Michio Kaku famous phrases

Michio Kaku famous phrases

Michio Kaku (1947) is a well -known American theoretical physicist. It is one of the most famous researchers in the universe. In addition, participate regularly in shows and documentaries. Michio Kaku He is also known for being a futurologist, host of radio and writer programs best-seller.

Michio Kaku famous phrases

Already as a physical, I have learned that "impossible" is usually a relative term.

Some people seek meaning in life through personal benefit, through personal relationship or through personal experiences. However, it seems to me that being blessed with the intellect of guessing the final secrets of nature gives enough meaning to life.

We have learned more about the brain in the last fifteen years than throughout the previous human history, and the mind, once considered out of reach, is finally assuming the center of the stage.

It makes no sense to have a clean and orderly desktop ... well it means that you are not doing anything.

Some tips: keep the flame of curiosity and astonishment with life, even when studied for the most boring exams. That is the source of which we, scientists, get our food and energy. In addition, learn mathematics. Mathematics are the language of nature, so we have to learn this language.

If it is possible to travel in time, where are the tourists of the future?

If at first an idea is not completely absurd, there is no hope of achieving something from it.

The human brain has 100 billion neurons, each neuron connected to 10,000 neurons. Sitting on the shoulders, it is the most complex object in the known universe.

Many consummated scientists began to be interested in science thanks to science fiction. The great astronomer Edwin Hubble was fascinated by the works of Julio Verne. As a result of Verne's reading, Hubble left a promising lawyer and, against his father's wishes, began a career in science. Over time it became the greatest astronomer of the twentieth century.

Physicists are made of atoms. A physicist is an attempt at an atom of understanding himself.

For me a disappointment has been artificial intelligence. There are aspects in which we have advanced a lot, as in the development of machines with which we can communicate; But it is being much slower than I expected. Our robots still have no awareness or be able to think independently.

It is often affirmed that of all the theories proposed in this century, the most dumb is quantum theory. In fact, some say that the only thing that quantum theory has is that it is unquestionably correct.

If a Martian descended to the earth and observed television, he would conclude that the entire world society is based on characters such as Britney Spears and Paris Hilton. Then I would be surprised that our society has not yet collapsed.

On many occasions it has been ensured that something is impossible, but one or several decades later its viability has been demonstrated.

Internet will be integrated into your lenses: you will blink and be connected. What do you want to see a movie? Flash and you see it.

Visualizing future societies forces us to question our own society, looking through an advanced technologies lens that do not exist today.

I have concluded that we are in a world made by rules created by intelligence, not very different from its favorite computer game, of course, more complex and unthinkable.

There was no way to rule out that time trips could occur. Therefore, he now states that, although traveling in time is possible, it is not practical.

Although it may be difficult to believe, the fact is that there is no physical limit to the amount of gross energy that can accumulate in a beam of light. There is no law of physics that prevents the creation of a star of death or light sabers.