Famous phrases of Leopoldo Alas Clarín

Famous phrases of Leopoldo Alas Clarín

Leopoldo Alas Clarín He was a Spanish lawyer and writer who lived between 1852 and 1901. He was a literary university and critical professor. He is known for his work "The Regent".

Nevertheless, Leopoldo Alas Clarín, He was also a neat author of novels, essays and stories. A little known writer today, who is important to rescue and claim.

Famous phrases of Leopoldo Alas Clarín

I know loves that can be defined: a dream between two. One sleeps and another dreams.

Only virtue has powerful arguments against pessimism.

The lessons of the world are written in a language that nothing can be translated; The experience. The inexperienced knows them by heart, but he does not understand them.

The thoughts of men are worth more than their actions, and the good novels more than the human race. This may not be true; But it is beautiful and comforting.

Man has a reason that dictates the principles and laws of reality. But ignore if reality is satisfied with reason. It is like the clock, which points the time, but does not know what time it is.

Pride is a passion of the gods; But of the false gods.

Here the bad thrives, rises, blooms, drown the good, the accusation if it is left. What of irritating fames, of Hueros, foolish, vulgar writers have not had to fight as who turns off a fire, during these 20 years!

One of the greatest bitterness of the critic is to have to be often of the envious.

More than Spain, I love the world, and more than my time, to the whole story of this poor, interesting humanity, which comes from darkness and strives, tireless, to reach light.

Faith is to believe what we did not see. Alright. But many add: as if we had seen it. This is the error of faith.

The one who tolerates life, left a suicide written, is the one who misuses his interests and does not carry the account of his must and have. The one who kills a balance and declared frankly bankrupt.

It is so bad in the human spirit, that this contradiction fits: envy and contempt.

In the Friendship Federations there is usually a tacit pact: that of the equality of ingenuity and fortune. He who shines more, the one who goes up more, is out of the pact; War is declared.

But it didn't matter: she was dying. He was twenty -seven years old, youth fled; Twenty -seven years of woman were the door of old age, what was already calling ... and had not enjoyed once those delights of love that everyone speaks, which are the issue of comedies, novels and even of history. Love is the only thing worth living, she had heard and read many times. But what love? Where was that love? She didn't know him.

Starting to live by trying the applause of people, is not giving fool tests. Foolishness is insisting.

The desire to distinguish itself, that the most vulgar men censor, it can be the conservation instinct of good sense.

The heroic city napped. The southern, hot and lazy wind pushed the whitish clouds that were torn when running north. In the streets there was no more noise than the strident rumor of dust swirls, rags, straws and papers, which went from Arroyo in Arroyo, sidewalk on the sidewalk, corner corner, revoking and chasing themselves, as butterflies that are sought and They flee and the air wraps in its invisible folds ..

In the philosophy of love, positivism is right: only facts are known.

I learned from them (Salmerón and Giner) to respect convictions, and the greatest outrage that made me, perhaps without knowing it, the Count of Toreno, by denying me a chair that was mine, was the implicit suspicion that I was a free thinker Like the apothecary Homais of Flaubert, capable of stoning and tear with the heresies that occur to me, the fanal in which my disciples would keep their faith.