Phrases to climb and lift self -esteem

Phrases to climb and lift self -esteem

We define self -esteem as the ability to value ourselves accepting our weaknesses and appreciating our strengths. Thanks to self -esteem, we are able to act respecting our rights and those of others. This concept is closely linked to mint well -being and proper psychological stability. In short, having self -esteem is synonymous with value, overcoming and success.

Lifting self -esteem is something fundamental, if you want to inspire you, we recommend that you read these 50 phrases to climb and lift self -esteem that we offer you in Psychology-online. Dare to take the step and start a new life with a high self -esteem.

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  1. Short mood to raise self -esteem
  2. Short phrases to raise self -esteem
  3. Phrases to raise self -esteem to a woman

Short mood to raise self -esteem

People with low self -esteem are usually more pessimistic and have a hard time getting ahead in the face of any type of challenge, whether personal or labor. In addition, low self -esteem involves other psychological problems such as insecurity, fear, anxiety ... instead, people with high self -esteem know how concerns.

¿What to tell a person to raise his mind? Next, we propose a positive psychology exercise so you can repeat these high self -esteem phrases. You can try to tell you these 15 messages of mind looking in the mirror thus strengthening your self -image:

  • I am an intelligent, brave and powerful person.
  • I deserve to be respected for who I am.
  • I value myself, I love myself and I respect myself the same as I value and respect my loved ones.
  • I will fight to achieve my goals, I look capable of it.
  • I have made some mistakes in my life, but these do not make me what I am.
  • I am not a perfect person, nobody is, but I can improve every day.
  • My emotions are important and I must express them without fear.
  • As of today, I will take care of myself as I have always deserved.
  • I am not afraid to express myself as I am.
  • I will strive to love my complexes and accept everything that makes me feel insecure.
  • I am able to face any challenge and overcome it.
  • As of today, I will make the best decisions I can to be happy with myself.
  • My opinion is equally important as that of others.
  • I have a long way to be where I am and deserve to value myself for it.
  • I am proud of who I am and I will continue to improve as a person day after day.

Short phrases to raise self -esteem

From the previous exercise about phrases to raise self -esteem, you may have doubts about The importance of valuing us thus. Think of all the negative comments that we make each day: about our aspect, our way of working, to study, about how we interact with others ... now imagine telling you that same comment to a loved one, ¿You would be equally hard?

Today, human beings usually have little positive self -esteem, this is because We demand a lot to ourselves. Next, you can inspire your path of personal growth with these motivating phrases of positive self -esteem:

  • The first step towards being loved is to learn to love what you see when you look in the mirror.
  • Confidence in oneself is the first secret of success. - Ralph Waldo Emerson.
  • What defines you is not how many times you stars, but the number of times you fly.
  • Adversity and perseverance can form you. They can give you a value and self -esteem that are priceless. -Scott Hamilton.
  • The higher our level of self -esteem, the better we treat others.
  • Believe in yourself. You know more than you think you know. - Benjamin Spock.
  • Always remember that you are bigger than your circumstances, you are more than anything that may happen to you.
  • Our limits, the beliefs that prevent us from developing are in our head.
  • Never lower your head. Always keep it high. Look at the world directly. - Helen Keller.
  • Low self -esteem is like driving through life with your broken hand. -Maxwll Maltz.
  • In the end everything will go well. And if it hasn't gone well, ¡is that it is not yet the end!
  • You are as amazing as you let yourself be.
  • Trust yourself, otherwise, it will be difficult for others to trust you.
  • Each star is a mirror that reflects the truth within you.
  • You are amazing, powerful and wonderful, let others see everything you are worth.
  • You are more than anything that may happen to you.

Phrases to raise self -esteem to a woman

Unfortunately, Psychological problems related to self -esteem are more related to women. This phenomenon occurs due to the pressure we suffer day by day both aesthetic and psychological. If you are a woman and want to lift your self -esteem through inspiring and motivating phrases, pay attention to these reflections that can serve you as phrases to raise self -esteem to a friend:

  • Loving the same is the beginning of a lifetime romance.
  • No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. - Eleanor Roosevelt.
  • An intelligent woman is everything that a mediocre man does not deserve to have.
  • There are so many more important things to worry about than the way I am perceived by others ..
  • Sorry for the disorder, I'm trying to be.
  • I am my muse, my own work of art.
  • Before alone than accompanied by a man who does not value me.
  • I underestimated too many times, I fought a lot for my self -esteem and I'm not going to let anyone step on.
  • You must look at the world directly in the eye. - Helen Keller.
  • No man is important enough to bitter your life.
  • Playing with women is playing with dynamite.
  • Happiness can only come from you and it is the result of loving oneself. You are responsible for your happiness.
  • I am not inferior to anyone, I am unique, special and I deserve to be respected by who I am.
  • I will value myself for every step I have taken in this path of life.
  • You are more powerful than you think. - Brooke Shields.
  • You are beautiful as you are, you should not please anyone with your physique.
  • I am more than the body you can see.
  • My self -esteem deserves to be positive, for me and for all those around me.
  • Lifting self -esteem is not simple, but it is worth living happy and with high self -esteem.
  • Fall in love with you, life. And after whoever you want. - Frida Khalo.

¿You liked these phrases to climb and lift self -esteem so powerful? Then we recommend reading the following article about feminist phrases against gender violence.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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