Self -love phrases

Self -love phrases

There is nothing better than dedicating some words of motivation to remember how valuable we are and everything we can achieve by increasing our self -esteem. It is not a secret that, sometimes, we dedicate ourselves more to other things, such as family, friends and even the couple, and we forget to give ourselves the self -love that we need so much.

Own love quotes are a wonderful way to remind us of the value we have and the importance of nourishing our well -being. Is that there is no one to deserve more love than that person who looks at you in the mirror, that is to say, ¡yourself! Start to consent, because in this Psychology-online article, we have collected the best self -love phrases To help you find the stimulus necessary to move on.

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  1. Pretty self -love phrases
  2. Short self -love phrases
  3. Self -love phrases in psychology
  4. Motivating phrases of self -love
  5. Self -love phrases

Pretty self -love phrases

When you are in a moment of confusion, in which you do not find the right words to move afloat, nothing better than inspire you with some appointments that your worth reminds you. In this section we have collected the best beautiful love phrases that will take you more than a smile and raise your self -esteem:

  1. Love yourself first, and everything else aligns. You really have to love yourself to do something in this world. Lucile Balt.
  2. ¿You know who is the most important person in this world? You.
  3. Falling in love with himself is the first secret of happiness. Robert Morely.
  4. We must all show how much we care and, in the process, we take care of ourselves. Diana, Princess of Wales.
  5. The most difficult challenge is to be oneself in a world where everyone tries to be another person.
  6. Until you values ​​yourself, you will not value your time. Until values ​​your time, you will do nothing with him.
  7. Love yourself enough to establish limits. Your time and energy are beautiful. You can choose how to use it.
  8. One of the greatest regrets in life is to be what others would want to be, instead of being yourself.
  9. Do not feel alone, the whole universe is inside you. Stop acting so small. You are the universe in ecstatic motion. Light your life.
  10. I must commit to love myself and respect myself as if my life depended on self -love and self -esteem. Maya Angelou.
  11. The only person who can tear down I'm myself, and I'm not going to let myself be demolished.
  12. You have to love yourself first. You have to be well for yourself before you can be well with someone else. Jennifer Lopez.
  13. You can have what you want if you are willing to give up the belief that you cannot have it. Dr. Robert Anthony.
  14. While you know who you are, you have nothing to demonstrate.
  15. No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. Eleanor Roosevelt.
  16. There is some art to learn to love and not die in the attempt.
  17. It is best to love yourself.
  18. The way you love yourself teach others how to love you.
  19. What you are right now is enough.
  20. “If you are yourself and express it; People will admire you for that. Demi lovato.
  21. You are always with yourself, so you better enjoy the company.
  22. In your life it is important that you know how spectacular you are.
  23. Live every day to the fullest and be your own treasure.
  24. Do not lose your essence, that is what makes you who you really are.

Short self -love phrases

Sometimes the brief is more inspiring. Nor are words of high philosophy to find that peace you need inside. Find the strength inside you, get up and shine with these short -love phrases that will give you the reflection of what you really are. In each of these little phrases is the power to transform your world:

  1. Tell yourself like someone you love.
  2. Learn to appreciate how incredible you are.
  3. Love yourself as you are.
  4. You did not waste your energy trying to be who you are not.
  5. ¡Simply encourage!
  6. Seeks to be complete, not perfect. Oprah.
  7. You have nothing to demonstrate to anyone.
  8. I know the love you never received.
  9. Just give love.
  10. Be kind to yourself.
  11. If you have the ability to love yourself first. Charles Bukowski.
  12. A man cannot feel comfortable without his own approval. Mark Twain.
  13. YOUR SELF -ESTIMATE YOU DETERMINE. You don't have to depend on someone diva who you are. Beyoncé.
  14. I am my own experiment. I am my own work of art. Madonna.
  15. Fall in love with oneself is the first secret of happiness.
  16. The same light you see in others also shines within you.
  17. Find out who you are and do it on purpose. Dolly Parton.
  18. You change the world being yourself. Yoko Ono.
  19. Treat yourself as what you love most.
  20. Keep registering you. You're growing up.
  21. The things that make me different are the things that make me special.
  22. Beauty comes from a well -lived life.
  23. Accept the glorious disaster you are.

Self -love phrases in psychology

Exploring the link between mind and self -esteem, the phrases of self -este in psychology reveal the key to cultivate a solid relationship with ourselves. Discover wisdom behind these inspiring phrases that nourish our self -control and empower us on the way to authenticity and emotional fullness:

