Phrases to overcome sadness

Phrases to overcome sadness

Sadness is an emotion that you will face at any time in life, since existence is a spiral that sometimes presents some obstacles on the road. In addition, it is one of the primary emotions of human beings that helps us adapt and cope with difficulties.

However, when sadness becomes very deep, depression can arise and, at that time, it is when a word of breath can be of great help to relieve penalties. In this psychology-online article you will find some phrases to overcome sadness that will help you move forward or dedicate them to someone who is dealing with sadness.

You may also be interested: phrases to encourage a sad friend index
  1. Motivating phrases to overcome sadness
  2. Biblical phrases to overcome sadness
  3. Phrases to overcome the sadness of love

Motivating phrases to overcome sadness

We all pass through those days when we feel sad and devastated. Every day many things can make us lose control. When that happens, remember that sadness is a passing emotion and that you must give yourself some time to recognize your own emotions. Next, you will see some motivating phrases to overcome sadness They will make you see the light at the end of the tunnel. ¡Cheer up!

  1. I discovered that, with depression, one of the most important things you can realize is that you are not alone. Someone will always be by your side.
  2. Sadness flies in time wings. Fly with her. Jean de la Fontaine.
  3. Remember that the word 'happy' would lose its meaning if it was not balanced by sadness. Carl Jung.
  4. Do not let yourself overwhelm by sadness. Be strong.
  5. Life will always surprise you with something better. Cheer up.
  6. Cry if you need it, I'm here to accompany you.
  7. ¡Remember, everything will improve!
  8. The best is what happens and the good is yet to come.
  9. Each experience is necessary to grow.
  10. If you never failed, it's because you didn't try.
  11. It will be more difficult before it is easier. But it will improve. You just have to overcome it. Joe King.
  12. The duel never ends ... but changes. It's a passage, not a place to stay. Duel is not a sign of weakness, nor lack of faith ... is the price of love. Horacio Cope.
  13. Life has many ways to test the will of a person, whether nothing happens at all or making everything happen at the same time. Resists. Paulo Coelho.
  14. I am always here, so that we live together your sadness and then we are going to celebrate ¿OK?
  15. The best thing to get to the bottom is that you can only upload.
  16. Every day they offer us something to smile.
  17. Get up, save yourself and keep going.
  18. Where a door closes, hundreds of windows open.
  19. The best thing is what happened.
  20. Life takes many turns. Today you are down, tomorrow you will be on top.
  21. Tears come from the heart and not the brain.
  22. Sadness is also a type of defense. Ivo Andrich.
  23. Sadness hurts, but it is a healthy feeling. Is something necessary to feel. J. K. Rowling.
  24. It is sad not to love, but it is much sadder to not be able to love. Miguel de Unamuno.
  25. It's much better to forget and smile to remember and be sad.
  26. The good life is not that immune to sadness, but that in which suffering contributes to our development. Alain de Botton.
  27. Don't feel bad about feeling sad. That is natural in life.
  28. Your strength and strength are bigger than any difficulty.
  29. Melancholy is the joy of being sad. Victor Hugo.
  30. Things change. And friends leave. Life does not stop for anyone. Sthephen Chbosky.
  31. Sometimes, when things are falling apart, they may actually be accommodating. Shirley u. Careful.
  32. Don't cry because it ended, smile because you lived it.
  33. Sometimes life does not give you something you want, not because you don't deserve it, but because you deserve more. Brighton t.
  34. All my life can be described in a phrase: it did not go as planned, and okay. Hugh Raye.
  35. Trying to avoid sadness is trying to avoid life. Maxime Lagace.
  36. What makes us cry, will lead us to grace. Our pain is never wasted. Bob Goff.
  37. Sometimes you have to be able to listen to yourself and be fine without anyone understanding you. Anonymous.
  38. Do not Afli. Everything you lose comes back in another way, trust.
  39. Pain is one of the vibrations that prove the fact of living. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.
  40. Who has felt the deepest pain is the one that can best experience supreme happiness. Alejandro Dumas.
  41. The life is a game. Just enjoy losses and get ready to win.

