Celebres from Pericles

Celebres from Pericles

Pericles was a Greek politic. From his youth, Pericles received much more advanced training for what was common among the aristocrats of the time. In this sense, one of his most important teachers was Damón; who taught him music, humanism, love of beauty, values, philosophy and politics.

Using the knowledge learned from his young age, Pericles manages to enter Greece's political sphere as a Democrat. During his term, he directed numerous military campaigns, obtaining nine trophies in commemoration of his multiple victories. On the other hand, His political orientation was based on helping the poorest Athenian citizens, oriented on many occasions by his teacher Damon, who inspired him to introduce several political measures.

In general, Pericles is remembered as an incorruptible man, whose ideals were based on democracy and enhancing the city of Athens. In addition, He was a dazzling speaker, who handled the art of rhetoric perfectly. According to various historians, he was endowed with singular clairvoyance, he knew what should be done at all times and did not faint in the face of difficulties. Taking into account the innumerable qualities of pericles, we can find multiple famous phrases that make us reflect on life.


  • Pericles phrases about happiness
  • Pericles phrases about wisdom
  • Pericles phrases about humility
  • Pericles phrases about politics
  • Phrases about courage and glory
  • References

Pericles phrases about happiness

For Pericles, Happiness is found in freedom, courage and the ability to learn from mistakes.

Sayings that are lost are bigger misfortunes.

Happiness is in freedom, and freedom in courage.

It does not go ahead celebrating successes, but overcoming failures.

Freedom is safe possession for those who have the courage to defend it.

Pericles phrases about wisdom

Pericles is described as a wise man, who used the power of rhetoric to express himself towards the masses. Therefore, not only did it take the time to have its reasoning, but it communicates it in the most eloquent way.

He who knows how to think, but does not know how to express what he thinks, is at the same level that he doesn't know how to think.

Time is the wisest advisor.

Instead of considering discussion as a stumbling block in the path of action, it is an indispensable preliminary for any wise action.

MANUEL AZAÑA famous phrases

Pericles phrases about humility

An important feature in Pericles's thought is the value it gives to humility. Thus, for many wealth that they have, it considers it necessary to have balance and respect for oneself and for others.

Our love for beautiful does not lead to extravagance; Our love for the affairs of the mind does not soften us. We consider wealth as something that should be used correctly, instead of something to boast.

The tomb of the heroes is the entire universe and is not in the columns recharged with lavish inscriptions.

We obey the laws, especially those that protect the oppressed and our goodness towards others does not come from utilitarian calculations ... but from our liberality.

Illustrious men have the whole earth by grave.

Not being able to endure poverty is a shame, and not knowing how to reject it through work is even more shameful.

What you leave behind is not what remains recorded in stone monuments, but what is interwoven in the lives of others.

Pericles phrases about politics

Pericles was a great believer of democracy, a regime in which the administration of the people is not in the hands of a few, but of the majority. In this sense, most of their phrases about politics are inspired by values ​​such as equality, freedom and tolerance. 

We are free and tolerant in our lives but in public affairs we stick to the law.

A man who is not interested in politics is not a man who deals with his own affairs, he is a man who has no matter at all.

Although only a few are able to cause a policy, we are all able to judge it.

Our Constitution does not copy the laws of neighboring states; We are rather a model for others.

The democratic state must be applied to serve the majority and seek all equality in front of the law, at the same time protect against selfishness and protect the individual against the arbitrariness of the State.

When it comes to fixing disputes, we are all the same before the law.

When the tyrants seem to kiss the time to shake.

Phrases about courage and glory

The bravest are, without a doubt, those who have the clearest vision of what awaits them, both glory and danger, and yet they meet him.

If Athens seems great, then consider that their glories were achieved by brave men, and by men who learned their duties.

Future generations will marvel at us, as the current era marks us now.

Famous phrases of Joseph Campbell


  • Domínguez, a., Gómez, J. (1999). Sparta and Athens in the 5th century.C. Madrid: Synthesis. Extracted from: http: // www.Alcoberro.info/ASSETS/NOU_PERICLES016_BIOGRAF%C3%ADA.PDF
  • Miguel de Cervantes University. Great thinkers of the history of humanity. Pericles. Great thinkers. Extracted from: https: // www.Umcervantes.CL/Big-thought-de-the-History-of-Humanity-Pericultures/