Phrases to arouse emotions in your partner

Phrases to arouse emotions in your partner

People, both men and women need Share our emotions with partner. There are many occasions that looks otherwise, but do not fool yourself, we all need to share what we carry inside. It is true that some men have a hard time admitting their emotions than women for education they have received and it seems that they should always be strong and independent. This will make the woman next to her feel confused with appearances, which in this case, deceive.

Men and women feel different yes, but both need to express and awaken their love. That is why in this article I want to comment phrases to arouse emotions in your partner And that will make your partner's love awake with great emotions.

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  1. "I will always be by your side"
  2. "I love how you are and what you make me feel when I am with you"
  3. "Do not ever change"
  4. "I love you I love you"

"I will always be by your side"

With this phrase you let him see that before any problem You will be to help you and give him all your love. It is important that you do not behave like a mother and always plants like her equal. Do not overwhelm him to tell you everything, let him do it naturally, give him space and you will see how he opens to you.

"I love how you are and what you make me feel when I am with you"

In this way you are saying that with you can be free and authentic, Without masks so that everything flows. You must also be. With this phrase you let it clear that in your relationship there are no emotional barriers or strange games.

"Do not ever change"

You must accept it as it is With their defects, their fears, their virtues ... do not want to change your partner to resemble the model that you would like it to be. Your partner is not moldable and if you accept what it is, you will feel safe by your side and you can open freely to you. When you have accepted your bond it will be much stronger.

It is important that you feel that you admire him and for this you must live his successes, his failures, ask him and worry about his things, give importance to his personal space for his hobbies ... so he will feel special and important to your side.

"I love you I love you"

These two words You have to say them every day to the couple. It is never enough and should always be expressed and received so that the plant of love continues to grow. You never tired of saying it, nor to receive them. Say things to the couple to feel special, make praise, show him how good you feel next to him ... is wonderful and must be reciprocal. You must strive in the same way to make you happy.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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