Celebres phrases of Tito Livio

Celebres phrases of Tito Livio

Tito Livio He was a famous and neat Roman historian, whose summit work was the story of Rome, in 152 volumes, from its foundation to Nero. Tito Livio He was born in 59 to.C. And he died when Jesus Christ was only 17 years old. Had a fundamental influence on Europe during antiquity and the Middle Ages.

Celebres phrases of Tito Livio

Obviously, what has already happened, can regret, but not to rebuild.

Any effort is light with habit.

We only feel public evils when they affect our particular interests.

We cannot bear our vices or their remedies.

Leisure in abundance is disorderly reason.

When the situation is adverse and hopeful hope, drastic determinations are the safest.

The need is the last weapon and the most terrible.

No favor produces less permanent gratitude than the gift of freedom, especially among those peoples who are willing to misuse it.

The sun has not yet been.

Fear is always willing to see the worse things of what they are.

Do not give the happiness of many years for the risk of one hour.

It remains armed and alert, so that your opportunity does not pass, nor do you offer it to your adversary.

In a free people the empire of the law is more powerful than that of men.

It almost always happens that the main part expires the best.

There is nothing that men do not undertake, if those who undertake large companies are proposed.

Better and safer is a certain peace, than an expected victory. One is in your hands; The other, in the gods.

For a good general, death does not matter.

In war more than in any other case, events do not correspond to hope.

Good do not stop doing the ungrateful.

For the facts, not for words, friends have to appreciate.

No law can content everyone.

Men are more sensitive to pain than pleasures.

Let's forget what already happened, because it can regret, but not to remolate.

Work and pleasure, two essentially different things, are closely linked by a natural bond.

Nothing is nailing deeper than the loss of money.

The war is fair for those who are necessary, and the weapons of those who are no other hope are sacred.

For a good general, death does not matter.

The favor of the vulgar always raises his defenders in an abrupt place, with a chasm at his feet; And at the most critical moment he abandons them.

The law is deaf and inexorable, unable to soften or benignity.

Hypocrisy, when acquiring, certain credit in small matters, the opportunity to deceive in the greatest.

Greed and luxury have been the ruin of every great state.