Famous phrases about war

Famous phrases about war

War, As a word, it comes from Gothic, the language of the Visigoths. Language they quickly abandoned by conquering Hispania in 409-411. In any case, curiosities apart, defines that violent action by one State against another, in which it seeks to impose itself through weapons. The causes of war are almost always economic, although there may be other reasons (political, ideological, ethnic ...). Throughout history there have been thinkers both in favor and against the same. Let's expose your thinking:

Famous phrases about war

I am not afraid of an army of lions guided by sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep guided by a lion. - Alexander the Great

The supreme art of war is to submit the enemy without fighting. - Sun Tzu

He leaves the war, peace; of peace, abundance; of abundance, leisure; of leisure, vice; of vice, war. - Francisco de Quevedo

You should not fight too much with an enemy or you will teach you your art of war. - Napoleon Bonaparte

Even if we get rid of the destruction of war, our lives will have to change if we want to save our lives from self -destruction. - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

War is the art of destroying men, politics is the art of deceiving them. - Elea Parmenides

In La Paz, children bury parents; The war alters the order of nature and makes parents bury their children. - Herodotus

The true soldier does not fight because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him. - G.K. Chesterton.

The absurd and monstrous about war is that men who do not have personal conflicts are trained to kill others in cold blood. - Aldous Huxley

War is not an independent phenomenon, but the continuation of politics by different means. - Carl von Clausewitz

Life is hard, if it must be great. He only admits choice between victory and defeat, not between war and peace. - Oswald Spengler

Do you say that a good cause even justifies the war? I answer: a good war justifies any cause. - Friedrich Nietzsche

The fatigue war, but does not exhaust; It is a natural function of the human organism for which this is prevented. - José Ortega y Gasset

A war never leaves a nation in the same place where it was. - Edmund Burke

There is no long enough flag to cover the shame of killing innocent people. - Howard Zinn

And when the whole world is overpopulated by inhabitants, the last resort will be war, which will come to remedy for each man, or with victory, or with death. - Thomas Hobbes

All communists have to understand this truth: power is born from the rifle. - Mao Tse Tung

I don't know what weapons will fight in World War. - Albert Einstein

Well, world peace - which has existed many times - means the private resignation of the vast majority to war; Therefore, this majority, even if it does not declare it, is willing to be the loot of others, of those who do not give up. It begins with the desire - military for the states - of a universal reconciliation and ends by not moving anyone's finger when the misfortune falls on the neighbor. - Oswald Spengler

In war, life is enhanced by death, sometimes even reaching that invincible force that is already the victory alone. - Oswald Spengler

To French idealisms without meaning: freedom, equality and fraternity, we oppose the three German realities: infantry, cavalry and artillery. - Bernhard von Bülow

If you all fight for their own convictions, there would be no wars. - Leo Tolstay

The best form of defense is the attack. - Carl von Clausewitz

There is only one decisive victory: the last. - Carl von Clausewitz

Blood is the price of victory. - Carl von Clausewitz

Peace cannot be maintained by force. Can only be achieved by understanding. - Albert Einstein

All forms of violence, especially war, are totally unacceptable as means to solve disputes between nations, groups and people. - Dalai Lama