Phrases for the success of Michael Lewis

Phrases for the success of Michael Lewis

These phrases by Michael Lewis could be an incentive for those who want to make risky decisions in life.

Michael Lewis was born in New Orleans, United States, on October 15, 1960. His full name is Michael Monroe Lewis. Is known for his facet as writer of the non -fiction genre and its analysis of economic journalismeither.

Among his books are LAs best phrases by Michael Lewis, as well as in interviews you have granted. The most sales books have been Poquer del Liario (1989), The New Thing (2000), Moneyball (2003) and The Blind Side: The Evolution of A Game (2006). He has also been a collaborating editor in the magazine Vanity Fair, Since 2009.

A terrible fact that marked Michael Lewis's life was the death of her 19 -year -old daughter, who died in a car accident when she was with her boyfriend; Both had just graduated from Berkeley.

Michael Lewis phrases could be a stimulus for those who wish to make risky decisions in the life. If you are one of those people, I invite you to read the phrases of Michael Lewis and dare to try to be that successful and entrepreneurial. Next, we will review some of Michael Lewis's most inspiring phrases.

Michael Lewis phrases

These are some of the most interesting Michael Lewis phrases, many of them in economic matters:

He had an unconventional mentality, which ended up triumphing over his conventional middle class education.

A thought crossed their mind: how to make the poor feel rich when the wages are stagnant?; granting them cheap loans.

Light always produces shadows. If we try to create a brilliant line, it is inevitable that dark areas arise around.

It was a strange, but real fact: the closer you were the market, the more difficult it was to perceive its madness.

I thought of a great rule for survival on Wall Street: never commit to anything in a foreign ship, or you will regret it in the morning.

It was like creating something from chaos, and when something useful of chaos is possible, in essence the entropy of the world is being reduced.

The richest society that has ever been in the world has become rich conceiving increasing ways to give people what they want.

It is easier to take someone from the fishing industry and teach them to make currency transactions ..., to take someone from the bank industry and teach them to fish.

For geniuses, they are really dumb, he said. Some of them are very spoiled: they can't even build a cardboard box. They don't think you do something. They believe you call someone.

The world clings to its old mental image of the stock market because it is comforting; because it is very difficult to draw what replaced it; And because the few people capable of drawing it for you have no interest in doing so.

It is easier to take someone from the fishing industry and teach them to make currency transactions. What to take someone from the bank industry and teach him to fish.

He said that the most successful decisions he had taken in his life were completely unexpected, and against all the conventions. And it was still further. He said that any decision that has forced himself to take because he was unexpected, has turned out to be successful.

The fuses had burned, and the fire could not be extinguished. All that could be done was to observe the speed of the spark and the size of the explosions.

The richest society that has ever been in the world has become rich conceiving increasing ways to give people what they want.

The CDO was, in fact, a “credit washing” service for residents of the American low middle class. And for Wall Street it was a machine that turned lead into gold.

You can know a lot about a country observing how well its inhabitants are treated with each other compared to the treatment they give to foreigners at the point of entry.

Don't worry where I'm. I will tell you when I arrive.

The best of all was that he gave us an empirical rule about the information in the markets that later I found very useful: 'Those who speak, do not know; And those who know, do not speak '.

The first thing that is learned in a negotiation room is that when a large number of individuals pursue the same thing, be it a value, a bonus or a job, it is overvalued with great quickly.

He was blessed with an unconventional mind, which overcame his conventional middle class education.

It is always good to have a reason to take you to the chair. If your reason is money, look for another.

The most clumsy man can be explained the most difficult issues if no idea of ​​them has been formed; But you cannot clarify even the simplest man to the smartest man if he is firmly convinced that he already knows, without the slightest shadow of doubt, what is presented before him.

The biggest problem that the banks had was that they had lent to the Greek government around thirty billion euros; They were already stolen or wasteful. In Greece the banks did not sink the country; The country sank the banks.

