Famous phrases of Joseph Campbell

Famous phrases of Joseph Campbell

Joseph Campbell (1904-1987) was a prolific American mythologist and writer. Influenced by Freud's, Jung, Joyce or Mann ideas, and attracted by American and Native American mythological sources, he knew how to create his own anthropological and psychological model: myth analysis.

Joseph Campbell's best known works are:

  • The masks of God
  • Hero of the Thousand Faces
  • Historical Atlas of World Mythology
  • The power of myth

Famous phrases of Joseph Campbell

We are so busy doing things to achieve ends with external values ​​that we forget that the internal value, the ecstasy that is associated with life, is the only thing that matters.

Myths are metaphors of the spiritual potential of the human being, and the same powers that encourage our life encourage the life of the world.

Pursue your happiness and do not be afraid, and the doors will open where you least suspect it.

Our work is to straighten our own lives.

Life follows from one generation to another, to be born again.

The Freudian unconscious is a personal, biographical unconscious. Jungian archetypes of the unconscious are biological.

Instead of cleaning his own heart, the fan tries to clean the world.

We have to be willing to put aside the planned life, to be able to have the life that awaits us.

Wars and cholera starts are the resources of ignorance; the regrets and illuminations that arrive too late.

The virtues of the past are the vices of the present. And much of what was believed to be the vices of the past are today's needs. The moral order has to be in tune with the moral needs of real life in time, here and now.

As soon as the poetry of myth is interpreted as biography, history or science, dies.

Life is meaningless. You make the meaning.

To the extent that love expresses itself, it is not expressed according to the approved ways of life. That is why it is so secret. Love has nothing to do with social order.

The universe is a cluster of atomic boilers exploiting, like our sun.

The warrior's position is to say "yes" to life; "Yes to everything.

Hell is life drying. To the treasurer, who wants to stay in us, cling, we must kill him.

The hero is sacrificed for something ... there is the morality of the matter.

More phrases by Joseph Campbell

Eternity is not a time that will come after. Eternity is not even a very long time. Eternity has nothing to do with time. Eternity is that dimension of here and now that interrupts all thought in temporary terms.

If we are clinging to the form, now, we will not have the next form.

Each one follows a path, we each live our own adventure finding all kinds of challenges, and the decisions we make make us what we are. Those decisions will put us to the test and lead us to the limit. In the end, they will make us stronger than we never imagine.

Not all who they hesitate are lost. The psyche has many secrets in reserve. And they are not discovered unless necessary.

Throughout the inhabited world, at all times and in all circumstances, man's myths have flourished.

You yourself are part of evil, or you would not be alive. Every thing you do is bad for someone. This is one of the ironies of creation.

The divine lives in you.

The goal of the hero's journey to the gema point is to find those psychic levels that open, and open, and open ... and the ultimate opening to the mystery of your being is the consciousness of Buddha or the Christ.

Beyond the world of opposites there is an invisible, but experienced, unity and identity in all of us.

A God is a personification of a motivating force or a system of values ​​that works in human life and in the universe: the powers of your own body and nature.

The only way to find out something about your happiness is to put your mind at the time you feel happier, when you are really happy; not excited, not only excited, but deeply happy. This requires some self -analysis. What makes you happy? Take it, no matter what people say. That is what I call "follow the path of your heart".