Famous phrases and aphorisms that reveal and inspire

Famous phrases and aphorisms that reveal and inspire

Many people motivate to read and listen phrases or sentences that make them feel identified, expressions of feelings, emotions, behaviors and even circumstances on which to achieve a better understanding of what happens to them, in addition to helping them improve their lives in some way thanks to them. Then we show you Famous phrases and aphorisms that help make rapid discoveries and that constitute revelations about the realities seen in a certain way. Brings the individual closer to a more aware vision of their vital problems or difficulties.

Aphorisms that reveal and inspire

The luck favors only the prepared mind. Isaac Asimov.

Let's not do what we want; Instead, let's be responsible for who we are. J. P. Sartre.

Nothing creates self -esteem and self -confidence as the creation of oneself. T. Carlyle.

It can only be entrusted with the disappointed, because only not waiting for anything from others leads to venture and believe that, if things depend on ourselves, they could go well.

What a man thinks of himself generally determines or, rather, indicates his destiny. H. D. Thoreau.

Plant your own garden and decorate your own soul before waiting for someone to bring you flowers. Virginia. TO. Shoffstall.

When you listen to an inner voice telling you that you cannot paint, paint as much as you can, and you will see how it will shut up. Vincent van Gogh.

According to some revealing aeronautical technique tests, the bumblebee cannot fly due to the shape and weight of his body in relation to the surface of his wings. But the bumblebeing does not know and that's why he continues to fly. Yo. Sikorski.

Life is like a mirror: if I smile, the mirror returns my smile. M. Gandhi.

Value is not the absence of fear, rather it is the opinion that there is something else that is much more important than fear. TO. Redmoon.

Every failure teaches a man something he needed to learn. Charles Dickens.

The attitude determines the choice, and the choice determines the results. J. Rohn.

A human being is controlled by the environment and in turn controls the environment that influences him and others. J. Elster.

Great rule: do not judge men for their opinions, but for what these opinions make of them. G. Lichtenberg.

If freedom is, as has been said, just a sensation, what is the difference between being and believing? It can be free within the prisons themselves. AND. M. CIORAN.

Man is the measure of all things: those that are as they are, and of those that are not, as they are not. Protágoras.

Everything that is believed exists, and only this. H. von Hofmannsthal.

Imagination is a quality that has been granted to man to compensate for what he is not, while the sense of humor has been given to comfort him for what he is. EITHER. Wilde.

We know what we are, but we ignore what we can be. W. Shakespeare.

A good lie is better than a bad truth.

Leave one to be young when he does not choose his enemies, when he is happy with what he has at hand. AND. M. CIORAN.

What we do not manage to forgive the other are our mistakes and our resignations.

Who has never desired and seen closely awkwardness and evil, cannot be considered so much and honest, because in reality he has never had anything against what his domain of himself demonstrates. Antifonte.

Suffering is the only cause of consciousness. F. Dostoevski.

A man is rich in proportion to the number of things to which he can afford.

The greatest wisdom that exists is to know oneself. Galileo Galilei.

The highest summits, by nature, attract rays.

The only "authentic" danger for humanity is the stupidity of human beings. As the true stupids believe they are intelligent, they impose their stupidity on others, as if this were a gift.

There is nothing new under this sky, but what has been forgotten. G. Santayana.

Human beings are so predictable, that they are very disappointing, something that can only disgust who observes them with disappointed eyes. Luckily, there are rare exceptions for which it is worth living.

The pessimistic is nothing more than a disappointed illusory.

Hate is the ghost of desire.

If you want to know the nature of someone, you should provide full well -being so that you feel free to express yourself as you think. In fact, they are the people who are best treating the worst wounds and disappointments.

The most hidden secrets are the evidence: or we do not want to see because they are uncomfortable, or we are too attracted to complications.

The innocents who come after the culprits usually pay the faults in their place: this is a painful law of love relationships.

The moment you stop to think whether or not you love a person, you already have the answer.

Man is the only animal that blushes, or who needs to do it. M. Twain.

Human beings are capable of self -deception sublime: they transform their own faults into other people's faults. Memory and feelings of guilt voluntarily yield to the present sensations.

The human being is so corruptible that even the most virtuous person can in certain circumstances commit the most despicable acts, not because he looks obliged, as many affirm to justify themselves, but simply because he is impelled by the drunkenness of pleasure.

Loving really consists of longing and getting more and more, and precisely this passion desire is the one that makes us constantly feel that we lack something.

Love relationships are nothing more than the vertigo of selfishness.

Who does not love too much does not love enough.

Pleasure gives what wisdom promises. Voltaire.

We get tired of thinking, and even acting, but never loving. TO. Compte.

The only form of innocence that has been granted to us is the feeling of guilt.

