Celebres phrases from Marco Aurelio

Celebres phrases from Marco Aurelio

Marco Aurelio It was one of the best and most prestigious emperors of the Roman Empire. He was nicknamed the "philosopher" or "the sage". Not only had great cultural and intellectual skills, it also led the empire to its maximum territorial extension.

Marco Aurelio lived between 121 and 180 to. C and was one of the greatest exponents of stoicism, the philosophical doctrine that advocates the search for happiness and tranquility, regardless of wishes and burdensome actions that disturb life.

Celebres phrases from Marco Aurelio

The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts; Therefore, it acts as appropriate, and be careful not to entertain you in inappropriate notions for virtue and reasonable nature.

When you get up in the morning, think about the privilege of living: breathing, thinking, enjoying, loving.

Suffering mishaps is not suffering a misfortune; But enduring them with self -denial is a meritorious virtue.

Nowhere can man find a retirement as peaceful and quiet as in the intimacy of his soul.

All we hear is an opinion, not a fact. All we see is a perspective, it is not the truth.

The short time space that you have left to live do not waste it in thinking about the affairs of another, unless they are a good for society. You will not be able to take care of what another does, and why he does, what he says or thinks, of the intrigues that he plots or anything else like that, under penalty of missing any of your duties.

Accept the things to which fate ties you, and loves the people that fate brings you, but do it with all your heart.

You have power over your mind, not about events. Realize this, and you will find the force.

If it doesn't suit, don't do it; If it is not true, do not tell. Be the owner of your inclinations.

Proceed in all your acts, words and thoughts like the one that is prepared to abandon this life at any time.

As soon as the man who, spinning incessantly from one side, running everything, finding out to what is in the bowels of the earth inquiring the thoughts and secrets of his neighbor, has not warned that it was enough for his happiness to be attentive to the spirit that resides in him and consecrate a sincere cult.

Accepts death willingly, since it is part of the provisions of nature.

Remember this always: to live happily enough with very little.

The intelligence of the universe is social. Has made the lower ones for the benefit of the superiors, and the superiors to adapt to each other.

What is not good for swarm is not good for the bee.

Those can be called sum and true wealth, what possessed is despised, which only serves the remedy of needs, which communicates with the good ones and distributes with friends.

More phrases from Marco Aurelio

The art of living resembles the fight more than dance.

You embarked, you burned seas, you binged: it lands!

Time is like a river, formed by the facts, which acquires violent current. You barely warn one, when another occupies its place, to leave the passage that follows.

Death, like birth, is a mystery of nature, combination of certain elements (and dissolution) in themselves.

Look well inside you. There is the source of the good, never exhausted if you are delving it.

You have a little time to life. Live, then, as in a mountain, since it matters little to live here or there if you live in the world as in a city.

That men see and recognize in your person a man properly, that he lives according to nature. If they do not consent to work like this, to kill you. It is better to die than to live like them.

Wishes lead to permanent concern and disappointment, since everything desired by this world is miserable and corrupt.

If you discover in human life something better than justice, truth, prudence and courage ... address your attention with all your soul and take advantage of that supreme good if you have discovered it.

Do not allow your memory to get on the things you have, but of those that need.

A noble man compares and estimates himself for an idea that is superior to him.

I was sometimes lucky man, even if he was undergoing any circumstance. This is to be lucky, assign oneself your good fortune.

If you afflict for any external cause, it is not what you care, but the judgment you make of it. And deleting this judgment, it depends on you.

Adversity is not a misfortune, rather, suffering it with greatness of encouragement is a joy.

Do not despise death, but accept it for good pleasure, because it is part of what is established.

Incessantly conceives the world as a unique living being, which contains a single substance and a unique soul, and how everything refers to a single power to perceive, yours, and how everything does with only one impulse, and how everything is solidarity responsible for everything that happens, and what is the plot and contexture.