Phrases to flirt funny

Phrases to flirt funny

¿You are starting to feel more than a friendship for a person? Being in love or feeling attracted to someone is one of the most beautiful sensations that exist, but it is even more if you know that you are being corresponded by that special person. In case you are not clear if that boy or girl also feels butterflies for you, it is normal that in many occasions you do not know how to act or what to say to try that this person falls into your networks of love.

One of the keys to flirting is found in words, what we say and how we say it can mean a lot of ourselves for that person for whom we feel love. Therefore, in this Psychology-online article, we have collected the best Phrases to flirt funny.

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  1. Romantic phrases to flirt
  2. Phrases to link by chat
  3. Original phrases to flirt
  4. Daring phrases to flirt

Romantic phrases to flirt

In this article of phrases to flirt, we include the most original, fun and romantic so that that boy or girl falls at your feet in a short time. We start with 27 romantic phrases to flirt:

  1. If every time I thought of you a star went out, there would be no star that shone in the sky.
  2. Offer friendship to the one who asks for love is like giving bread who dies of thirst.
  3. I don't want to be one more person. I want to be who is by your side for the rest of your days, at every step that des.
  4. If natural beauty had a personified representation, I have no doubt, that I am before it.
  5. There is no costume that can hide love where there is, nor pretend it where there is no.
  6. From profession I will choose a thief, to enter your interior and steal your heart.
  7. If a genius appeared to me, I would ask for three wishes. The first, always see you happy. The second, never miss. And the third, that we only existed in the world.
  8. If mathematics is exact and Pythagoras does not lie, you are the most handsome boy in the entire continent.
  9. When someone likes, everything that is said is an indirect.
  10. Let's look slowly, let's discover each other, let's make this silence the greatest explosion of love.
  11. I still don't know why God loves me so much to have given me something like you.
  12. I would like to be butterfly to fly to you, and tell you, beautiful life, that I am dying for you.
  13. I have convinced myself that it was not good to clearly demonstrate my thoughts, but since I know you, I begin to doubt.
  14. My love for you, my life, is so great and so immense, that by caul.
  15. I will be part of your skin, your lips, your fire, I will be the object of your smiles, your looks, your caresses, I will be your dream of love and your reality of feeling.
  16. When a heart chooses a person, the rest does not matter, and mine chose you.
  17. ¿It will be enough to stay by your side forever with telling you that I love you as no one ever loved?
  18. What about my eyes that can appreciate your beauty, the most happy is the wind that caresses your figure, but poor my heart that you have despised and on your way to your burial.
  19. Nothing more than you. I don't need air or memories. Nothing more than you to live. No one but you to feel that I live and live for you.
  20. Slip me with your soft fingers, that the tenderness takes over this moment. Touch me to make me feel that pleasure that only you can get.
  21. I awake I think of you, asleep I dream of you.
  22. Just tell me that you will love me, and I will give myself to your arms all eternity.
  23. Broken your lips was always my dream, my illusion stroking you, my passion to have you in my arms for a lifetime to love you.
  24. Do not imagine how nervous I get every time you approach me.
  25. My blood, in love with you, runs through my whole body.
  26. Hugging you is like touching the stars. You are my damn paradise.
  27. Whenever you need me, whether two o'clock in the afternoon or four in the morning, here I will be my love, to support you and answer your call.

Phrases to link by chat

To flirt, humor is very important. Therefore, in this section you will find the best phrases to link by chat:

  1. Sorry if I don't try to flirt with you, I don't feel like being with a beautiful girl today .. ¿You have something to do tomorrow?
  2. ¿By chance your mother has a flower shop? Because you are a nice flower.
  3. I would like to be your derivative to get tangent to your curves. (For someone who likes mathematics).
  4. I hope you know about mouth breathing, because when I saw you I have been breathless.
  5. I was so impressed with your beauty, that I hit the wall and hurt myself. I need your name and your phone to give me the insurance.
  6. Tell me what's your name and I ask you for the kings.
  7. Since I have met her, she has lived in my heart without paying rent.
  8. You have to buy me a dictionary. Because since I saw you, I was speechless.
  9. ¿I have seen it on the cover of Cosmopolitan once?
  10. If you are that green, how will you be mature.
  11. ¿Is it just sunrise?, either ¿You have smiled at me?
  12. ¿You believe in love at first glance or it's better to happen again?
  13. ¿Where do the numbers sell to win this award?
  14. Tell your mother that I'm dying because it's my mother -in -law.
  15. If Adam for Eva ate an apple, I would eat a whole fruit for you.
  16. A loquita like you needs a screw like me.
  17. You must be tired because you have been spinning and more around my head all day.
  18. I want to be "what ugly tastes you have" from your mother.
  19. Sorry, but I'm new here, ¿You explain how to get home?
  20. Three is a crowd, ¿And if we are alone?

If you want to seduce the person you like, check out these questions to meet someone you like.

Original phrases to flirt

To link, it is also essential to surprise and be original. We go with 13 phrases to flirt original and funny:

  1. Excuse me, you are so beautiful that I forgot what I was going to say.
  2. I don't know if I'm your guy but, ¿It seems to you if we give ourselves an opportunity to find out?
  3. I do not have the fault that you like me. In any case the fault is yours for having everything I love.
  4. ¿You lend me a dictionary? Is that when I saw you I have been speechless.
  5. Sorry, ¿You know if we have a common friend who can present us?
  6. ¿Tell me your name? I have dreamed of you last night, but I woke up just when you were about to tell me.
  7. I did not believe in love at first sight until you entered here.
  8. I will not answer that question without my lawyer ..., I fear losing the judgment for you.
  9. Normally I do not open with people ..., your effect on me is strange.
  10. I hope you dream of the little angels, because there are already few left.
  11. For a moment I believed that I had died and entered the sky. But now I see that I'm alive, and heaven has come to me.
  12. ¿I study or work?

Daring phrases to flirt

If you are a daring person, try these phrases to flirt:

  1. Who was the stick of that ice cream that you travel with your tongue.
  2. If you put the rabbit and I the rice that good paella could do both.
  3. ¡Pretty! I don't work in Seur but here I bring you a package.
  4. If I called me Cupid stuck all the arrow.
  5. If being sexy it was a crime, you would spend your life in jail.
  6. I do not know how to kiss, ¿You could teach me?
  7. For temptations like you, there are as many sinners as me.
  8. I would love to be able to see you without makeup every morning of my life.
  9. ¿Could you tell me your name? It is that yesterday I dreamed of you, but I woke up just when you were going to tell me.
  10. If I had to give you something I would give you a mirror, because after you the most beautiful is your reflection.
  11. Hello. I have heard your body call me from the other side of the living room.
  12. ¿You are from (the city where you live)? It shows by the way you come dressed, everything perfectly combines.
  13. You have something on your face .. ¡The most beautiful smile in the world!
  14. If Columbus saw you, I would say: ¡Santa Maria! What does that girl look.
  15. I need to take some practice in kissing, ¿you help me?
  16. ¿Since when the flowers walk, it has two arms and two legs?
  17. ¿We know each other? I think I've seen you in one of my dreams.
  18. Hello, ¿You are called Google? Because you have everything I need.
  19. When I am with you, I don't need a plane, because your lips make me travel to the most beautiful corners on the planet.
  20. I know I'm not Mick Jagger, but I also like rock and I know how to make a great potato omelette.
  21. But, ¿How is it possible that a star is up to the ground?
  22. Go in the shadow that the sun chocolates melt.

In addition to these phrases, we recommend you consult this article on advice to conquer the person you like. With these signs, you can see if you also like it/her or not.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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