What did you expect? They said they expected him to forget for a moment everything related to negotiations and that he considered the importance of loyalty to the company. And do you know what answered them? He said: “Do you want loyalty? Well, hire a water dog.

If you have a dozen pitchers, you need to speak 12 different languages.

Incredibly, at that critical situation of financial history, after which so many things would change and so fast, the only restriction in the garbage mortgage market was that there were few people willing to bet against it.

Corporate finances, which serve corporations and governments that receive the money borrowed, and that are known as "clients", are compared, in comparison, a refined and celestial place. Operators believe that corporate financials are pusilánimes because they do not risk money.

The biggest problem that the banks had was that they had lent to the Greek government around thirty billion euros; They were already stolen or wasteful. In Greece the banks did not sink the country; The country sank the banks.

The great firms of Wall Street, apparently so cunning and selfish, had somehow become "silly money". The people who directed them did not understand their own business, and their regulators obviously knew even less.

Of course he was a tourist, and tourists cannot avoid having a distorted opinion of the sites: they know little representative people, they have little representative experiences and are there imposing the fantastic mental photographs they carried in their heads when they got there when they got there.

The best way to deal with subordinates was to convince them that the work of their superiors was good for their careers, and that the only way to convince them was that the work of their superiors was effectively good for their careers

That is what happens when you are thirty -seven years old: you do the things you always did, but the result is somehow different.

It is possible that the men of the negotiation floor have not gone to school, but they have a doctorate in man's ignorance.

The pleasure of supporting Goliath is that you can wait. The pleasure of supporting David is that, although you don't know what to expect, you have at least one opportunity to inspire you.

The deepest problem of this system was the existence of a kind of moral inertia: as long It turned.

I did not think that investing could be reduced to a formula or learned from any model to imitate. The more he studied Buffett, the less he thought he could be copied; In fact, Buffett's lesson was: to succeed in a spectacular way you have to be spectacularly unusual.

From primary school, when his father showed him the tables of shares in the back of the newspaper and told him that the stock market was a crooked place and in which one could never be trusted, much less invest in him, the issue I had fascinated it.

What are the chances that people make intelligent decisions about money if they do not need to make intelligent decisions, if they can enrich themselves making silly decisions? Incentives in Wall Street were wrong; They are still wrong.

He said that the most successful decisions he had taken in his life were completely unexpected, and against all the conventions. And it was still further. He said that any decision that has forced himself to take because he was unexpected, has turned out to be successful.

Men in the negotiation room may not have attended the university, but they are doctors in human ignorance.

Liquidity was one of those words that the people of Wall Street launched when they wanted the conversation to end, that the brains died and that all the questions cease

I confess that a part of me thought: if I had only stayed, this is the type of catastrophe that could have created

A credit breach swap was confusing mainly because it was not really a swap at all. It was an insurance policy, usually on a corporate bonus, with payments of semiannual premiums and a fixed term.

The idiot is limited by his pride ... things always have to do in his own way. This is also worth the liar or that does things wrong: he always tries to justify himself. A person with an intense spiritual life is humble. Accept what others tell you, your criticism and ideas, and work with them.

Optimists against pessimists. The fantasy against the realists. Credit non -payment swap sellers against buyers. Incorrect against the right. The metaphor was appropriate until a given time: until that moment. But now the metaphor were two men in a boat, tied by a rope, fighting to death. One man kills the other and throws his inert body through the board, just to discover that he is then dragged into the water.

Any success looks suspiciously. Everyone is completely convinced that all the others scam. And this total absence of confidence in the other reaffirms them. The epidemic of lies, scam and theft makes any kind of civic coexistence make it impossible.

These are some phrases by Michael Lewis that work to focus thought about plays in markets and investments, as well as others that can simply be useful to focus on life.

The willpower and success in life


  • Lewis, m. (2014). Flash Boys: A wall street revolt. WW Norton & Company.
  • Lewis, m. (2010). Liar's poker. WW Norton & Company.
  • Lewis, m. (2004). Moneyball: The Art of Winning An Unfair Game. WW Norton & Company.