The only constant in life is change. Buddha.

Water beats everything because it adapts to everything. Lao Tse.

Not even the best know much about what man should be; about what it is, you can learn something from each person. G. Lichtenberg.

The opposite elements agree and what the most beautiful harmony derives. Heraclitus.

Only who is fragile becomes rigid.

Thanks to a small disorder, order can be maintained.

There can be no calm in love, because what has been achieved is just a new starting point to desire more. M. Proust.

Any psychological end feeds its opposite within itself. C. J. Jung.

Each of us lives from self -deception, what makes the difference is whether or not they get us happy. Art is in reorienting self -deception themselves towards the perception of what we like.

By placing ourselves at one end, we tense and carry the propensity that will lead us to the opposite end: thus, when we stand at the negative end, we are dragged almost against our will to the other extreme. Lao Tse.

Doubt is the trampoline of creative thought, but at the same time the dock of obsessive thought. In the first case, the doubt is risen and directed, and that is why it leads to the discovery of our territories of thought: in the second, the doubt is fought and repressed, and that is why it becomes the persecutor of thought.

The psychologist thinks that two plus two are five, and is totally satisfied with it; The neurotic thinks that two plus two are four and is very worried about it.

There are as many fears as possible invent.

Reason and emotion do not always agree, they often collide with each other. The most important thing is not undervalued that reason usually succumbs to emotion.

The mind is creative of fear; And when it analyzes fear, looking for its causes to get rid of it, the mind only isolate itself, thus increasing fear. J. Krishnamrti.

The advantage of bad memory is that on many occasions it rejoices the same things as if it were the first time. F. Nietzsche.

For the obsessed there is no choice: obsession has already chosen for them, before them. AND. M. CIORAN.

The irrationality of a passion always expires about the rationality of an explanation.

The instrument itself is never good or bad; It is the use that we make of him what makes him one thing or the other.

It is not possible not to communicate. P. Watzlawick.

A speech that has persuaded a mind forces the mind to which it has persuaded to believe in the sayings and to consent to the facts. Gorgias.

The wise man's questions already contain half of the answers. R. W. Emerson.

Know what to do does not mean knowing how.

The insane person is one that, based on incorrect principles, reason and acts correctly, although the consequences will be wrong. P. Pinel.

In the future there is a hidden harmony that reconciles the contrasts we perceive. Heraclitus.

It is impossible to know men without knowing the strength of words. S. Freud.

It is acting. J. L. Austin.

There are no moral phenomena, but only a moral explanation of phenomena. F. Nietzsche.

Psychotherapy consists in building invented realities that produce specific effects.

Reality is nothing more than the language we use to communicate it and communicate it.

Genius is nothing more than the ability to perceive reality from unusual perspectives. W. James.

In anything it starts with the simple, then the complicated comes and in the end it turns to the simple thanks to the contribution of superior minds. Voltaire.

The amazing exists to the extent that there are premises and links that have been inexplicably violated. B. Pascal.

To observe the simplest but authentic relationships among things, very complex knowledge is needed. And it is not strange that only extraordinary men make those discoveries that then seem easy and simple. G. Lichtenberg.

What distinguishes truly original minds is not that they are the first to see something new, but that they are able to see how new what is old, known, seen and belittled by all. F. Nietzsche.

The truth of an idea is not a static property; This happens, becomes authentic, becomes such by events. W. James.

Every problem profane a mystery; In turn, every problem is desecrated by the solution. AND. M. CIORAN.

The strongest proof of a theory is its application. G. Lichtenberg.

We only know the principle of things according to what we put in them. Yo. Kant.

It is the solutions that lead to explanations and not explanations that lead to solutions.

Most problems do not derive from the answers we give ourselves, but from the questions we ask ourselves. Yo. Kant.

Things are actually simpler than you can think, but much more complicated than you can understand. J. W. Goethe.

Life is a game whose purpose is to discover its rules, rules that change continuously and that can never be discovered definitively. G. Bateson.

We have no way to apprehend the outside world if it is not through the senses, of which we can receive always misleading images; But although we saw the world in a correct way, we would have no way of knowing it. AND. von Glasersfeld.

There is nothing in the intellect that has not been before in the senses. Saint Thomas of Aquino.

People believe that it is true what they want to believe as such. Julius Caesar.

Things do not happen by what they are, but for what they seem. B. Gracian.

Any of our knowledge begins in feelings. Leonardo da Vinci.

It is our theories that condition our observations. TO. Einstein.

The truth is the attribute of anything that is demonstrated valid to the extent that we create it. W. James.

It is easy to make things complicated, but difficult to make them simple. F. Nietzsche.

At the end of the trip we are at the starting point. T. S. Elliot.

Celebres Psychology phrases