Famous Phil Jackson phrases

Famous Phil Jackson phrases

Phil Jackson (1945) was a former player and former NBA retired in 2011 who has gone down in the history of basketball, not only for his personal successes (2 titles as a player and 11 as a coach), but for his ability to direct teams, motivate and motivate get the best of people. He was the best coach, coach and leader who is remembered in recent years. Loved by his players, for fans and respected by the rest of the coaches. Definitely, Phil Jackson He has earned a small hole in history.

Famous Phil Jackson phrases

Wisdom is always a rival too powerful for force.

Love is the force that ignites the spirit and unites the teams.

Come to the game without any pre -established agenda and you will probably get surprised at your efforts in general.

Your problems never cease. They only change.

I discovered that, the more I tried to exercise power directly, the less powerful it was. I learned to soften my ego and distribute power as extensively that I could without giving up my authority. By paradoxical that seems, that approach strengthened my effectiveness because it freed me and allowed me to focus on my work as a team vision caregiver.

With the passage of time, I discovered that the more I spoke from my heart, the more players they heard and benefited from what I got.

I have given my body and mind but I have known how to keep my soul.

In my team I do not have the best individualities, I have the players who know best to play as a team.

Forming a team is not a social engineering problem, it is to appeal to the need of players to connect them with something bigger than they themselves. Creating a successful team requires that the individuals involved renounce their interests for the best convenience so that the totality adds more than all the parties, that is not easy in a society where the number one hobby is the exaltation of the ego.

Winning is important for me, but what causes me real happiness is the experience of being totally committed to everything I do. I am unhappy when my mind begins to wander, both during the triumphs and in the defeats. Sometimes a well-formed defeat will make me feel better than a victory in which the team was not specially connected.

The most important part of the profession lies on the training track, not in the party. You reach a certain point where you have to trust the players to translate to action what they have learned.

More phrases by Phil Jackson

Basketball is a great mystery. You can do everything right, to have the perfect mixture of talents with the best offensive system in the world, develop a defensive strategy proof of what is needed and prepare the players for all possible eventualities, but if the players lack the feeling of unity As a group, your efforts are in vain. In addition, the link that unites a team can be very fragile and elusive. The unit is not something that works by pressing a switch. You have to create the right environment to prosper and nourish it carefully day after day.

My job as a coach is to give meaning to one of the most routine activities in the world: play professional basketball.

My philosophy is not to motivate players with speeches, but motivate them with a good project. This is how they learn to be competitive, because competitiveness is not something that can be taught.

The best way to win a championship is step by step. Find out why the player feels curious and seeks how to be able to offer it.

The victory is sweet, but it does not make life easier next season or even the next day.

Always keep an open mind and a compassionate heart.

I think the most important thing about coaching is that you have to have a sense of confidence in what you are doing.

Maintaining motivation and enthusiasm in your team is a hard task, which requires constancy and continuous dose of energy. But it is an effort that you cannot abandon at any time.