Phrases to assimilate the death of a loved one

Phrases to assimilate the death of a loved one

Although death is part of life, unfortunately when that hard time comes it is very difficult to accept the situation and stay strong enough to overcome the loss of a loved one. In these cases, the penalty and duel are the usual answers.

Now, it is normal for us to move with the pain of others and that we want to help others to feel better. In fact, a word of breath can be very beneficial to cope with such a hard blow. Therefore, in this Psychology-online article, we bring you phrases to assimilate the death of a loved one, either because you are going through that difficult process or because you need to help someone close.

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  1. How to encourage someone who lost a loved one
  2. Phrases to help overcome the loss of a loved one
  3. Motivation phrases to overcome the death of a loved one

How to encourage someone who lost a loved one

The first thing we should understand is that duel is a natural process that must be respected. It is not convenient to question the mood and reactions at such a hard time. If you want to know how to encourage someone who lost a loved one, here are some advice:

  • You are present for him/she in a sincere way, But respecting your mourning space.
  • Offer you to accompany him, Whenever your wish is.
  • Avoid saying empty or reckless phrases As: "I was old, and now it will rest" or "you will surely recover from that", since, far from helping, they cause the opposite effect.
  • Don't make unfinished offers as "call me, if you need to do something", since it is a generic formulation and the mourner does not know what we are really willing to do or not. Rather, ask what you need directly.
  • What that person who lost his loved one needs is your company, support, understanding and calm. Remember that duel is a process that takes time and that goes through different stages until it reaches acceptance.

To help you you can also recommend that you consult the following article on how to overcome the death of a loved one.

Phrases to help overcome the loss of a loved one

Before the loss of a loved one, it is natural to feel bad, so we must Understand and accept that pain without questioning. In addition, when someone dear dies, pain is so overwhelming that it suggests that there is no comfort for that difficult moment.

However, there are some words of encouragement that can calm that melancholy a little. In this sense, we show you 25 phrases to help overcome the loss of a loved one:

  1. You don't know how strong you are until you have to be strong. Bob Marley.
  2. Remember those who left us with your best smile.
  3. While he was among us, he was a happy person and that must give us comfort.
  4. My prayers will be for your pain to lighten.
  5. I will not leave you alone, we will overcome this penalty over time, but together.
  6. I will never say that I understand your pain, I only know that here I am crying with you.
  7. That the happy moments you lived with your loved one are those who help you overcome your loss.
  8. He only dies when they stop remembering us, and your loved one will be forever in our hearts.
  9. I feel your loss deep and accompany you in your feeling.
  10. The pain will be something temporary, but his presence will live forever in your memory.
  11. The duel will not change you, it will teach you to be strong.
  12. The darker pain, the closer is the presence of God.
  13. Cry everything you need, here is my shoulder to support you and my arms to hold you.
  14. Talk to me without fear, I'm not going to judge you, I just want to see you better.
  15. Take your time, cry and live your pain, nobody is going to point you out.
  16. It is natural that you feel like that, I know how much you loved him.
  17. ¿You want me to take care of the children these days?
  18. All my good wishes will be for God to give you the necessary strength. You will see that little by little you will be better.
  19. I am available to look for what you need or to make some purchases that you require.
  20. Your loved one will leave a brand forever in your heart and, that way, it will be alive forever.
  21. I can't imagine your pain, but I'm with you to overcome it little by little.
  22. He will never die, he will always be among us as the most beautiful memory.
  23. We will never forget it, in addition, their teachings made us the people who are today.
  24. My prayers are for you and for your loved one to be at peace.
  25. Today, tomorrow and always, I want memories to bring you comfort and peace.

Motivation phrases to overcome the death of a loved one

At some point in life, we will all have to face the death of a loved one. Although that can become the darkest moment in life, it is necessary Find a refuge or support to cope with the loss And carry on. These phrases to overcome the death of a loved one can give you some hope:

  1. The pain will pass, but the memory will remain for eternity.
  2. Thanks for everything you gave me, your teachings and the memories you left in my heart will make me a better person.
  3. The duel will give learning forever.
  4. I will treasure you as the most sacred thing that went through my life, my heart forever will be your home.
  5. Neither the sun, nor the sky are as beautiful as your memory.
  6. There is no doubt that your absence will feel it, but stronger will be the love you left sown in us forever.
  7. Loss helps us value things. Thank you.
  8. A tear, pain, a feeling: ¡You deserve that and more!, Because your presence is immense forever. We will not forget you.
  9. No one will fill your void. Your love will be for eternity.
  10. The penalty can be very strong, but stronger is your beautiful memory.
  11. We cried because your life was very brief. However your memory will be forever.
  12. Death is only the way to a new life, we will see each other soon.
  13. What honor to have met someone so special.
  14. Thanks to life because he put a person like you on my way. As of today I honor you and I remind you with the greatest of affections.
  15. The tears spilled for losing a loved one are the most painful, but those who sprout with eternal love.
  16. Goodbye was inevitable. However, I will never release your memoirs.
  17. "Remember, pain is momentary. It is your enemy, but it is also your ally ". Albert Espinosa.
  18. Pain is just gasoline so that our trip through life is easier to fulfill.
  19. Death is the beginning of a life that you will live forever in my memory.
  20. Duel challenges us to love again with the same forces as life.

If you need more help, do not hesitate to consult this article about how to stop thinking about the death of a loved one.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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