Celebres phrases of Virginia Satir

Celebres phrases of Virginia Satir

Virginia Satir (1916-1988) was an American psychotherapist and writer who specialized in the family therapy approach. He won a lot of prestige thanks to his successes as a therapist, which attracted the attention of the scientific community. He wrote worship as family therapy step by step and in intimate contact: how to relate to oneself.

Virginia Satir was especially skilled in the analysis of nonverbal behavior And how to get to the deep knowledge of people through, rather than their words, their behavior and microexpressions.

Celebres phrases of Virginia Satir

Life is not what is supposed to be. It is what it is. The way to deal with her is what makes the difference.

What remains since the individual's individual, unsolved or incomplete, often becomes part of it or its irrational parenting.

Every word, facial expression, gestures, or action by a father gives the child a certain message about self -esteem. It is sad that many parents do not realize what the messages they are sending.

I want to be able to love you without clinging, appreciating you without judging you, finding you without overwhelming you, inviting you without insistence, leaving you without guilt, criticizing you without censoring, helping you without diminishing you. If you want to grant me the same, then we can really gather and help us grow each other.

The feelings of worth only flourish in an environment where individual differences are appreciated, errors are tolerated, communication is open and the rules are flexible - the environment class found in an appropriate family environment.

The parents are asked so much, and so little occurs.

Teenagers are not monsters. They are the people who try to learn how to do that among adults in the world, who are probably not so sure of themselves.

The feelings of grief can only bloom in an environment where individual differences are appreciated, errors are tolerated, communication is open, and the rules are flexible - the type of atmosphere that is found in a family of parenting.

I think the best gift I can conceive of others is to be seen by them, heard by them, understood and touched by them.

The problems are not the problem; Facing them is the problem.

No one can convince another who changes. Each of us custody a door of change that can only be opened from the inside.

There is always hope and opportunity to change because there is always an opportunity to learn.

Do not let the limited perceptions of people define you.

More phrases from Virginia Satir

We need 4 hugs a day to survive. We need 8 hugs a day to keep us. We need 12 hugs a day to grow.

We can learn something new every time we believe we can.

When a person loves himself he will not hurt or devalue or humiliate or destroy others or herself. If the person feels good about himself, he will face life from dignity, sincerity, strength, love and reality.

Every individual aspires to survival, growth and communication with others.

The behaviors considered "sick" or "crazy" are help requests.

Human beings are limited by their knowledge of themselves and their ability to relate. This assumes that the "sick" person can learn about themselves and modify their way of relating to others growing towards a more harmonious state.

We must not allow other people's limited perceptions to define us.

I own my fantasies, my dreams, my hopes, my fears.

I have all my triumphs and successes, all my failures and errors.

I am me. In the whole world there is no one like me.

Words are empty, unless they create images in your mind.

I have the tools to survive, be close to others, be creative and understand the world of people and things outside me.

The difference is an inevitable consequence of human life and we must learn to accept it as a gift, not as a call to war.

It is not the situation that determines our behavior, is our perception of the situation.

The best gift

That the best gift
That I can
Of someone
That see me
Let me listen to me
Understand me
That touches me

The best gift
What can I give
See, listen, understand
And touch another person.
When this has been done
I feel that contact has been established

(Virginia Satir)

My goals

I want to love you without absorbing you,
appreciate without judging you,
join you without enslaving you,
Invite you without demanding,
Criticize without hurting you
and help you without belittling you.

If you can do the same for me,
Then we will have met truly
And we can enrich each other
(Virginia Satir)