Phrases for spirit and personal growth

Phrases for spirit and personal growth

We have gathered these beautiful phrases for spirit and personal growth for you.

They are phrases that will help you reflect on your life and can give you clarity in moments of confusion or hopelessness, so do not miss them!

Phrases for spirit and soul

Love is the best music in the score of life. Without him you will be an eternal defined in the immense choir of humanity.

Life can only be understood looking back, but it can only be lived looking forward.

The strongest souls have emerged from suffering. The strongest characters are forged with scars.

Healing does not mean that the damage never existed. Healing means that what hurt no longer controls your life.

If you do not release the past, with what hand do you grab the future?

Value is what is needed to get up and talk, but it is also what is required to sit and listen.

My spirit is calm when I forgive instead of judging.

From the moment you decide to do what you truly love, you start living a free and totally different life.

On the way you will lose people and things. Do not miss with them.

Said a wise that to be strong it is not necessary to lift much weight. With lifting yours every time you fall, it is enough.

True strength does not reside in the courage to move forward, but in the absolute determination of not going back.

Your life will change when you change. This does not work sitting down to wait for it to happen.

The pain must be allowed to grow, so that it soon matures and then wither away.

What is the use of running if you are on the wrong road?

Life is so good teacher, that if you don't learn the lesson, repeat it.

Half of beauty depends on the landscape, the other half of the person who looks.

Hope is like the sun, if you only believe in it when you see it, you will never overcome the night.

Do not keep walking on your footprints, better go where there are no traces and leave a new path.

Sometimes we think too much about what happened and what will happen, when the important thing is what is happening.

There is always some madness in love, although there is always a little reason in madness.

Losing faith in the future is losing strength in the present. Tim Guenard

Those who leave, never win. Those who win, never abandon.

Nothing is as dangerous as a good advice accompanied by a bad example.

Pride can make you feel stronger, but not happier.

We ignore our own height until we stand up. Emily Dickinson

Love me when you least deserve it, because it is when I need it most.

If someone betrays you once, it's your fault. If you betray you twice, it's yours.

A search always begins with the fate of the beginner and ends with the conqueror test.

Speak in such a way that others love listening and listening in such a way that others love talking to you.

No one can give you inner peace except yourself.

The world is in the hands of those who have the courage to dream and run the risk of living their dreams.

Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly.

A smile in a light in the soul window that indicates that the heart is at home.

The world is full of small joys, art consists in knowing how to distinguish them.

Do not stop to contemplate the route made, or to count how many obstacles you beat.

Who has a reason to live, finds a like.

Keep walking. There will come a time when the stones of the road will tickle you on the feet.

Sometimes we can spend years without living at all, and suddenly our entire life is concentrated in a single moment.

Today is the tomorrow you worried yesterday.

Life is very dangerous. Not only for people who do evil, but for those who sit down to see what happens.

Serenity and sanity constitute the principles of wisdom and happiness.

The peace of mind of having nothing to hide, is priceless.

Remove power for everything that disturbs you, if it does not exist in your mind it will not exist in your life either.

What is for you looking for you, finds you and stays with you.

The joy of life is to always have something to do, someone to love and something to expect.

If you don't know, I teach you, if you can't, I help you, but if you don't want, I'm sorry, I can do nothing for you.

Do not allow other people's behavior to destroy your inner peace. Dalai Lama

In youth it is time to learn wisdom, in old age, to practice it.

If you are going to sit along the way, do it for the one that you have left to go and on your back to the one you have already traveled.

Leave your mind blank so that life can be reflected in it as it is, not as you would like it to be.

Who retains the power to see beauty does not age.

A happy life is not feasible without a measure of darkness, and the word happiness would lose its meaning if it was not balanced with sadness. It is much better to take things as they come, with patience and equanimity.

Reason can warn us about what is convenient to avoid ... but only the heart tells us what it is necessary to do.