Jealous phrases

Jealous phrases

Unequivocal symptom of love and attraction we feel towards someone who matters a lot to us? Or the fruit of our own insecurities? There are opinions and theories for all tastes, as you can see in countless phrases.

In short, if you are looking for phrases with which to feel identified or that can serve as advice or inspiration to make someone in reason, you have reached the right place, then We have compiled the best jealous phrases for you:

The best phrases about jealousy

If there is something that burns inside more than the absence, they are jealousy

Eyes that do not see, imagination that consumes you

Where did the attacks of jealousy get so imagination?

Think more about jealousy does not give solutions, but problems

It is better to love better, not to love more

Jealousy is a sum of love and hate, insecurity and pride

You are not jealous, you have a lack of love

Some class without class makes their partner feel jealous of other people, someone sure and noble makes other people jealous of their partner

Jealousy is the tomb of love

The jealous are the ones who first give forgiveness

If you want to erase happiness, the key is in jealousy

Jealousy inside, smile on the outside

Until the devil himself, he shakes when a woman is jealous

The worst jealous feed and grow with your doubts

Jealousy talk about who feels them, not who causes them

Jealousy is the dissatisfaction you have with yourself

Loving is not jealous

You are not jealous for what you see, but for what you imagine

Jealousy is the fear of losing what you care about

Jealousy is that disease of the spirit to which more things serve as food and none of remedy

Being jealous is the height of selfishness. It is self -love in default, it is the irritation of a false vanity

Jealousy is the break of the soul

The jealous loves more, but who is not, loves better

Jealousy kill love with the idea of ​​having it alive

If loving is possession and jealousy, it is not loving

When man is jealous, annoying. And when it is not, irritates

Jealous husband, has no rest

Jealous man, makes a flea a bear

Love with jealousy, it causes reveals

Who well wants, one hundred evils fear

The jealous always ends like a chopped scorpion by his own tail

Only uncertainty kills jealousy

Jealousy are bastards children of love

Passion dies of cold as love dies when there is no jealous

Phrases of jealousy recovered through these and sayings

Our popular proverb is very wise. Surely, on more than one occasion, you will have found that There is more than one saying or saying for each situation, restlessness or problem that you face.

Above all, when we turn to our elders in search of help and advice, it is very common to respond directly with a saying or popular saying. Well, it is true that, in a few words, they house a great dose of wisdom and reasoning.

When man is jealous, annoying; When it is not, irritate. And it could also be applied to the woman, such as: "jealous husband, has no rest" or "jealous man, makes a flea a bear". Jealousy does not understand gender.

"Love with jealousy, it causes reveals". This knows above all who has suffered it. If you have been identified, you will know that suffering jealous will have cost you a few hours of sleep, more than one night or two, for what they say about "Whoever wants, one hundred evils fear". But if it becomes something sick, you may not want so well ..

Difference between love and obsession

Social networks also leave us a good collection of jealous phrases

And as, times change and with them the way we have to express ourselves. Today, the most common stamp that we will see in any public site (or in our own home) will be that of other people handling their mobile phones with commitment and concentration.

It is very likely that, in a high percentage of cases, they are handling their social networks. Sometimes, just to consult, read and be aware of the news. Others, to leave your own content or share that of others. This is how more jealous phrases have been collected. Although, being Inspired by other famous quotes, They tend to be a mixture of doubtful authorship:

“He who is jealous, is never jealous about what he sees. With what he imagines, enough ". Undoubtedly a very even phrase with "eyes that do not see, imagination that tortures you", which can be given with this question: "Where do jealous attacks get so much imagination?".

"Jealousy inside, smile on the outside". Short but forceful phrase. No matter the image you try to project on the outside and all efforts to maintain composure. If there is something that burns inside more than the absence, they are jealousy.

And, although many try to hide it and put their best face, nothing is happening in the inside, like this phrase so shared in networks: "Not even the devil imagines what a woman thinks when she is jealous". And what a man thinks either.

Has you helped you read these phrases of jealousy to better understand this (according to some inevitable) behavior? Have you been reflected in any of them? From here, we want to fire the article by giving you advice: Enjoy and trust who you love. If that someone is for you, it will never give you reasons to distrust.