much about your future is never good. Rick Riordan.

Phrases about the future professional

The working world is a constantly change and evolution territory. In addition, each of us has professional goals and aspirations that drive us to seek a successful future. In this section, we want to motivate you with a selection of phrases on the professional future that They will encourage you to pursue your dreams, to overcome obstacles and embrace new opportunities with confidence and determination.

  1. Strive today, that your future self will thank you.
  2. You can't change your future. But you can change your habits. And surely your habits will change your future. Apj Abdul Kalam.
  3. The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. Eleanor Roosevelt.
  4. That the future tells the truth, and evaluate each one according to their work and their achievements. The present is theirs; The future, for which I have really worked, is mine. Nicholas Tesla.
  5. You cannot connect the points looking to the future; You can only connect them looking back. So you have to trust that the points will connect in some way in your future. Steve Jobs.
  6. We work day after day, not to finish things; but to improve the future ... because we will spend the rest of our lives there. Charles Kettering.
  7. The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
  8. Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day after day.
  9. The only limit to your future achievements are the doubts you have today.
  10. The future belongs to you if you have the courage to pursue your goals.
  11. Build your dreams or someone else will hire you to build yours.
  12. Do not wait for the future to find you, see and create the future you want.
  13. The future is brilliant for those who trust the power of their skills and talents.
  14. Success in the future is based on hard work and persistence in the present.
  15. The future is not written, it is waiting to be created by brave and bold people.
  16. No matter how slow you go, as long as you don't stop. Confucius.
  17. Do not be afraid to fail, you have the future to get up and learn from your mistakes.
  18. The way to professional success is full of challenges, but each obstacle is an opportunity for growth.
  19. The future belongs to those who dare to think big and act with courage.
  20. Professional success comes to forge your own path, not to follow the route drawn by others.
  21. In the professional future, tenacity and perseverance will take you farther than natural talent.
  22. Do not look for the perfect work, look for the work where you can do your best and create your own success.
  23. The professional future is a blank canvas, ¡Take the brush and paint your own path!
  24. Do not allow fear of failure to stop you. Focus on the future and build success step by step.
  25. While loving what you do, every day of your future in your work, it will be like a gift.
  26. Persevere until you reach the top and every obstacle you have, consider it a challenge.

Motivating phrases about the future

The future is that horizon that invites us to dream, persevere and believe in our unlimited potential to achieve the objectives. Now, we leave you some motivating phrases about the future To face the challenges And you overcome the barriers that tomorrow holds you. Prepare to find the necessary motivation so that you can write your own history and conquer a future full of successes and realizations.

  1. The future is today, not tomorrow. Pope Juan Pablo II.
  2. Whoever his future is better than the present, must work for him now, so that it is.
  3. Don't look at the clock. Do what he does. Keep going. Sam Levenson.
  4. Do it now. The future is not promised to anyone. Wayne Dyer.
  5. My interest is in the future because I'm going to spend the rest of my life there. Charles f. Kettering.
  6. Do not let fear decide your future. Shalane Flanagan.
  7. If you dream it, ¡you can achieve it!
  8. Let your hopes, not your wounds, shape your future. Robert h. Schuller.
  9. Your future depends on what you do today, so ¡encouragement! And keep going.
  10. The future is not a gift, it is an achievement. Albert Einstein.
  11. Faith is all the dreamers need to see the future. Jim Stovall.
  12. Remember that each of your decisions affects your future. Therefore, live without fear today.
  13. The future is not something to predict. The future is something to build. Franco Ongaro.
  14. The future will be a better tomorrow. Give quayle.
  15. The empires of the future are the empires of the mind. Winston Churchill.
  16. True generosity towards the future lies in giving everything to the present. Albert Camus.
  17. Never let the future bother you. You will find it, if necessary, with the same weapons of reason that today assemble you against the present. Marco Aurelio.
  18. The future is a blank page, take the time to write an extraordinary story.
  19. No matter how dark the present seem, we can always find light on the horizon of the future.
  20. The secret to a brilliant future is in the seeds of hope that we planted today.
  21. Do not look to the future as a fixed destination, but as an opportunity to mold your own path.
  22. The future is not just about what you get, but who you become the process.
  23. True greatness lies in the ability to look beyond what is visible and visualize what does not yet exist.
  24. The future does not expect those who doubt, but those who dare to take action.
  25. The future is not a predetermined destination, but a collective creation of our decisions and actions in the present.
  26. Focus on cultivating your skills and knowledge, because the future will reward those who prepare in the present.

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