Robert Sternberg's famous phrases

Robert Sternberg's famous phrases

Robert Sternberg He was born in 1949, in the US and is currently rector of the Oklahoma State University. Previously, he had been a professor at Yale, Dean at the University of TUFTS and former president of the American Psychological Associaton (APA). Robert Sternberg is a well -known and renowned cognitive psychologist. His research deals with intelligence and creativity. In addition, he is quite famous for his theory of love: Sternberg's famous triangle.

Robert Sternberg's famous phrases

There are three basic components that make up love relationships: intimacy, passion and commitment.

There is no recipe to be a great teacher, that is what makes them unique.

Passion is the fastest to develop, and the fastest fades. Intimacy develops more slowly, and the commitment still gradually.

And if we don't have a test, what we can do is return to what this country has done before. We could use the social class and still do it, but in the 50s, was it, does the right name have and are your parents in privileged positions?

All the studies we do in my group are quantified.

In other words, if a teacher only teaches in one way, then the conclusion that children who cannot learn that way do not have the capacity, when, in fact, it may be that the teacher's teaching form is not particularly a good game to the way these children learn.

But what many psychologists have done it, probably because they did it well in a test themselves and everyone wants high self -esteem, is to create this small box and then do their research within it.

Well, first, we did a lot of studies in which practical intelligence is not correlated with G. We probably have two dozen studies that practical intelligence better predicts the success of work than the intellectual coefficient.

Love is like a story. A new theory about relationships.

Passion is the fastest to develop, and the fastest fades. Intimacy develops more slowly, and the commitment still gradually.

What you do in your daily life affects your love triangle. Do you listen to your partner? Are you looking to make the other happy every day? Do you pay attention to your needs? Be clear, you can improve or worsen your love triangle through your actions. Do not neglect them.

I investigate how people of diverse cultures think. I explode the nature of intelligence through cultures and also implicit theories of people in cultures. I describe intelligence research and its results. I conclude that you cannot understand the nature of intelligence and thought outside the context of culture.

Mental activity directed towards intentional adaptation, selection or transformation of real world environments relevant in life itself.

To select or form environments, the imagination that creates a vision of how that environment should be and how that idealized environment can come true is required.

Creativity and intelligence can be different processes and intelligence can come into operation in very different degrees according to the creative field in which we use ourselves. For example, a lot of intelligence may not be needed to be a creative artist, but to be a Nobel Physics Prize. It can also be added that creativity also appears in different degrees in the different fields of smart behavior.

According to the theory, three aspects of intelligence are key to creativity: synthetic, analytical and practical skills.