Sun Tzu's famous phrases The art of war

Sun Tzu's famous phrases The art of war

Sun Tzu (544 a. C. - 495 a. C.) was a Chinese military and philosopher who revolutionized the concept of war, as well as the way of doing it. He lived and died during the so -called combatant kingdoms.

Sun Tzu He put himself at the service of the king of Wu, a very small kingdom fenced and threatened by powerful enemies that threatened to annihilate him. However, this brilliant strategist managed to overcome all its rivals, superior in number and weapons, through a series of novel ideas and concepts about the way of carrying out the war.

Sun Tzu famous phrases: The art of war

When the orders are reasonable, fair, simple, clear and consistent, there is a reciprocal satisfaction between the leader and the group.

War is of vital importance for the State; It is the domain of life or death, the path to survival or extinction: it is forced to handle it well.

The art of war is based on deception.

The supreme art of war is to submit the enemy without fighting.

If you know others and you know yourself, or in a hundred battles you will be in danger; If you don't know others, but you know yourself, you will lose a battle and win another; If you don't know others or know yourself, you'll be in danger in each battle.

The psychology of the soldiers consists of resisting when they are surrounded, fighting when it cannot be avoided, and obey in extreme cases.

The victorious warriors first win and then go to war, while the defeated warriors go to war and then seek.

Appears inferiority and stimulates the enemy's arrogance.

Weapons are fatal instruments that should only be used when there is no other alternative.

When you are close, it must be far away, when you are far away, you must seem close. They are bait to incite the enemy. Disorder is pretended and crushes.

The worst tactic is to attack a city. Besiege, cornering a city is only carried out as the last resort.

If you cannot be strong, and yet you cannot be weak, that will result in your defeat.

Hit the enemy when he is messy. Prepare against him when he is sure everywhere. Avoid during a time when it is stronger.

It is never beneficial for a country to let a military operation last for a long time.

Formerly, the expert warriors made themselves invincible in the first place, and then awaited to discover the vulnerability of their adversaries.

Force is the accumulated energy or the one that is perceived.

Use order to face disorder, use calm to face those who agitated, this is to dominate the heart.

A government should not mobilize an army by anger, and military chiefs should not cause war for anger.

If you use the enemy to defeat the enemy, you will be powerful anywhere where you go.

Espionage is essential for military operations, and armies depend on it to carry out their actions.

A wise general takes care of the enemy.

Do not press a desperate enemy. An exhausted animal will continue to fight, because that is the law of nature.

If the enemy sees an advantage, but does not take advantage of it, it is tired.

If enemy emissaries pronounce humble words while it increases their war preparations, this means that it will move forward.

If troops fall into mortal terrain, everyone will fight spontaneously. This is why it is said: "It places the troops in a mortal terrain and will survive".

Place your troops at a point that has no way out, so they have to die before they can escape. Because, given the possibility of death, what will not be willing to do? The warriors then give the best of their forces. When they are faced with serious danger, they lose their fear. When there is no place where to go, they remain firm; When they are totally involved in a field, they cling to it. If they have no choice, they will fight until the end.

If the laws of war do not indicate a safe victory, it is adequate not to enter battle, although the government has given the order to attack.

Advance and retire against government orders is not done for personal interest, but to safeguard the lives of the population and in the authentic benefit of the government.