Famous phrases about heroism

Famous phrases about heroism

According to Pedro María de Olive (1891), in his dictionary of synonyms of the Castilian language, the heroism It is the method, the rule, the march, the own way of thinking, of feeling, of acting that the heroes have.

Heroicity is the quality, virtue, hero's own character, that is, the greatness of soul, generosity, the sublimity inspired by high thoughts; produces the beautiful feelings, executes higher actions worthy of admiration and respect.

The idea we have of heroism, the complete the heroicity. What he heroism Teach, advises, demands, heroicity executes it. Heroism is the general measure of personal heroicity. He heroism It indicates the degree of greatness of the soul to which the heroes rise; Heroicity is precisely this greatness of the soul, which constitutes the hero, and that he puts into action.

Famous phrases about heroism

True heroism is to transform desires into realities and ideas into facts.

Only in adverse fortune are the great lessons of heroism.

Just a moment to make a hero and an entire life to do a good man.

Misfortune, isolation, abandonment and poverty are battlefields that their heroes have.

I think a hero is the one who understands the responsibility that his freedom entails.

He was one of those beings born for the greatness of a single love, for exaggerated hatred, for apocalyptic revenge and for the most sublime heroism.

Unfortunate the country that needs heroes.

Teach me a hero and I will write a tragedy.

True heroism is to transform desires into realities and ideas into facts.

After all, a hero is someone who wanted to discuss with the gods, and thus weakens demons to combat his vision.

Suffering, love, sacrifice, heroism, generosity, cruelty, greed, are universal, positive or negative values, although they present themselves in men and women whose lives do not transfer the boundaries of the local; They are universal in the inhabitant of the big cities, in that of the American jungle or in that of the Esquimales Iglús.

Let's learn to wait without hope; It is the secret of heroism.

The man who in a humble sphere does what he can, works more heroically than the one who, in another higher, omits a noble action that was in his hand.

When the man does some heroic event or some strange virtue and feat, then he is born again and charges other better parents.

A hero is in all ways and ways, and above all, in the heart and in the soul.

Temerity changes their name when you get success. Then his name is heroism.

There is no hero in solitude; Sublime acts are always determined by the enthusiasm of many.

In many cases we find noble and heroic mobiles for acts that we have committed without knowing or unintentionally.

History has taught me that only heroic acts appear in defeats and disasters.

The cult of heroism exists, has existed and will exist forever in the conscience of humanity.

Heroism can save a people in difficult circumstances; But what makes it great is the daily accumulation of small virtues.

A happy life is impossible. The supreme purpose to which a man should aspire is a heroic career.

Heroism can save a people in difficult circumstances; more what makes it great is the daily accumulation of small virtues.

In many cases we find noble and heroic mobiles for acts that we have committed without knowing or unintentionally.

When fear is overcome and success is achieved, then you can talk about heroism.

Encourage the spirit with great thoughts. Faith in heroism makes the heroes.

It turns out that they are more afraid than us. So is that just, and nothing more than that, to what is described as heroism? Did I do it for the homeland? And what is that man with his blue eyes and his hole in his chin? How fear I had! He believed he was going to kill him! Why was I going to kill him? The hand shook me. And they have given me the cross of San Jorge! I don't understand anything, nothing.

When an idea is defended with life, the idea takes the form of the gesture that defends it and heroism and art are confused in the same thing. Strange beings, heroes and artists. They were born practically at the same time.

The epic or heroism consists of being there, trying.