Biblical phrases to overcome sadness

In the Holy Scriptures there are many biblical phrases to overcome sadness that have served as breath and relief to people over the centuries. In this section, we will show you the most inspiring.

  1. The Lord is my shepherd, I need nothing. Psalm 91.
  2. God listens to his and pounds them from his anguish. Psalm 34:17.
  3. Do not fear, because I am with you; Do not pass out, because I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will hold you with my right right hand. Isaiah 41:10.
  4. Come to me all who are worked and loaded, and I will rest. Matthew 11:28.
  5. When the righteous cry for help, the Lord listens and frees them from all their anguish. The Lord is close to those broken from heart and saves those broken from spirit. Psalm 34.
  6. ¿Why, my soul, you bid? ¿Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, because I still have to praise him, my Savior and my God. Psalm 42.
  7. The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you or abandon you. Do not be afraid; Do not discourage you. Deuteronomy.
  8. Many are the afflictions of the wicked, but the inexhaustible love of the Lord Roda who is entrusted into. Psalm 32.
  9. Humiliate, then, under the powerful hand of God, so that He exalts you when it is time. Pedro 5: 6-7.
  10. Patiently, I waited in the Lord; He turned to me and listened to my clamor. Psalm 40
  11. He took me out of the muddy well, mud and mud; He put my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. Psalm 40: 1.
  12. Praise is the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of Compassion and the God of all comfort. Corinthians 1: 3.
  13. Dear friends, do not surprise yourself with the trial fire that has come to you to test, as if something strange happened to you. Pedro 4:12.
  14. He put our God in my new song, hymn of praise. They will see many, and fear the Lord, and they will trust him. Psalm 40: 3.
  15. But you, Lord, you are a shield around me, my glory, the one who raises my head high. Psalm 3.
  16. When God corrects them with his powerful hand, accept it with humility. Pedro 5: 6-1
  17. In this world you will have problems. ¡But encourage yourself! I have defeated the world. John 16.
  18. Take all your anxiety about him, because he takes care of you. Pedro 5: 6.
  19. ¿Why am I going to worry? ¿Why I have to distress myself? In God I will put my hope, and I will still praise him. ¡He is my Lord and my God! Psalm 42:11.
  20. If any of you is sad, start praying promptly. If you are cheerful, praise God with songs. James 5:13.
  21. Rather, enjoy them because you are participating in the sufferings of Christ, so that in the revelation of his glory you enjoy you greatly. Pedro 4:13.
  22. The Lord affirms the steps of which he delights. Psalm 37.
  23. Although it stumbles, it will not fall, because the Lord sustains him from his hand. Psalm 37.
  24. The Lord himself will march in front of you and will be with you at all times; It will never leave you or abandon you. Do not fear or discourage you. Deuteronomy.
  25. God always listens with patience. Psalm 34.
  26. God loves you.
  27. Before you, Lord, there are all my wishes; They are not a secret to you my desires. Psalm 38.
  28. Enjoy those who enjoy them; cry with those who cry. The Lord is with you.
  29. Now, the Lord affirms, go to me with all my heart, with fasting, cries and regrets. Joel 2:12.
  30. The Lord views the blind, the Lord sustains the overwhelms, the Lord loves the righteous. Psalm 146: 8.
  31. Therefore, do not be distressed in the morning, which will have your own desires. Each day already has its own problems. Matthew 6:34.
  32. He will free you from the hunter's bond, the destructive plague, shield and protection is his truth. You will not fear ... or the pestilence that walks in the dark, or death that destroys ... Psalm 91: 3-6.
  33. I am with you every day until the end of the world. Matthew 28:20.
  34. For the rest, brothers and sisters, everything that is true, everything noble, everything fair, everything pure, everything friendly, everything admirable, if something is excellent or worthy of praise, think of such things. Philippians 4: 8.
  35. Better is the sadness than laughter, because when the face is sad, the heart can be happy. Ecclesiastes 7: 3.
  36. The light of the eyes rejoice the heart, the good news strengthens the bones. Proverbs 15:30.
  37. Close is the Lord, my God, to those broken from heart, and save those dejected from spirit. Psalm 34:18.
  38. If any of you is sad, get to pray. If you are cheerful, praise God with songs. James 5:13.
  39. The Lord turns to you and listens to your clamor.
  40. Because anyone who invokes the name of the Lord will be saved. Romans 10:13.