  1. Loving oneself is the beginning of a lifetime romance. Oscar Wilde.
  2. Who looks outside, dreams; Who looks inside, wakes up. Carl Gustav Jung.
  3. Each of us is endowed in a unique and important way. It is our privilege and our adventure to discover our own special light. María Dunbar.
  4. Follow that will and that path that experience confirms you. Carl Gustav Jung.
  5. Being oneself in a world that is constantly trying to become something else is the greatest achievement. Ralph Waldo Emerson.
  6. The only person who can tear down I'm myself, and I'm not going to let myself be demolished. C. Joybell c.
  7. The deepest principle of human nature is the desire to be appreciated. William James.
  8. Yourself, as much as anyone in the entire universe, you deserve your love and affection. Buddha.
  9. It's not your job to love me .. ¡it's mine! Byron Katie.
  10. Loving yourself right now, as you are, is to give you the sky. Don't wait to die. If you wait, you die now. If you love, now you live. Alan Cohen.
  11. There is nothing noble in being superior to another man. The true nobility is superior to oneself. Hindu proverb.
  12. Love is the great miraculous cure. Loving ourselves work miracles in our lives. Louise l. There is.
  13. The worst loneliness is not feeling comfortable with yourself. Mark Twain.
  14. Love should not be considered blind, but self -esteem. Voltaire.
  15. Your task is not to seek love, but to find and find all the barriers within you that you have built against it. Rumi.
  16. If you always try to be normal, you will never know how incredible. Maya Angelou.
  17. I'm not what happened to me. I am what I decide to be. Carl Gustav Jung.
  18. All I know is that anyone who wants can improve their well -being. Carl Rogers.
  19. It is preferable dignified and conflict loneliness, that an incomplete relationship in which the lack sends. Walter Riso.
  20. You are just enough, you have nothing to show anyone. Dra. Maya Angelou
  21. Fall in love with oneself is the first secret of happiness. Robert Morely.
  22. The most terrifying thing is to accept oneself, completely. Carl Gustav Jung.
  23. Loving us is a fundamental part of emotional intelligence. Daniel Goleman.
  24. Who looks outside, dreams: who looks inside, wakes up. Carl Gustav Jung.
  25. ¡Today is you! ¡That is more true than true! ¡There is no one alive to be you, more than you! Shouted out loud: 'I'm lucky to be what I am. Dr. Seuss.

Motivating phrases of self -love

In this section you will discover how self -love phrases awaken inner strength and nourish our mental health. From self -pity to empowerment, these powerful quotes guide a path of authenticity, resilience and unconditional love Towards ourselves. Get ready to explore the depths of your being and embrace the beauty of your own psychological growth:

  1. There is no limit or barrier in the heart of a person who loves herself and others. Shannon l. Alder.
  2. Self -love is the elixir of an immortal heart.
  3. If you do not love yourself, you will not be happy with yourself.
  4. If you can't love yourself, you can't love anyone else. KEMI Sogunle.
  5. Let yourself enjoy every happy moment in your life. Steve Maraboli.
  6. Be careful what you are thinking of yourself ... because your subconscious is listening to you.
  7. Fall in love with you more and more.
  8. There is only one love forever: self -love.
  9. Every second thinks how wonderful you are.
  10. Dream big, and celebrate your life every day.
  11. Do not see what you did not do, fight for what you will become.
  12. What you can't change is what will change you.
  13. You are always with yourself, so you better enjoy the company.
  14. I breathed deeply and heard the old boast of my heart. I am, I am. Sylvia Path.
  15. Do not feel alone, the whole universe is inside you. Stop acting so small. You are the universe in ecstatic motion. Light your life. Rumi.
  16. The right mental attitude will guide you to feel a sense of love that you deserve to experience.
  17. If people doubt how far you can go, see so far that you can no longer hear them.
  18. Unconditional self -love is all that really matters in life. Is where real life begins.
  19. Self -love is necessary for a functional and successful life.
  20. I am constantly surprised by the ease with which we love ourselves above others, but we put more value in the opinions of others than in our own estimate of ourselves. ¡How much credibility we give to the opinions that our peers have of us and how little to ours! Marco Aurelio.
  21. Dite a thousand times how wonderful you are, how big you are. Give yourself how much you love yourself.
  22. Healthy self -love means being gentle with the soul within you. Loving yourself is the purest, most brave. Anyone in the entire world can experience self -esteem. Just do the simple acts of love for yourself, and then your authentic me begins.
  23. Love yourself so much that when someone deals badly, you recognize it.

Self -love phrases

For many, books are an inexhaustible source of inspiration and wisdom. Now, we will present a selection of phrases of self -love books that we have extracted from various literary works. These words intend Illuminate your path to personal acceptance And the self -esteem, to find a light at the end of the tunnel.

  1. Background to play became the solid base on which I rebuilt my life. JK Rowling.
  2. Others only love and respect those who love themselves. Paulo Coelho.
  3. You are always with yourself, so you better enjoy the company.
  4. When you say 'yes' others, make sure you don't tell yourself' yourself. - Paulo Coelho.
  5. Learning to love yourself is the first step for a full and happy life. Louise there
  6. You are enough as you are, and you deserve unconditional respect and respect. Brené Brown.
  7. Self -love is not selfish, it is a basic need for a balanced and healthy life. Shakti Gawain.
  8. Do not look out of yourself the validation and love you need; Find them inside you. Don Miguel Ruiz.
  9. Loving who you are is a revolutionary act in a world that constantly tries to make you believe otherwise. Kamal Ravikant.
  10. Self -love is the fuel that allows you to shine with all your splendor. Oprah Winfrey.
  11. When you accept yourself as you are, the world also accepts you. Eckhart Tolle
  12. Take care of yourself as careful of someone you love unconditionally. Vironika Tugaleva.
  13. Own love is not arrogance, it is genuine love for yourself, with all your strengths and weaknesses. Jessica Ortner.
  14. Self -esteem is the best gift you can give yourself, and also others. Rupaul.
  15. Love. Do not worry about the opinions of others. If you really need and want to reject any offer or obligation, say it. Brian Weiss.
  16. I love you, but I love me more. New York novel, New York.
  17. Promise me that you will always love yourself as I love you. Isabel Allende.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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