Phrases to overcome the sadness of love

Love is one of the strongest feelings that exist in the world, however, relationships do not always last forever. When that happens, we fall into a sense of sadness and loneliness that gives us a lot of damage. The good thing is that, even if there are gray days, the sun will shine again. Now, we have prepared a beautiful selection of the best phrases to overcome sadness for love.

  1. You are never afraid of tears. The eyes full of tears are able to see the truth. The eyes full of tears are able to see the beauty of life. Osho.
  2. I lived it and enjoyed it. Now I must move on.
  3. This is just a stumbling block along the way.
  4. Happiness is coming, it was just a stone on the road.
  5. It was a love that existed in my heart, but it will no longer be in my life.
  6. It is better to lose and have loved, that never loved in life.
  7. Now I only have myself to be happy, and I will enjoy it.
  8. Negativity will not be greater than my desire to fight.
  9. When you have suffered a lot in life, each additional pain is both unbearable and insignificant. Yann Martel.
  10. Never be afraid of tears. The eyes full of tears are able to see the truth. The eyes full of tears are able to see the beauty of life. Osho.
  11. Sadness is a teacher who makes you learn, even, although it hurts.
  12. Nothing can cure the soul but the senses, just as nothing can cure the senses, but the soul. Oscar Wilde.
  13. Realize that, without losing, you will not enjoy when you win.
  14. No matter what you lost, it matters what you learned.
  15. It's much better to forget and smile than you remember and be sad. Christina Rossetti.
  16. Our greatest joy and our greatest pain come from our relations with others. Steve c.
  17. Relationships are like glass. Sometimes it is better to leave them broken, than try to hurt you again. Anonymous.
  18. It is sad not to love, but it is sadder to not be able to love. Miguel de Unamuno.
  19. Each man has his secret sentences that the world does not know; And many times we call a man cold when he is only sad. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.
  20. Some days are bad days, that's all. You have to experience sadness to know happiness. Dita von Teese.
  21. When you feel sad, it's fine. It's not the end of the world. Mac Miller.
  22. Refuse in your strengths and enjoy what you lived.
  23. Sad things happen. They do. But we don't need to live sad forever ”. Mattie Stepanek.
  24. Today's good times are tomorrow's sad thoughts. Bob Marley.
  25. Demonstrate your courage and get out of bed. ¡Let's live!
  26. There are two medicines for all evils: time and silence. Alejandro Dumas.
  27. Sometimes we need our space to cry, and that's fine.
  28. Sadness flies in time wings. Jean de la Fontaine.
  29. Those who do not cry, do not see. Victor Hugo.
  30. You only suffer if you let them make you unhappy.
  31. Without your consent, no one can make you suffer.
  32. Don't wait for anyone to never disappoint you.
  33. Life is a boomerang. Today you are sad and tomorrow you will laugh because you were a fighter.
  34. Say goodbye, it hurts. Live your pain and then go ahead.
  35. Some people are going to leave, but that is not the end of their history. That is the end of your part in your story. Faarz Kazi.
  36. You can't love who left your heart again in small pieces.
  37. When you think you are falling in love for the first time, just then you realize that you are disregarding. David Grayson.
  38. Falling in love is like holding a candle. Initially, illuminates the world around you. Then it starts to melt and it hurts. Finally go out and everything is darker than ever and everything you have left is .. ¡BURN! SYCHED ASAHARD.
  39. Love never dies of natural death. Dies because we don't know how to replenish your source. Dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. Anais Nin.
  40. The walls we build around us to avoid sadness also avoid joy. Jim Rohn.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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